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County Council - Wednesday, 8th May, 2024 10.00 am
May 8, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingTranscript
Good morning Councillors, welcome to today's multi-location meeting of Commanding Council.
I hope all of you are keeping well and safe.
It comes to me that just ten today's meeting of Commanding Council on Wednesday, 8th May, 2024, the paper set of different views.
We're passing meetings.
Before proceeding today, I have to remind everyone that the pieces of those meetings have been filling for life or subsequent
broadcasting by the campus internet site.
On the archive echo of the meeting, the emergency recording may also be used for training purposes within the Council.
You are welcome to participate in Welsh or English.
Members and guests attended via Zoom are required in translation from Welsh to English and shooting English from the interpretation button on their screen.
Members physically surprised at shooting English on the microphone unit.
All members physically present in the Chamber should have already checked whether the headphones are working for the meeting commences.
It will be difficulty during a meeting that please draw attention to the committee officers and antennas who will assist you.
Sorry, I have a check.
Please walk in for attending in person.
Please walk with your physical hand.
You want to attend your bags, you want to please walk with a raise hand button in front of you.
Good morning, Councillors.
I hope you're all keeping well and everyone's OK today.
If remote members lose connection during the live meeting, please make every attempt to reconnect.
However, the meeting will continue as long as the meeting is correct.
I should also remind everyone that the chair has discretion to terminate or suspend filming if, in her opinion, continuing to do so would prejudice the proceedings or that continued filming might infringe the rights of any individual.
I should also explain that members of the public joining the meeting today are consenting to being filmed and to those images appearing on the Council's internet site and also in the archive record of the meeting.
I also be used for training purposes within the Council.
This processing of personal information is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest by the Council and in the exercise of official authority vested in the Council.
Thank you, Chair.
There's no fire alarm today. However, should the alarm sound, it will not be a test the meeting will adjourn, a member's attending, basically should follow the appropriate exit signs.
I apologize for absence, please.
Thank you, Chair. Apologies for absence today, Councillor Shelley-Godfrey Coles, Councillor Neill Lewis, Councillor Fiona Walters, Councillor Betz and Jones,
Councillor Karen Davis, Councillor Antonee-Lachon, Councillor Gary Jones, Councillor Doc Jones is joining us a little bit later and Councillor Sue Allen will be doing the same. Thank you.
We have all responsibilities in the code of conduct to verbally declare any put interest that we may have in relation to any item appearing on the agenda today.
Please ensure that you clearly indicate which agenda item you have proceed to send and so ask if our nature of interest to be disclosed.
Similarly, we will also need to indicate whether you have been granted this compensation by the standards committee or monitoring officer to speak of both in respect to any item in the agenda.
If any interest has not been declared and staff become known during the proceedings, it will need to be declared when that interest becomes apparent. Please declare it is just now.
I will trust you. Thank you. We now move on to agenda item three. Cheers and gentlemen.
I pretend a number of events since I saw you last be very, very eventful, months or two.
But as I said, you are going to go to all of the things that were born when you did it wrong, the entire law, the treaty festival, it was excellent, especially the ferry elf village.
Right. I'd like to welcome Councillor St William to the first meeting today.
Thank you very much chair for the opportunity to say a few words about the success of land of the rugby club recently.
I want to congratulate the coaches and players and everybody linked to the club on their success winning the cup.
Again, for the third time, we won it in 2007 and then 2015 and they do say three tries for a Welshman and we're going to try and do it this year.
And we've also been very lucky to be very successful as a club winning the premiership last year.
And we have that trophy at the moment and we have finished the season in that league and we were playing a new put on Saturday in the final to see whether we can win again.
So I would like to congratulate the club, we're a small town, but we are a very ambitious club. So I would like to say well done to everybody associated with the club.
Dear operator, and further down the Toby Valley, I'd like to congratulate the Dylo RFC Junior section who have an unbeaten record of 10 games out of 10.
So at the top of the league, they won the under 18s trophy up in the municipality in Carnie, beating Tom Marv 26 to 20.
They're now in the final of the manager league and are playing the commanding wins on Friday.
And hopefully we will bring yet another trophy over to the Dylo and the Toby Valley.
Also, the senior team have now got an unbroken record of 13 games.
So there's a winning streak happening in the Toby Valley.
So Bob looking for some of the very opposite Dylo at Diane Bowes.
Thank you, Mr. Thomas.
Congratulations to you, Laddams, who was represented by H.R.H. at the Princess Royal at the ceremony in London in recognition for his dedication to youth justice and wide roles as Prince of Manager for Youth Support Service in Commander.
We had recently had very sad news.
We had recently had passed a three former commander, Councillors, namely Iva Jackson, who represented the Tindivary Ward, Ian Jones, who represented the Dylo Ward and Ryan Butler, who was obviously back to us.
Obviously it's a sympathy to the families.
And I'm not sure what we stand for them in the silence for you to have got.
Thank you very much.
We now move on to agenda item four.
And I am the Member for the Leader.
If the Leader is any announcements, thank you.
