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Resources Overview & Scrutiny Panel - Wednesday, 26th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 26, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Resources Overview & Scrutiny Panel of Staffordshire Moorlands Council convened on 26 June 2024. The primary focus was the presentation and discussion of the Annual Scrutiny Report, which summarised the work carried out by the scrutiny panels and newly arranged committees over the past municipal year. Key points included the implementation of recommendations from a review by the Centre of Governance and Scrutiny, the introduction of a new overview and scrutiny programming group, and the emphasis on evidence-based scrutiny.

Annual Scrutiny Report

Councillor Gladhill introduced the Annual Scrutiny Report, highlighting the significant changes and improvements made since the last election. He praised the officers for their contributions and noted the importance of scrutiny in public life. The report detailed the actions taken following a review by the Centre of Governance and Scrutiny, including the formation of a new programming group and the organisation of scrutiny seminars led by Camilla.

Sally provided further details, noting that the new structure for panels and the appointment of new chairs and vice-chairs were among the key changes. She also mentioned the introduction of paper analysis to prioritise work programmes in line with the corporate plan. Councillor Johnson commended the focus on evidence-based scrutiny and suggested that cabinet members should be accompanied by relevant officers during scrutiny sessions to provide detailed responses.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The discussion also touched on the importance of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the scrutiny process. Councillor Johnson and other members emphasised the need for focused KPIs to measure the council's performance effectively. The reduction of KPIs from 140 to less than 100 was seen as a positive step towards more meaningful scrutiny.

Timeliness of Reports

Councillor Roberts raised concerns about the timeliness of receiving reports and presentations, suggesting that they should be provided at least two weeks in advance to allow for thorough scrutiny. Councillor Gladhill agreed, noting that while occasional delays might be unavoidable, the general principle should be to provide reports well in advance.

Hybrid Meetings

Councillor Appellee inquired about the future of hybrid meetings. The panel discussed the challenges and benefits of hybrid technology, with Councillor Gladhill noting that while hybrid meetings were tried during COVID-19, they faced significant technical difficulties. The consensus was that in-person meetings were more effective for public scrutiny, though the use of Teams for non-public meetings was acknowledged as beneficial.

Meeting Dates

Councillor Jebb highlighted the inconvenience caused by frequent changes to meeting dates, stressing the importance of maintaining scheduled dates to accommodate members' busy lives. Councillor Gladhill agreed, stating that while occasional changes might be necessary, the principle should be to stick to the original schedule.

For more details, you can refer to the Public reports pack and the Agenda frontsheet of the meeting.