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Confirmation Hearing, Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel - Monday 24 June 2024 2.00 pm

June 24, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel convened to discuss the reappointment of Emma Daniel as Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (DPCC). The panel reviewed her performance over the past two years and explored her plans for the future. The panel decided to support the reappointment of Emma Daniel as DPCC for the next four years.

Reappointment of Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner

The main focus of the meeting was the reappointment of Emma Daniel as DPCC. The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) highlighted the increased responsibilities of the role and the necessity of having a deputy to manage the workload. The PCC praised Emma Daniel for her contributions over the past two years, noting her success in engaging with partners and holding the force to account.

Emma Daniel discussed the challenges and rewards of her role since her appointment in May 2022. She emphasised the shift from operational to strategic responsibilities and her efforts to influence change across the entire force. Emma Daniel stated:

Instead of just affecting my own outcomes or that of a team, I'm able to influence across a whole force. - Emma Daniel

Community Engagement and Prevention

Emma Daniel highlighted her approach to community engagement, including her visits to warm hubs, town council meetings, and schools. She stressed the importance of partnership working in crime prevention, particularly in combating drug-related issues. Emma Daniel is currently chairing the national combating drugs outcome framework for Warwickshire.

Police and Crime Plan

Emma Daniel expressed her commitment to supporting the PCC in developing the next iteration of the police and crime plan. She identified retail crime, drug prevention, and youth engagement as key focus areas. She also discussed the importance of maintaining visible policing and improving the productivity of police officers through technological advancements.

Organisational Change and Performance Monitoring

The panel discussed the significant organisational changes within Warwickshire Police, including the increase in officer numbers and investment in ICT. Emma Daniel highlighted the positive impact of these changes, citing reductions in various types of crime and high satisfaction rates among victims. She emphasised the importance of transparent performance monitoring and the need to avoid perverse behaviours driven by statistics.

Partnership Working

Emma Daniel discussed her experience of chairing the Warwickshire Drugs and Alcohol Strategic Partnership. She highlighted the challenges of aligning goals across different agencies and the importance of delivering better outcomes for service users. She also mentioned the role of the office in linking various organisations to enhance community safety.

Personal Independence

When asked about her approach if she disagreed with the PCC, Emma Daniel stated that she would rely on internal office support and involve the Chief Executive if necessary. She emphasised the importance of maintaining a professional and transparent working relationship with the PCC.

Feedback on the Panel

Emma Daniel expressed her positive experience working with the police and crime panel, noting the importance of an apolitical forum focused on serving the public. She welcomed any suggestions for improving the working relationship between the panel and the office.

For more details, you can refer to the Agenda frontsheet, the Public reports pack, and the DPCC Confirmation Hearing Paper.


Andy Davis Independent Member
Councillor Derek Poole Rugby Borough Council
Profile image for Councillor Barbara Brown
Councillor Barbara Brown  Labour
Andrew Davies Independent Member
Profile image for Councillor Jenny Fradgley
Councillor Jenny Fradgley  Liberal Democrats
Councillor Natalie Gist Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Profile image for Councillor Dave Humphreys
Councillor Dave Humphreys  Conservative
Councillor Ray Jarvis North Warwickshire Borough Council
Councillor Tim Jenkins Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council
Councillor Jim Sinnott Warwick District Council
Caroline Gutteridge
Lucy Adams
Andrew Harper