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Licensing Sub Committee - Wednesday, 26th June, 2024 2.00 pm

June 26, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Licensing Sub-Committee of Cannock Chase Council convened on Wednesday 26 June 2024 to discuss a variation application for Cubar, a bar located on High Street in Sandbach. The committee approved the application with specific conditions to address public concerns.

Variation Application for Cubar, High Street, Sandbach

The primary focus of the meeting was the LA2003 Variation Application Report for Cubar, High Street, Sandbach. Cubar sought to extend its operating hours and modify its premises layout. The application included detailed plans (Appendix 1a, Appendix 1b, and Appendix 1c) and a copy of the current premises licence (Appendix 2).

Public Concerns and Conditions

Several local residents expressed concerns about potential noise and anti-social behaviour resulting from extended hours. One resident stated, The noise levels are already high, and extending the hours will only exacerbate the problem. The committee acknowledged these concerns and decided to impose conditions on the approval. These conditions included:

  • A requirement for Cubar to install soundproofing measures.
  • A stipulation that security personnel be present during extended hours.
  • A review of the extended hours after six months to assess the impact on the local community.

Councillors argued that these conditions would help mitigate the potential negative effects while allowing the business to thrive. One councillor noted, We believe these measures strike a balance between supporting local businesses and maintaining community welfare.

Other Business

The meeting also included a review of the Procedure for Licensing Act 2003 Hearings, ensuring that all members were familiar with the guidelines and protocols for future hearings.