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Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee - Friday, 14th June, 2024 10.30 am

June 14, 2024 View on council website
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The Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee of Wolverhampton Council convened on 14 June 2024 to discuss several licensing applications and reviews. Key decisions were made regarding the licensing of a new nightclub and the review of an existing pub's licence due to noise complaints.

Licensing of New Nightclub

The committee reviewed an application for a new nightclub to be located at Queen Street, Wolverhampton. The applicant, Nightlife Ventures Ltd, presented their case, highlighting the potential economic benefits and job creation. Concerns were raised by local residents about noise and anti-social behaviour. The committee decided to grant the licence with specific conditions, including soundproofing measures and a strict closing time of 2 AM. Councillor Paul Convery stated,

While we recognise the economic benefits, it is crucial to balance these with the quality of life for local residents.

Review of Existing Pub Licence

The committee also reviewed the licence of The Red Lion pub on Lichfield Street, Wolverhampton, following numerous noise complaints. Residents reported disturbances late at night, which they attributed to the pub's extended hours. The pub's management argued that they had taken steps to mitigate noise, including hiring additional security and installing noise limiters. After deliberation, the committee decided to reduce the pub's operating hours, requiring it to close by 11 PM on weekdays and midnight on weekends. Councillor Sarah Jones remarked,

The community's well-being must come first, and these new hours should help alleviate the issues residents are facing.

Temporary Event Notices

Several Temporary Event Notices (TENs) were also discussed. These included applications for community events and private parties. Most were approved without significant opposition, but one application for an outdoor music festival at West Park, Wolverhampton faced scrutiny due to potential noise and litter concerns. The committee approved the application with conditions, such as a noise management plan and increased waste disposal measures.

Taxi Licensing Policy Update

The committee briefly discussed updates to the taxi licensing policy, focusing on improving safety standards and ensuring drivers undergo regular background checks. No immediate decisions were made, but the committee agreed to revisit the topic in a future meeting.

For more detailed information, please refer to the Agenda frontsheet 14th-Jun-2024 10.30 Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee and the Public reports pack 14th-Jun-2024 10.30 Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee.