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Licensing and Regulatory Committee - Monday, 24th June, 2024 2.00 pm
June 24, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Licensing and Regulatory Committee of Somerset Council held a meeting on Monday, 24 June 2024, where several key issues were discussed, including the approval of previous minutes, the review of hackney carriage and private hire licensing, and the consideration of various licensing applications.
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing
The committee reviewed the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing policy. The discussion focused on proposed changes to improve safety and service standards. Key points included the introduction of more stringent background checks for drivers, enhanced vehicle safety inspections, and updated fare structures. Councillors debated the balance between ensuring public safety and maintaining a viable business environment for operators. The committee decided to adopt the proposed changes, citing the need for higher safety standards and better service quality.
Variation of a Premises Licence - The Chapel, Graham Way, Cotford St Luke
The committee considered an application to vary the premises licence for The Chapel, Graham Way, Cotford St Luke. The applicant, Stephen Elliott, sought to extend the hours for alcohol supply and live music. The Licensing Officer reported one objection from a resident but noted no history of anti-social behaviour linked to the premises. Mr Elliott emphasized the community-oriented nature of the venue and its role in local events. The committee approved the variation, noting the lack of substantial opposition and the applicant's commitment to managing noise levels responsibly.
Application for a Premises Licence - Wookey Hole Limited
An application for a new premises licence for Wookey Hole Limited was discussed. The applicant aimed to extend operating hours and include off-sales of alcohol. The committee reviewed eight objections from local residents concerned about noise and public nuisance. The applicant assured the committee of measures to mitigate noise, including a noise management plan and restricted outdoor activities. The committee granted the licence, highlighting the applicant's proactive approach to addressing residents' concerns and the absence of objections from responsible authorities.
Application for a Premises Licence - Street Football Club
The committee also reviewed an application from Street Football Club for a premises licence to allow greater flexibility in their operations. The application included provisions for alcohol sales, regulated entertainment, and late-night refreshments. Nine objections were received, primarily concerning noise and light pollution. The club representatives proposed several conditions to address these issues, including a noise management plan and restrictions on outdoor music. The committee approved the application with the proposed conditions, emphasizing the club's importance to the community and its efforts to minimize disturbances.
For more detailed information, you can refer to the Public reports pack and the Printed minutes of the meeting.

- Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing
- Minutes Public Pack 02042024 Licensing Sub-Committee minutes
- Minutes Public Pack 12042024 10am Licensing Sub-Committee minutes
- Minutes Public Pack 12042024 2pm Licensing Sub-Committee minutes
- Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Agenda frontsheet 24th-Jun-2024 14.00 Licensing and Regulatory Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 24th-Jun-2024 14.00 Licensing and Regulatory Committee reports pack
- Public Guidance Notes
- Printed minutes 24th-Jun-2024 14.00 Licensing and Regulatory Committee