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Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Fire Pension Scheme Board - Friday, 28th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 28, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Fire Pension Scheme Board meeting on 28 June 2024 focused on the election of a new Chair, performance data updates, and current issues affecting the pension scheme. William Dykevich was elected as the new Chair for the employee representatives, although he was absent from the meeting. Mark Baxter was elected as the Chair for this meeting only. The board also discussed performance data from the West Yorkshire Pension Fund and received updates on ongoing issues, including the Matthews 2nd Options Exercise and the Sargeant/McCloud Age Discrimination Remedy.

Performance Data Update

Helen from the West Yorkshire Pension Fund provided an update on performance indicators. Most processes achieved a 100% target, with only two cases falling outside the normal timeframes due to high volumes of work and technical issues. Helen assured the board that recruitment efforts were underway to address capacity issues. She also highlighted an increase in web registration numbers and provided updates on membership and administration.

Current Issues

Liz provided a verbal update on current issues, including the Matthews 2nd Options Exercise and the Sargeant/McCloud Age Discrimination Remedy. She noted that 473 individuals were in scope for the Sargeant/McCloud remedy, with 186 also in scope for the Matthews exercise. Efforts to trace missing scheme members were discussed, including the use of social media and tracing services. Liz emphasized the importance of individual responsibility in responding to these efforts.

Fire Pension Board Plan

The board reviewed the Fire Pension Board Plan, confirming that the TPR Public Service Governance & Administration Survey had been paused for the year. The year-end return to the Home Office for the Fire Pension Top-up Grant was also discussed, with ongoing work noted. The Risk Register was updated to reflect a lack of skilled resources, changing the risk rating from green to amber.

Fire Pension Scheme Bulletins

Liz provided an update on recent scheme bulletins, covering topics such as the Matthews 2nd Options Exercise, Sargeant Age Discrimination Remedy, and new regulations allowing unpaid carer's leave to be included in pensionable service calculations. Weekly bulletins were made available to scheme members via the intranet.

Fire Pension Officers' Group

An update from the Fire Pension Officers' Group meeting held on 24 April 2024 was provided. Key points included changes at the LGA, the introduction of unpaid carer's leave in pension calculations, and ongoing issues related to the Sargeant and Matthews projects. The administrative burden of these projects was acknowledged, with funding being allocated to assist.

Scheme Advisory Board

Helen provided an update from the Scheme Advisory Board meeting held on 18 June 2024. Discussions included the impact of the general election on ongoing work, employee contribution rates, and the importance of accurate data for pension dashboards. The board was assured that Lincolnshire had provided the required data for these initiatives.

The next meeting is scheduled for 4 October 2024, where William Dykevich will assume the role of Chair.