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Communities, Homes & Regeneration Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 28th May, 2024 10.00 am
May 28, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The meeting covered several important topics, including an update on the emergency social housing allocation policy, budget monitoring for the 2023-2024 financial year, and a review of the council's adaptations policy. The committee also discussed the forward work plan for the upcoming year and approved the minutes of the previous meeting.
Emergency Social Housing Allocation Policy
Councillor Linda Evans provided an update on the emergency social housing allocation policy, which was adopted in February 2023. The policy was developed in response to an increased need for social housing in Wales. The discussion highlighted the benefits of the policy but also noted that it is temporary. Councillor Martin Dio raised a question about the number of unsuitable matches, which had been increasing. Jonathan Morgan, Head of Housing and Public Protection, explained that the policy allows homeless individuals to refuse two reasonable offers, which has contributed to the increase in unsuitable matches. The committee plans to review this aspect of the policy in the upcoming meeting in July.
Budget Monitoring Report 2023-2024
Dylan Jones, Group Accountant, presented the budget monitoring report for the financial year 2023-2024. The report showed a projected overspend of £181,000, mainly due to pressures in the leisure services area. The leisure services had an overspend of £616,000 last year, and although user numbers and income have improved, significant pressures remain. The report also highlighted underspends in the planning application income and staff vacancies in various divisions. The capital budget showed an underspend of £38 million, with £22 million related to the Swansea Bay City Region projects.
Adaptations Policy
Councillor Derek presented the findings of the task and finish group on the council's adaptations policy. The group made several recommendations to improve service delivery and reduce the backlog of work. Key recommendations included reintroducing means testing for medium-scale disabled facilities grants (DFGs), setting clear terms for grant repayment, and replacing the current traffic light system with one based on meeting individual needs. The committee discussed the financial implications and potential benefits of these recommendations. Jonathan Fern, Head of Housing Property and Strategic Projects, explained that reintroducing means testing could reduce demand and focus resources on those who need them most.
Forward Work Plan 2024-2025
The committee reviewed and approved the forward work plan for the upcoming year. The plan is a living document and will evolve to incorporate items from the cabinet's forward work plan and requests from the committee. Councillor Kim Broom raised a question about voids and the length of time it takes to bring properties back into use. Jonathan Fern explained that the council has made significant improvements in reducing the number of voids and is evaluating a new property works framework to further improve turnaround times.
Approval of Minutes
The committee approved the minutes of the meeting held on April 16, 2024, as a correct record.
Private Session
The committee resolved to consider certain items in private, as they contained exempt information relating to individuals.
- Cllr. Kim Broom
- Cllr. Terry Davies
- Cyng. Bryan Davies
- Cyng. Anthony Davies
- Cyng. Anthony Leyshon
- Cyng. Betsan Jones Cyngor Sir Gar / Carmarthenshire County Council
- Cyng. Denise Owen
- Cyng. Deryk Cundy
- Cyng. Handel Davies
- Cyng. Hazel Evans
- Cyng. Hugh Shepardson
- Cyng. Ken Howell Carmarthenshire County Council
- Cyng. Linda Evans
- Cyng. Martyn Palfreman
- Cyng. Michael Thomas
- Cyng. Rob Evans
- Cyng. Russell Sparks
- Ainsley Williams
- Dylan Jones
- Eira Evans
- Kelly Evans
- Kevin J Thomas
- Llinos Jenkins
- Martin Runeckles
- Rachel Parkinson
- Rhodri Griffiths
- Tessa Bufton
- Printed minutes 28th-May-2024 10.00 Communities Homes Regeneration Scrutiny Committee minutes
- Agenda frontsheet 28th-May-2024 10.00 Communities Homes Regeneration Scrutiny Committee agenda
- Summary
- Summary
- Report
- Appendix J
- Appendix A-C
- Appendix D
- Appendix E - I
- Report
- Summary
- Appendix 1
- Report
- Summary
- Summary
- Minutes
- Report
- Public reports pack 28th-May-2024 10.00 Communities Homes Regeneration Scrutiny Committee reports pack