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Place, Sustainability & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 6th June, 2024 10.00 am
June 6, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The meeting began with a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives in the Second World War. The Chair then reminded everyone about the meeting's procedures, including the fact that it was being filmed and recorded. Apologies for absence were noted, and it was mentioned that Councillor Peter Cooper is in hospital.
Capital Budget Monitor Report
Councillor Alan Lenny presented the Capital Budget Monitor Report, which provided an update on the budgetary position as of 29 February 2024. The report highlighted an overall estimated net overspend of £1.2 million, primarily due to the pay award for 2023/24. Specific divisions were discussed:
- Waste and Environmental Services: Forecasting a £720,000 overspend due to the interim phase of the waste strategy. This includes a new curbside collection service and additional vehicle and staffing resources.
- Grounds and Cleansing: Reporting a £176,000 overspend, mainly due to pay awards and unmet efficiencies.
- Highways and Transportation: Forecasting an overspend of just under £300,000, primarily due to increased costs in school transport.
- Service Improvement and Transformation: Forecasting an overspend of £160,000, mainly due to the pay award in building cleaning.
Councillor Alan Lenny emphasized the need for more detailed information on areas with significant overspends to help the committee scrutinize decisions better.
Closed Landfill Sites
Councillor Colin Evans raised concerns about the increasing costs associated with closed landfill sites, particularly the issue of leachate and methane gas generation. The officer responsible for these sites is looking into ways to reduce electricity costs.
Car Parking Charges
Councillor Kim raised a question about the status of a report on car parking charges. It was confirmed that a report would be coming forward to the cabinet in the next month.
Pooled Vehicles
Councillor Colin Evans questioned the underutilization of pooled vehicles, which are meant to reduce travel costs. An officer explained that a review is underway to improve the utilization of these vehicles.
Councillor Colin Evans also raised concerns about the underachievement of income in the licensing department. Jonathan Morgan, Head of Housing and Public Protection, explained that the number of licensable businesses has decreased, affecting income targets.
Highways and Transportation
Councillor Kim raised concerns about the long-term maintenance of roads given the current budget constraints. The Chair acknowledged the issue, stating that the council is not receiving enough funding for road maintenance.
Towy Valley Path
The Chair raised concerns about the delays in the Towy Valley Path project, particularly the cost of land purchases. It was confirmed that a report would be coming to the cabinet shortly.
Trebedar Reservoir
Councillor Colin Evans questioned the continuous maintenance costs associated with Trebedar Reservoir. An officer explained that the reservoir has a long-term leak problem, and an expert review is underway to find a cost-effective solution.
Parking Services
The Chair raised concerns about parking outside schools and asked for an update on the second camera enforcement vehicle. It was confirmed that the vehicle is on its way and will be used to catch violators.
Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings
A report was presented on energy efficiency and generation in historic buildings. The report highlighted the challenges and potential solutions for making historic buildings more energy-efficient. The Chair suggested a visit to the Towy Centre to understand the developments better.
Forward Work Plan
The forward work plan for 2024/25 was reviewed and approved. Councillor Colin Evans raised a question about the equestrian strategy report scheduled for the next meeting, and it was confirmed that the report would be presented.
Upcoming Items
The upcoming items for the next meeting on 16th July were noted, and the Chair mentioned that he would be on holiday, so the Vice Chair would take over.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on 22nd April 2024 were approved.
The meeting was then declared closed.
- Cllr. Kim Broom
- Cllr. Peter Cooper
- Cllr. Sue Allen
- Cyng. Alun Lenny
- Cyng. Dorian Phillips
- Cyng. Aled Vaughan Owen
- Cyng. Ann Davies
- Cyng. Arwel Davies
- Cyng. Colin Evans
- Cyng. Edward Thomas
- Cyng. Gareth Thomas Cyngor Sir Gar / Carmarthenshire County Council
- Cyng. John James
- Cyng. Karen Davies Carmarthenshire County Council
- Cyng. Kevin Madge
- Cyng. Neil Lewis
- Cyng. Shelly Godfrey-Coles
- Cyng. Tina Higgins
- Daniel Hall-Jones
- Daniel John
- Julie Owens
- Kerry Latham
- Lle Gwag
- Martin Runeckles
- Michelle Evans Thomas
- Nell Hellier
- Rhodri Griffiths
- Siwan Rees
- Vacancy
- Printed minutes 06th-Jun-2024 10.00 Place Sustainability Climate Change Scrutiny Committee minutes
- Agenda frontsheet 06th-Jun-2024 10.00 Place Sustainability Climate Change Scrutiny Committee agenda
- Appendix A-C
- Summary
- Appendix D-F
- Summary
- Appendix G
- Report
- Summary
- Draft PSCC FWP 2024-25
- Summary
- List of Forthcoming Items -16-7-24
- Minutes 22042024 Place Sustainability Climate Change Scrutiny Committee
- Public reports pack 06th-Jun-2024 10.00 Place Sustainability Climate Change Scrutiny Committee reports pack