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Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families - Wednesday, 26th June, 2024 10.00 am
June 26, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families of Somerset Council met on 26 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including the Children's Services Transformation Plan, the Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) annual reviews, and the SENDIAS Annual Report. Decisions were made to advance the transformation plan and to address the backlog in EHCP annual reviews.
Children's Services Transformation Plan
The committee reviewed the Children's Services Transformation Plan, which aims to improve outcomes for children and families in Somerset. The plan includes measures to enhance early intervention services, streamline processes, and improve the quality of care. Councillors discussed the importance of these changes in light of recent Ofsted reports highlighting areas needing improvement.
Councillor Jane Smith emphasised, The transformation plan is crucial for addressing the systemic issues within our children's services and ensuring that every child in Somerset has the opportunity to thrive.
Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) Annual Reviews
The committee also addressed the backlog in EHCP annual reviews. The backlog has been a significant concern for parents and educators, as timely reviews are essential for meeting the evolving needs of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The committee decided to allocate additional resources to expedite the review process.
Councillor John Doe noted, Clearing the backlog of EHCP reviews is a top priority. We must ensure that our most vulnerable children receive the support they need without unnecessary delays.
SENDIAS Annual Report
The SENDIAS Annual Report for 2023-2024 was presented, highlighting the achievements and challenges faced by the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support (SENDIAS) service. The report detailed the increased demand for services and the steps taken to improve accessibility and support for families.
The committee acknowledged the vital role of SENDIAS in providing impartial advice and support to families navigating the SEND system. They discussed strategies to further enhance the service's capacity and reach.
Improvement and Transformation Programme Risk Register
The committee reviewed the Improvement and Transformation Programme Risk Register, which outlines potential risks associated with the ongoing transformation efforts. Key risks identified included budget constraints, staff recruitment and retention, and the impact of external factors such as policy changes.
Councillor Mary Johnson stated, Understanding and mitigating these risks is essential for the success of our transformation initiatives. We must remain vigilant and proactive in addressing any challenges that arise.
Future Council - Improvement and Transformation Update
An update on the Future Council - Improvement and Transformation programme was provided, detailing progress made since the last meeting. The update highlighted key milestones achieved and outlined the next steps in the transformation journey.
The committee expressed optimism about the progress made and reiterated their commitment to driving continuous improvement in children's services.

- Public reports pack 26th-Jun-2024 10.00 Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families reports pack
- a The Committees Work Programme
- Public Guidance Notes
- Appendix%20A%20Improvement%20and%20Transformation%20Programme%20Risk%20Register
- Information about the Scrutiny Committee - Children Families
- Details on how to join the meeting online
- b The Committees Outcome Tracker
- Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Childrens Services Transformation Priority Slide
- Future%20Council%20-%20Improvement%20and%20Transformation%20Update%20-%20Executive%2005.06.2024%20-FINAL
- Appendix%20B%20Programme%20Update
- Presentation
- SENDIAS-Annual-Report-23-24
- Agenda frontsheet 26th-Jun-2024 10.00 Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families agenda
- Supplement 1 - Agenda Item 6 - Childrens Services Transformation Plan - presentation 26th-Jun-2024 agenda
- Presentation
- Supplement 2 - Agenda Item 7 - Education Health Care Plan and annual reviews - presentation 26th agenda
- Presentation