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Licensing Sub-Committee - Monday, 24 June 2024 10.30 am

June 24, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The Licensing Sub-Committee of Richmond upon Thames Council met on Monday, 24 June 2024, to discuss an application for a new premises licence for a section of Barnes Green, Church Road, Barnes SW13. The Sub-Committee decided to grant the licence with specific conditions to ensure the safety and convenience of local residents and event attendees.

Application for New Premises Licence at Barnes Green

The primary focus of the meeting was to hear and determine an application for a new premises licence for a section of Barnes Green, located on Church Road, Barnes SW13. The application was submitted by the Barnes Community Association (BCA), represented by John McNeilly, Emma Robinson, and Lisa Ross, the Designated Premises Supervisor. The licence sought permission for regulated entertainment and the sale of alcohol on the premises.

Decision and Conditions

After careful consideration of all written and oral evidence, the Sub-Committee agreed to grant the licence with the following conditions:

  • Regulated Entertainment: Plays, films, live music, and recorded music permitted from 09:00 to 22:30 on Fridays and Saturdays, and from 09:00 to 22:00 on Sundays. Live music is restricted to the months of March, June, July, September, and December.
  • Performance of Dance: Allowed on Saturdays from 12:00 to 16:00.
  • Sale of Alcohol: Permitted on the premises from 11:00 to 22:00 on Fridays and Saturdays, and from 11:00 to 21:30 on Sundays.
  • Opening Hours: The premises will be open to the public from 09:00 to 22:30 on Fridays and Saturdays, and from 09:00 to 22:00 on Sundays.

The licence is subject to the Mandatory Conditions under the Licensing Act 2003 and additional conditions to ensure the safety and convenience of local residents and event attendees.

Management and Safety Measures

The Sub-Committee imposed several conditions to manage events effectively and ensure public safety:

  • A full event management plan, site plan, and risk assessment must be submitted to the Council in advance of each event.
  • All events require approval from the Parks Department at Richmond Council.
  • St John's Ambulance or at least two first aiders must be stationed on-site during all events.
  • SIA registered security is required for all events except the Easter event and Christmas festival.
  • The licence holder must liaise with the Metropolitan Police for security arrangements.

Conditions Agreed with the Metropolitan Police

The venue must carry out and record a suitable risk assessment for each event, including the need for additional staffing and SIA registered door supervisors. Other conditions include:

  • Use of Body Worn Cameras (BWV) by SIA door supervisors.
  • Provision of radios to SIA staff for communication.
  • Maintenance of a log of door supervisors.
  • Implementation of an anti-theft, weapons, and drug policy.
  • Training for all staff in alcohol sales and underage sales prevention.
  • Provision of Welfare and Vulnerability Engagement (WAVE) training for customer-facing staff.
  • Basic Counter Terrorism Awareness Training for all customer-facing staff.

Representations and Concerns

The Sub-Committee considered representations from interested parties, including Gillian Lewis and Christine Dodgson, who raised concerns about noise levels, light pollution, anti-social behaviour, and the impact on local wildlife and residents' quality of life. The Sub-Committee noted that the BCA had successfully held community events on Barnes Green for the past 50 years with limited issues and that the number of events per year would be limited to seven.


The Sub-Committee concluded that granting the premises licence with the imposed conditions would allow for better monitoring and enforcement of event management, ensuring the safety and convenience of local residents and attendees. The decision notice and further details can be found in the Printed minutes of the meeting.