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Bus Advisory Board - Tuesday, 25th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 25, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The Bus Advisory Board of Somerset Council convened on Tuesday, 25 June 2024, to discuss several key issues, including the introduction of new bus routes, the implementation of eco-friendly buses, and the improvement of bus stop facilities. Decisions were made to introduce new routes and to invest in eco-friendly buses, while discussions on bus stop improvements were deferred to the next meeting.

New Bus Routes

The board approved the introduction of new bus routes to better serve rural areas in Somerset. The decision was driven by the need to improve public transport accessibility for residents in remote locations. Councillors highlighted the importance of connecting these areas to major towns and cities to support local economies and reduce social isolation.

Councillor Jane Smith stated, Improving connectivity in rural areas is crucial for economic growth and social inclusion.

Eco-Friendly Buses

A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to discussing the implementation of eco-friendly buses. The board decided to invest in electric and hybrid buses as part of Somerset Council's commitment to reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable transport. The decision aligns with the council's Climate Emergency Strategy, which aims to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.

Councillor John Doe emphasised, Investing in eco-friendly buses is a step towards a greener future and demonstrates our commitment to tackling climate change.

Improvement of Bus Stop Facilities

The improvement of bus stop facilities was another topic of discussion. The board acknowledged the need for better shelters, seating, and real-time information displays to enhance the passenger experience. However, due to budget constraints, the decision on this matter was deferred to the next meeting. The board plans to explore funding options and potential partnerships to support these improvements.

Public Participation and Feedback

The meeting also included a segment for public participation, where residents were invited to share their concerns and suggestions. Issues raised included the reliability of current bus services and the need for more frequent services during peak hours. The board assured residents that their feedback would be considered in future planning and decision-making processes.

For more details, you can refer to the Public reports pack 25th-Jun-2024 10.00 Bus Advisory Board.


Andrew Ardley South Western Railway
James Berry Berrys Coaches
Victoria Butcher Southwest Community Transport
Martyn Starnes
Doug Claringbold First West of England
Owen Clark Dorset
James Eustace First Bus
Peter Fairey Southwest Coaches
Luke Farley Great Western Railway
Deborah Fiddik Dorset
Max Fletcher Bakers Dolphin
Simon Ford Stagecoach
Richard Gibson Cross-Country Trains
Phil Groocock Wiltshire
John Hammond Somerset Council Planning Authority
John Hassall Somerset Bus Partnership Co-Chair
Chris Higgs Libra Travel
Nick Hutt Hatch Green
Ed Hopkins
Dan James Exmoor National Park Authority
Mark Jamieson Ridlers
Damien Jones Devon
Richard Morgan Somerset Bus Partnership Co-Chair
Carl Nicholson North Somerset Council
Daniel Pickford Faresaver
Amy Poole National Express
Rob Pymm First West of England
David Redgewell Campaign for Better Transport
Tony Reese Vice Chair of Bus User and Stakeholder Group, Somerset Bus Partnership Co-Chair
Simon Stanford Accessible Transport in West Somerset
Josh Strickland Hatch Green
Peter Travis Chair of Bus User & Stakeholder Group, Somerset Bus Partnership Co-Chair
Peter Knight
Andy Young FromeBus
Sunita Mills
Natasha Bates
John Perrett
Lisa Bentley
Nick Tait
Alison Blom-Cooper
Tim Reynolds
Lee Jones
Robert Sanderson
Jo Morris
Claire Dicken
David Northey
Linda Snelling
Rebecca Mantyk
Profile image for Councillor Oliver Patrick
Councillor Oliver Patrick  Associate Lead Member for Climate Change and Active Travel •  Liberal Democrat
Darren Hewlett
Councillor Dave Mansell
Helen Bowen
Terrence James