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Community, People & Equalities Policy Development Group - Tuesday, 25th June, 2024 2.15 pm

June 25, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The Community Policy Development Group of Mid Devon Council met on 25 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including the approval of the revised Health and Safety Policy, the Single Equality Scheme and Equality Objectives for 2024/2025, and the Devon Preventing Serious Violence Strategy 2024-29. Recommendations were made to the Cabinet for the approval of these policies and strategies.

Corporate Health and Safety Policy

The Group reviewed a report from the Operations Manager Human Resources on the revised Health and Safety Policy, which had been approved by the Health and Safety Committee and the Joint Negotiation and Consultation Committee in January 2024. Key changes included updates to job titles. Discussions covered the recording and review of accidents, incidents, and near misses, emergency evacuations, and the requirement for a fire drill at a full Council meeting. The Group recommended the revised policy for Cabinet approval.

Single Equality Scheme and Equality Objectives

The Group considered a report from the Corporate Performance and Improvement Manager on the Single Equality Scheme and Equality Objectives for 2024/2025. The report, presented annually, outlined the Council’s efforts to meet statutory duties under the Equality Act 2010. The Equality and Diversity Inclusion Group had reviewed the policy over the past six months, proposing new, more specific, and measurable objectives. Discussions included ensuring access to Council services for residents without email or internet and supporting Ukrainian families following the cessation of management by CHAT. The Group recommended the scheme and objectives for Cabinet approval.

Devon Preventing Serious Violence Strategy

The Group reviewed a report from the Corporate Manager for Public Health, Regulation and Housing on the Devon Preventing Serious Violence Strategy 2024-29. The strategy, developed in collaboration with the Community Safety Partnership and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, outlines priorities for preventing violence. The Group discussed the role of the Police and Crime Commissioner, language used in the report, and the inclusion of missing children. The Group recommended the strategy for Cabinet approval, which would then require full Council adoption.

Performance Dashboard Q3

The Group noted the Performance Dashboard for the previous quarter, highlighting that all Council complaints had been resolved within timescales. Discussions focused on capital projects showing amber due to five projects running behind schedule.

Biodiversity Duty Report

The Group discussed a briefing paper on the Biodiversity Duty, which requires local authorities to enhance nature across all areas. Discussions included encouraging Council tenants to plant native trees, the success of community orchards, and the idea of planting a tree for each baby born in Mid Devon. The Group also discussed biodiversity on waste land and brownfield sites and the involvement of Town and Parish Councils.

Public Access for Vulnerable Customers

The Group reviewed a report on public access for vulnerable customers, following the findings of the Public Access Working Group. The Group recommended the installation of an intercom at Phoenix House for use when reception is closed, with calls triaged by the Contact Centre. Discussions included installation timelines, communication of the new facility, and staff protection from abusive or threatening members of the public.

Safeguarding Policy

The Group considered a revised Corporate Safeguarding Policy, last reviewed in March 2022. The policy review included feedback from an internal Working Group and the Devon Districts Safeguarding Officer Network. The Group recommended the revised policy for Cabinet approval and suggested establishing a Member Working Group to review the potential inclusion of DBS checks for Members.

Community Safety Partnership

The Group noted the annual report of the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) and planned activities for 2024/25. Discussions included Martyn’s Law, which requires venues to assess and mitigate potential risks, and the need for more information to encourage crime reporting.