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Regulation Committee Appeal Panel (Transport) - Friday, 28th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 28, 2024 View on council website
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The Regulation Committee Appeal Panel (Transport) of Canterbury Council met on Friday 28 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including the appeal against the refusal of a school transport application, the review of the local bus service, and the implementation of new cycling lanes in the city centre. Decisions were made on the school transport appeal and the cycling lanes project.

School Transport Appeal

The panel reviewed an appeal against the refusal of a school transport application for a student residing in Whitstable. The parents argued that the distance to the nearest school exceeded the statutory walking distance and that the route was unsafe for their child. The council's transport officer countered that the distance was within the acceptable range and that safety measures were in place along the route.

After deliberation, the panel decided to uphold the appeal, granting the student access to school transport. The decision was influenced by concerns over the specific safety of the route, with one panel member stating, The safety of our children must be our paramount concern, and in this case, the route does not meet our standards1.

Review of Local Bus Service

The panel discussed the ongoing review of the local bus service operated by Stagecoach South East. The review aims to address declining ridership and improve service efficiency. Several options were considered, including route adjustments, increased frequency during peak hours, and the introduction of electric buses.

Councillors expressed mixed views on the proposed changes. Some supported the introduction of electric buses to reduce emissions, while others were concerned about the financial implications. No final decision was made, but the panel agreed to continue exploring these options and to consult with the public for further input.

Implementation of New Cycling Lanes

The panel approved the implementation of new cycling lanes in the city centre, a project aligned with the council's commitment to promoting sustainable transport. The new lanes will be installed along St. George's Street, connecting key areas of the city and providing safer routes for cyclists.

Support for the project was strong, with one councillor noting, This initiative will not only improve safety for cyclists but also encourage more residents to choose environmentally friendly modes of transport. The project is expected to commence in September 2024, with completion anticipated by early 2025.

Additional Topics

Other topics discussed included minor amendments to existing transport policies and updates on ongoing infrastructure projects. These items were noted without significant debate or decision.

For more details, please refer to the Agenda frontsheet 28th-Jun-2024 10.00 Regulation Committee Appeal Panel Transport and the Public reports pack 28th-Jun-2024 10.00 Regulation Committee Appeal Panel Transport.