Cabinet Member for Property, Waste and Infrastructure Decisions - Tuesday, 25 June 2024 11.00 am

June 25, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Cabinet Member for Property, Waste and Infrastructure, in conjunction with the Leader and Deputy Leader of Surrey Council, agreed to dispose of 19 properties deemed surplus to requirements by auction or private treaty. No questions were asked or petitions received during the meeting.

Property Disposals

The Cabinet Member was asked to approve the disposal of 19 properties deemed surplus to the operational requirements of Surrey Council. The properties were identified as part of the council's asset plan strategy. Graham Glen, Head of Acquisitions and Disposals, told the meeting that the properties were:

...all assets that have been reviewed at some length through services that have been deemed as non-operational or not required for service use.

Mr Glen went on to say that:

Most of them are relatively low value by comparison, hence they're coming to yourself rather than full cabinet.

The properties will be sold by Land and Property Auctioneers. The Cabinet Member approved the recommendations.