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Health & Social Services Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 13th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 13, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Health & Social Services Scrutiny Committee of Carmarthenshire Council convened on Thursday, 13 June 2024, to discuss key updates and issues within Children and Family Services, particularly focusing on budgetary concerns and the implementation of the Children and Families Transformation Programme. The committee also reviewed the progress of the traineeship programme aimed at reducing reliance on agency workers.

Children and Family Services Update

The committee received a comprehensive report from James Tremblay, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Services, detailing the financial challenges faced by Children and Family Services. The service reported a projected overspend of £5.3 million against a budget of £23 million for the first quarter of 2023-2024. This follows a previous year's overspend of $7 million. Tremblay highlighted that the increase in demand and complexity of cases post-pandemic has significantly impacted expenditure.

A Budget Working Group, including senior managers and directors from various departments, recommended an investment of £5.5 million in 2024-2025 and £1.8 million in 2026-2027 to manage the increased demand. The Children and Families Transformation Programme, which aims to improve service delivery and achieve a balanced budget, is being closely monitored through a fortnightly programme board chaired by the statutory Director of Social Services.

Traineeship Programme

Councillor Karen Davis raised questions about the traineeship programme's goal to eliminate agency workers by March 2027. Jan Coles, Head of Children's Services, explained that while the programme has been successful in attracting candidates, challenges remain in meeting the required social worker capacity. Coles expressed confidence in achieving the goal, citing increased salaries and a supportive management team as key factors.

Residential Services Strategic Programme

The committee discussed the ambitious goal of eradicating for-profit placements by March 2026. Coles acknowledged the challenges, particularly in matching children with appropriate placements and balancing budgetary constraints with the need for stable environments for children. The programme includes developing new residential facilities, such as the one at Lidegors, to increase in-house capacity.

Governance and Union Liaison

Councillor Heavens-Jones inquired about the monthly union liaison meetings. Coles explained that these meetings are crucial for managing the significant changes within the department and ensuring workforce support and transparency.

Budget Monitoring and Future Updates

The committee emphasized the importance of monitoring the budget for the transformation programme separately from the general budget. Regular updates will be provided to ensure the programme stays on track.

Approval and Next Steps

The committee unanimously approved the report and agreed to receive regular updates on the progress of the Children and Families Transformation Programme. The next meeting is scheduled for 25 July 2024.

For more details, you can refer to the Public reports pack and the Printed minutes of the meeting.