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Education, Young People & the Welsh Language Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 26th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 26, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Education, Young People & the Welsh Language Scrutiny Committee of Carmarthenshire Council convened on Wednesday 26 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including the implementation of the Additional Learning Needs (ALN) transformation, the Modernising Education Programme (MEP) strategy, and the annual report and forward work plan for the committee.

Additional Learning Needs Transformation Update

The committee received an update on the progress of the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal Wales Act implementation. Councillor Glenon Davis, the Cabinet Member for Education and Welsh Language, highlighted the importance of creating a unified and legal framework to support learners up to the age of 25 who need additional support. Rebecca Williams, the Additional Learning Needs Manager, and Eleanor Williams, her colleague, presented the key positives and challenges of the ALN system in Carmarthenshire. They emphasized the enthusiasm and commitment of schools, the importance of early intervention, and the need for consistency and quality assurance across all schools. Gethin Richards from Ascola Beydol and Ellen Powell from Ascol Gandrath-Pennial shared their experiences and successes in implementing the new ALN system in their schools.

Modernising Education Programme Strategy

The committee reviewed the draft Modernising Education Programme (MEP) strategy, which aims to deliver on the authority's school modernisation and reorganisation aspirations. Councillor Glenon Davis presented the strategy, which includes strategic objectives and viability and investment criteria to ensure appropriate and transparent school organisation and investment proposals. The committee discussed the importance of designing schools with the potential for future expansion and the challenges of funding and maintaining school infrastructure. Councillor Jean Lewis proposed an amendment to the strategy to ensure no more than two-year groups in a teaching class, which was noted for consideration.

Annual Report and Forward Work Plan

The committee reviewed and approved the annual report for 2023/2024, which provides an overview of the committee's work over the past year. They also discussed and adopted the forward work plan for 2024/2025, which outlines the key areas of focus for the upcoming year.

Actions Update

The committee received an update on the progress of actions requested during previous meetings. The Director assured the committee that the information on school budgets would be included in the next meeting's report in the autumn.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The committee approved the minutes of the meeting held on 17 May 2024 as a correct record.

The meeting concluded with a reminder of the importance of recognising and raising awareness of the work undertaken by the Carmarthenshire Youth Council (CYC) and the ongoing efforts to support young people in the county.