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We're not currently able to provide detailed weekly summaries for South Hams Council. We need support from the council to:

  • Ensure we can reliably access and process council meeting information
  • Cover the costs of processing and summarizing council data
  • Maintain and improve the service for residents

You can help make this happen!

Contact your councillors to let them know you want South Hams Council to support Open Council Network. This will help ensure residents can stay informed about council decisions and activities.

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West Devon Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 25th June, 2024 2.00 pm

June 25, 2024 View on council website
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The West Devon Overview and Scrutiny Committee of South Hams Council met on Tuesday 25 June 2024 to discuss various updates on performance and resources, customer experience accessibility, and the committee's annual work programme. Decisions were made to adopt the thematic updates and to approve the annual work programme for 2024-25.

Performance and Resources Thematic Update

The committee reviewed the Thematic Update Performance and Resources and its accompanying Appendix A. The update highlighted key performance indicators and resource allocation for the council's ongoing projects. Councillors discussed the importance of efficient resource management to meet the council's strategic goals. One councillor noted,

Effective resource management is crucial for achieving our long-term objectives and ensuring that we provide the best possible services to our residents.

The committee decided to adopt the thematic update, recognising its alignment with the council's manifesto pledges on improving public services and resource efficiency.

Customer Experience Accessibility Thematic Update

The Thematic Update Customer Experience Accessibility and its Appendix A were also discussed. This update focused on enhancing the accessibility of council services for all residents, particularly those with disabilities. The committee emphasised the need for inclusive service delivery, with one member stating,

Accessibility is not just a legal requirement but a moral imperative. We must ensure that all residents, regardless of their abilities, can access our services without barriers.

The committee approved the update, underscoring its commitment to inclusivity and accessibility in line with the council's previous statements on equality and diversity.

2024-25 Committee Annual Work Programme

The committee reviewed and approved the 2024-25 Committee Annual Work Programme. The programme outlines the committee's priorities and scheduled activities for the upcoming year. It includes regular performance reviews, policy updates, and community engagement initiatives. The approval of this work programme ensures that the committee remains focused on its strategic objectives and responsive to the needs of the community.