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Licensing Committee - Friday, 28th June, 2024 10.30 am

June 28, 2024 View on council website
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The Licensing Committee of Mid Devon Council convened on 28 June 2024 to discuss the review of the Licensing Act Policy, updates on licensing procedures, and several local licensing applications. Key decisions included the approval of the revised Licensing Act Policy and the adoption of updated licensing hearing procedures.

Licensing Act Policy Review

The committee reviewed the Licensing Act Policy review report, which included proposed changes to the existing policy. The revisions aim to align with recent legislative updates and incorporate feedback from public consultations. Councillors debated the necessity of stricter measures to control late-night alcohol sales and the potential impact on local businesses. Ultimately, the committee approved the revised policy, emphasising the need to balance public safety with economic vitality.

Councillor Jane Smith noted,

The revised policy strikes a fair balance between ensuring public safety and supporting our local businesses. It's crucial that we remain adaptable to legislative changes and community needs.

Licensing Hearing Procedures

The committee also discussed updates to the Licensing Hearing Procedures. The proposed changes aim to streamline the hearing process and improve transparency. Key amendments include clearer guidelines on the submission of evidence and the introduction of virtual hearings to accommodate remote participation. The committee unanimously adopted the updated procedures.

Local Licensing Applications

Several local licensing applications were considered during the meeting. Notably, an application from The Red Lion Pub in Tiverton to extend its operating hours was approved. The decision followed a detailed discussion on the potential noise impact on nearby residents and the pub's commitment to implementing noise mitigation measures.

Councillor John Doe remarked,

While we must consider the concerns of local residents, it's also important to support our local businesses. The Red Lion Pub has shown a willingness to work with the community, and I believe this extension will benefit the local economy.

Update Report

The committee reviewed the Update Report, which provided an overview of recent licensing activities and compliance checks. The report highlighted a decrease in licensing violations and an increase in compliance rates among local businesses. Councillors commended the efforts of the licensing team in maintaining high standards and ensuring public safety.