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Audit and Governance Committee - Wednesday, 10 July 2024 10.00 am

July 10, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The committee discussed a range of issues relating to the council's audit and governance arrangements. They approved the external audit plan, the Surrey Pension Fund external audit plan, and the draft annual governance statement. They also noted the whistleblowing and gifts and hospitality annual reports.

External Audit Plan

The committee reviewed and approved the External Audit Plan 2023/24. This is the plan for how the council's accounts will be audited by the external auditors, Grant Thornton. The plan sets out the scope of the audit, the timetable for the audit, and the fees to be charged. The plan was presented by the council's Chief Internal Auditor and Head of Internal Audit, Neil Whiteman. In response to a question from the committee, Mr Whiteman confirmed that the audit fees were in line with previous years.

Draft Annual Governance Statement

The committee considered the draft annual governance statement. This is a statement made by the council each year which confirms that it has appropriate arrangements in place to ensure that it is well-governed and that its financial management is sound.

The statement was presented by the Monitoring Officer. He explained that the statement had been informed by the work of the council's internal audit team, as well as by the work of the external auditors. The committee approved the draft statement for recommendation to the Cabinet for approval.

Surrey Pension Fund External Audit Plan

The committee considered a report on the Surrey Pension Fund External Audit Plan for 2023/24. The Surrey Pension Fund is the pension scheme for employees of Surrey County Council and a number of other employers in the Surrey area. The Pension Fund is a separate legal entity from the council. The committee were asked to note the key areas of focus for the audit, the timetable for the audit, and the fees to be charged.

Whistleblowing Annual Report

The committee received the annual report on whistleblowing. This report provides information about the number of whistleblowing disclosures made to the council during the year, and how these disclosures were dealt with.

Gifts and Hospitality

The committee received the annual report on gifts and hospitality received by officers and employees. The report sets out the council's policy on gifts and hospitality and provides details of all gifts and hospitality over £25 that were received and accepted, or refused during the year. The report was noted.