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Dyfed Pension Fund Pension Board - Tuesday, 14th May, 2024 2.00 pm

May 14, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The meeting of the Dubbit Pension Fund, Pension Board, covered several administrative and financial topics, including budget monitoring, investment strategies, and responsible investment updates. The board also discussed a specific investment concern raised by Councillor Allan Lenny regarding the environmental impact of a green energy project.

The most significant topic discussed was the investment in green energy through the Wales Pension Partnership (WPP) and its implications. Councillor Allan Lenny raised concerns about the environmental impact of the proposed Nant Mythil wind farm project, specifically the plan to use steel pylons to carry electricity over a 50-mile distance to a substation near Carmarthen. This proposal has caused public outcry due to its potential damage to the scenic Towy Valley, which is currently being developed as a traffic-free path for cyclists and pedestrians. The council supports the idea of undergrounding the cables to mitigate the environmental impact. The board agreed to refer this issue to the David Pension Fund Committee for further exploration and discussion.

Budget monitoring was another key topic. Anthony Parnell, the Pension Fund Estimates Manager, presented the budget monitoring report for April to December 2023. The report highlighted an overspend on the expenditure side by £2.8 million, mainly due to lump sum retirement benefits and transfers out. However, income exceeded the budget by £4.6 million, resulting in a positive variance of £1.8 million. The board agreed to the report after a detailed discussion and clarification of various points.

The board also reviewed the pension fund budget for 2024-2025. The expenditure budget was set at £133.6 million, with an income budget of the same amount, resulting in a net budget of zero. This budget includes a 6.7% pension increase based on September 2023 CPI and a 1.5% increase in pension and deferred members. The board agreed to the budget after discussing the impact of the transfer of funds to the WPP on investment manager fees.

The pension administration report was presented by Kevin Jarad, the Pensions Manager. He provided updates on various regulatory issues, including the McLeod exercise, pensions dashboards, and the GMP reconciliation. The board discussed the challenges of obtaining monthly data updates from employers and the ongoing efforts to encourage compliance. The report was agreed upon by the board.

The risk register was reviewed, with significant work undertaken to make it more user-friendly and to reassess the scoring of each risk. A new risk on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors was added. The board agreed to the updated risk register and the plan to focus on different sections in future meetings.

The governance policy and compliance statement, investment strategy statement, and business plan for the current financial year were also reviewed and agreed upon by the board. These documents outline the governance arrangements, investment strategies, and priorities for the pension fund.

The board received an update on responsible investment activities, including engagement with companies on ESG issues and the themes for stewardship. The board agreed to the report and emphasized the importance of publicizing these activities to inform the community.

Finally, the board reviewed the minutes of the Pension Fund Committee meeting held on 27th March and agreed to note them. The budget monitoring report for the Pension Fund Board was also reviewed and agreed upon.

The meeting concluded with the exclusion of the public to discuss confidential items.