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Shortlisting Corporate Director Housing and Regeneration, Appointments Sub Committee - Wednesday, 26th June, 2024 4.30 p.m.
June 26, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Appointments Sub Committee of Tower Hamlets Council met on 26 June 2024 and decided to recommend Councillor Asma Begum for the role of Tree Champion. The meeting also discussed the council's performance in managing its tree stock.
Tree Champion Appointment
The committee discussed the appointment of a new Tree Champion. The Tree Champion is responsible for advocating for trees in the borough and for working with the council to improve the management of the borough's trees.
Councillor Kabir Ahmed, speaking for himself and not on behalf of the Labour Party group, said that he felt the way the council manages its trees needs to be more robust and clear
and he wanted to see a better system of accountability
Councillor Rabina Khan suggested that the role should involve working with partners like the Royal Forestry Society.
The council's Tree Policy states that the council is committed to protecting and enhancing the borough’s trees
The committee decided to recommend Councillor Asma Begum for the role.
Trees and Development
The committee discussed the council's policy on trees in relation to development. They considered how they balance the need for new homes and jobs with the need to protect trees, and discussed the impact of trees on air quality and climate change.
Councillor Rabina Khan expressed concern about the impact of developments on trees.
I think sometimes, when we have these big developments going up, that we need to consider the impact on the trees, because trees are so important to the environment, for air quality and all sorts of things.
Councillor Khan
The council's current Local Plan says that:
Development proposals that include the loss of trees or woodland will be resisted unless... the proposed development is of overriding public benefit.
Tower Hamlets Local Plan
Councillor John Pierce noted that the council's draft Local Plan would require developers to include an 'Urban Greening Factor' in all new developments. An urban greening factor is a planning tool that is used to set minimum standards for green infrastructure in new developments. It can be used to require developers to include a certain number of trees, or a certain area of green space, in their developments.
Housing Development at the Camel Public House Site
The committee received an update on the proposed housing development on the site of The Camel pub in Bethnal Green.
The development will include the demolition of the existing building, and the construction of a new building comprising 100 residential units and a new pub.
The report considered the impact of the development on the adjacent Bethnal Green Conservation Area.
The meeting discussed the loss of a mature London Plane tree on the site.
The developer will be expected to plant new trees to compensate for the loss of the tree, in accordance with the council’s Tree Policy.