I'll join the item five, the approval sign of the correct record, the minutes that comes in the meeting has been 28th February on 8th March.
We take the book together, first principle.
I should remind my member that the pin is out for confirmation purposes only.
I'm not your check, this is just a major record.
Other than that, the points regarding the accuracy, there would be no debate or continuing in the meetings.
If any member of the city needs to be declared an interest, please raise your hands now and also advise if you can tend to withdraw from meeting the DSD of the can remove you in the meeting room.
I intend to take both sets of minutes together, as I just stated.
It comes down in price, I understand that you are prepared to move the minutes on the 28th February on 6th March.
Thank you very much, Chair. I am happy to propose formally that the minutes are correct.
Call me second, please.
Thank you, Chair. I am happy to second.
Before I ask the amendments, I have made the made made aware of the correction to the minute of the 28th February.
The reference to the interests declared by the only orders and the minutes two and nine one are incorrect.
The interest is declared because of the interference and we arranged this to be corrected.
And then, yes, the amendments, please.
If you have, please raise your hands now.
Please, please. Thank you.
No? No, no, no, no.
All right.
All right members, this vote will be given in the minutes, please.
Can you raise your hand?
Can you raise your hand if you agree with the amendments?
Please do a quick yes.
Thank you.
And any abstentions, please.
And that's carbon. Thank you.
And then we're going to agenda item six.
We're quick to move to the Board of Director of Education, Children and Family Services.
Report begins.
I see that.
Just to confirm, I've no intention of applying for the post.
And I'm not associated with the recruitment process, so I wasn't going to leave the chamber.
But if any member thinks that the fact I'm here will be impacting the discussion or the process, I am willing to leave the chamber.
Thank you.
If any member of the need to read, declare an interest, please do so now.
And raise your hand if you have an interest to declare.
You have been for your report on the equivalent of the post of Director of Education, Children and Family Services and Statarly Chief Education Officer.
It comes again to Davis and it sends you a move to report, please.
Can you hear me?
I'll start again, apologies.
As the cabinet member for education, it is suitable that I do present this proposal before us this morning.
All of us have read the details and therefore know that we need to recruit for the post of Director of Education, Children and Family Services.
As Gareth mentioned, the current Director of course, he has no intention of applying, but he is going to retire.
Nice for him on the end of October this year.
So today we need to accept the arrangements for appointing a successor.
As members, many of you are familiar with the process of appointing a chief officer.
Within the last couple of months, the county council was asked to approve the post of law governance and civil services.
The report today is no different in terms of the process, except for the fact that this is a Director post and not a host.
And not a head of service post.
Everything before us today is in line with the requirements of the 2014 standing orders regulations, Wales.
Pointing anybody to a chief officer post where the annual salary is £100,000 or more is governed by the local authorities standing orders, Wales amendment regulations 2014.
And this is reflected in the authorities pay policy for 2024-25.
Under the 2014 regulations where an authority proposes to appoint a chief officer and who will receive an annual pay of £100,000 or more, I want to emphasize the post must be publicly advertised.
And that is the intention and to advertise for a suitable successor to Gareth.
The process has been mapped out in the report and we are all used to that process.
But what I'd like to do now is to focus on some of the key considerations of this post, which are specific to this post, as well as some of the minor changes that have been made to the job profile.
So to start with the job title, it's a little bit different.
The new title is Director of Education, Children and Family Services.
Even though the inclusion of the family is a minor change, the title does now reflect the nature and the range of the services that are being delivered.
Also the qualification requirement, the Education Act 1996 states, and I am quoting,
The duties of a local authority in Wales under the Local Government Act 1972 with respect to the appointment of officers shall without prejudice to the generality of the provision of that act include the duty of appointing a fit person to be the chief education officer of the authority.
So that is the quote.
In other words, we have to appoint somebody to this post.
I also want to note there is no requirement in the law to require a qualified teacher to fulfill this duty.
However, this qualification requirement is included as a desirable criteria, as opposed to an essential criteria.
Qualification being a qualified teacher is included as a desirable criterion, as opposed to an essential criteria.
This will provide a wider pool of interest from people who have an interest and attract more applicants to the job so the net can be spread wider.
Also you will see a reference to the fact that the Director's Post may be subject to change in the future as a result of internal service,
or organizational change, and it is very important that we, as an authority, do have that flexibility to be able to respond to changes in the workforce, for example.
We have therefore included a paragraph to this effect, and then safeguarding, very important.
Audit Wales has done a review of corporate safeguarding.
Following discussions at the corporate safeguarding officers group, we are now including a specific reference in all job profiles.
We highlight that safeguarding is everyone's business.
It's something that we all are responsible for.
All responsible for protecting children and adults at risk, and doing that by working in a way that promotes and supports their best interests.
And there's a duty on us to report of any concerns that we may have.
As members, you will hear more about this this afternoon on the safeguarding seminar this afternoon.
And then the final point, the Welsh language level.
This post has been independently assessed, and it is on level five in both English and Welsh.
