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Planning Committee - Thursday, 23rd May, 2024 10.00 am

May 23, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Carmarthenshire Planning Committee meeting covered several key topics, including the approval of a planning application for the conversion of a redundant chapel into residential flats and the approval of a nutrient storage lagoon for a local farm. The meeting also included discussions on appeals and the importance of training for committee members.

Conversion of Chapel into Residential Flats

The committee approved the planning application for the conversion of a redundant chapel at Capel, Norton Road, Penagros into seven residential flats. The chapel, built in 1883, is located in the center of Penagros and has been empty for several years. The conversion will include minimal external alterations and will provide much-needed housing for young people and professionals. The local member, Councillor Dai Thomas, supported the application, emphasizing the importance of preserving the iconic building and providing housing. Concerns were raised about parking, but the committee concluded that the existing use of the chapel had a higher parking requirement than the proposed flats, and no dedicated parking was required.

Nutrient Storage Lagoon

The committee also approved the construction of a nutrient storage lagoon at Bank Farm, south of Trilich, Galwardine. The lagoon is necessary to comply with new Welsh government regulations requiring a five-month supply of nutrient storage on farms. The lagoon will be located away from the main farm holding to serve the largest parcel of land associated with the farm. Concerns were raised by local residents about the potential impact on private water supplies and increased vehicle movements. However, the committee was assured that the lagoon would be constructed in accordance with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) regulations, which include requirements for lining and monitoring to prevent leakage.

Appeals Report

The committee reviewed the appeals report, which included a list of current appeals and decisions. Members discussed the importance of training on the appeals process and the potential cost implications of appeals. The committee agreed to receive the report and emphasized the need for ongoing training to ensure informed decision-making.

Approval of Previous Minutes

The committee approved the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.

The meeting highlighted the committee's role in balancing development needs with community concerns and regulatory requirements.