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Urgent Leader's Decision, Portfolio Holder Decision Meeting - Thursday 27 June 2024 1.00 pm

June 27, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting focused on the procurement of electric vehicle charge point infrastructure for Harrow, with significant decisions made to abandon a previous procurement method and adopt new ones to expand the charging network for residents.

Residential Electric Vehicle Charge Point Infrastructure Procurement

The council discussed the procurement of electric vehicle charge point infrastructure, specifically the use of Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) for delivery and proposals for alternative procurement arrangements. The decision was made to abandon the previously approved Oxford City Council DPS procurement method. Instead, the council will pursue open tender procurement or other suitable means for the provision of approximately 225 lamp column electric vehicle charge points and 47 flat and flush technology electric vehicle charge points for residents of Harrow.

The successful charge point operator will be responsible for installing, commissioning, and maintaining the charge points. The contract terms are set for 10 years with an additional 5-year extension option for the lamp column charge points, and 7 years with an additional 3-year extension option for the flat and flush technology charge points.

Councillor Paul Osborn, the Leader of the Council, emphasised the importance of this decision, stating:

This would enable the expansion of electric vehicle charging infrastructure on public assets for the benefit of Harrow residents, whilst contributing to decarbonisation of transport in Harrow.

The council also granted delegated authority to the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Highways, to make any necessary changes to the tender documents and to award the contracts following a compliant procurement process.

For more details, you can refer to the Public Notice and the Urgent Key Decision by Leader - EV Charge Point Procurement Final.