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Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday, 25th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 25, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Licensing Sub-Committee of Fife Council convened on Tuesday, 25 June 2024, to deliberate on an application for a new premises licence for Westover Express, located at 45 Westover Road, Bournemouth. The primary focus was on the potential impact of granting the licence on local crime and disorder, public safety, and the protection of children from harm. The committee decided to move into an exempt session to discuss sensitive information before making a final determination.

Application for New Premises Licence: Westover Express

The committee reviewed an application for a new premises licence for Westover Express, a convenience store seeking permission to sell alcohol from 8am to 11pm daily. The application was brought forward due to representations from Dorset Police and Trading Standards, who expressed concerns that granting the licence could undermine the licensing objectives.

Dorset Police Representation

Sergeant Gareth Gosling from Dorset Police presented evidence suggesting that the introduction of an off-licence at this location could exacerbate existing issues of crime and disorder in the area. He highlighted the ongoing efforts to reduce antisocial behaviour and crime in the vicinity, particularly around the Lower Gardens, and argued that the new licence could undermine these efforts. Sergeant Gosling noted:

The introduction of an off-licence in this area would be to the detriment of our ongoing efforts to reduce crime and disorder.

The police provided supplementary information, including crime maps and reports from Community Safety Accredited Officers, to support their position (Supplementary information from Dorset Police).

Applicant's Response

Philip Day, representing the applicant, Alina Kadir, argued that the concerns raised by the police were not substantiated by sufficient evidence. He pointed out that the area had seen a reduction in reported incidents and that the applicant had proposed additional conditions to mitigate any potential issues. Day emphasized:

There is no cumulative impact policy in place, and the presumption should be in favour of granting the licence unless there is clear evidence to the contrary.

The applicant also submitted supplementary information to address the concerns raised by the police and Trading Standards (Supplementary information on behalf of the applicant).

Exempt Session

The committee moved into an exempt session to discuss sensitive information related to the application, as outlined in the Protocol for Public Speaking at Licensing Hearings. This decision was made under Section 14(2) of the Licensing Act 2003 Hearings Regulations 2005 and Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, due to the likely disclosure of exempt information.

The final decision on the application will be communicated within five working days, including information on the right to appeal if applicable.