So, with those few words, Chair, I would like to commend this report to the full Council.
Thank you.
Come to the Philippines, I intend you are happy to formally second it please.
Yeah, thank you, Chair.
I don't think there's much more I can say to what Commissioner Davis has already said.
I am happy to second the proposition.
Talk about that.
Thank you.
Daniel Ellis, which is speaking with Martha, please raise your hands now if you do so.
Thank you, Chair.
I'd like to welcome the fact that the language level is level five in the report.
I think that's very good, and I just have a query.
It's really technical and apologies for raising it now, but the numbering in the English translation
starts at six for the main purposes of the job, and 18 for key responsibilities.
It appears to have flown through from the Welsh instead.
I think it needs correcting, but otherwise it might lead to some confusion on reading English.
Thank you, Chair.
Thank you.
Just the proposal that I'll be motioning with you to speak again, please.
No, there's a tool, but I accept the point that's been made.
So the motion, if it was please raise your hands.
Okay, we're moving the report, please.
Anyone against?
Any abstentions, please?
And that's Kerry.
Thank you.
Move on to item seven.
designation of your council's internet monitoring officer.
This report begins with page 63 of your agenda park.
If any member of it needs to be declared to please us now and raise your hands.
If you wish to withdraw from the, sorry, withdraw, sorry, please.
Please ask the DSU officer to please.
We'll move you in the waiting room.
Sorry, I'm coughing.
You have your report on the appointment of an interim monitoring officer.
Come with a repeat, I just want you to move the report, please.
I am presenting this report.
Thank you, Chair.
You will all remember that the county council agreed to the arrangements for the,
interim and permanent post for the head of law and legal services when it was all presented to us here on the 28th of February this year.
You will also remember from the report that the council were required to appoint an interim monitoring officer following the retirement of our current monitoring officer who is Linda who is here with us today on the, at the end of May.
This is a requirement legally in accordance with article five.
I can confirm that the appointments committee be had met last month to appoint an interim officer for the post and I have great pleasure to confirm that Mr. Stephen Murphy has been appointed to this post on an interim basis.
The role of the monitoring officer is an integral part of the post, which was agreed upon.
So as part of the final recruitment process, we now need to appoint Mr. Murphy formally as the monitoring officer on an interim basis so that we comply with the requirements of the act.
The process has been mapped in the report, so unless there are any questions, I am happy to approve this report to full council and to ask for the council's endorsement to appoint Mr Stephen Murphy as the monitoring officer on an interim basis from the 1st of June 2024.
So with your permission chair, I would like to say one or two more words, I would like to thank you Linda for over 40 years of service here in the council.
I don't know how you've done it. And to be honest, you deserve a medal.
You definitely deserve a medal and a rest, but on a serious note, we have all turned to you from time to time, asking you for your advice over the years. Thank you to you for being so caring of all of us here in the council and for your wise leadership and robust leadership.
And I want to wish you every happiness and best wishes for the future. I'm sure we will have a chance to thank you again. Thank you very much.
Thank you, come to the heavens. No, come to the Philippines.
Please go to the views.
Yeah, thank you chair. I'd just like to echo Linda's words to Linda. Indeed, yes, thank you very much for all the services you've given us.
I wish you good health and happiness for the future to enjoy your retirement. Indeed.
And with that, I'm happy to second the proposition. Thank you very much indeed.
Are there any report amendments?
Yeah, good. I support the report.
But I serve in 37 years with Linda. I have to get up and say, since then, everybody comes to the days, there's not many officers left from reorganization.
I'm still here, but in the Philippines. But I'd like to thank you for all the years, because I know when I was a young man coming to the neighborhood council, you give me a lot of support then.
And you've given me support all through the decades, even up to the day. And, you know, I know when I lead how much the support you give me in a lot of tricky situations.
But I wish you all the best for the future. I wish you all the lovely and healthy retirement.
And I hope you have a good day. Thank you very much.
Now please, any amendments?
I wish you all the right to reply.
Please wait.
In the report, please.
Are you engaged?
Extension, please.
That's Caudy. Thank you.
You may move on to agenda number eight.
I said the recommendations of the Cabinet in respect to the foreign items.
The strategy equality plan, 2024, 228.
Cabinet, eight into the third, 24.
The supervision of your agenda park.
If any member of us needs to read, declare an interest, please also now.
Raise your hands and you'll be advised to please be placed in the waiting room.
If you have before, you will report on the strategic equality plan, 2408.
Thank you very much, Chair.
I have pleasure in presenting the strategic equality plan draft for 2024-28.
There is a strategic responsibility on the Council under the Equality Act and the public sector duty to publish the strategic equality plan.
The Welsh Government is reviewing the public sector equality duty in Wales at the moment,
and equality officers across Wales have noted to Government that we need to prepare strategic plans for every public sector organization by 2024,
but that review hasn't been completed by the Government yet.
So we will need to review our strategic plan once the Welsh Government review has been completed.
And of course, officers will be monitoring and updating us on any further requirements.
The new scheme for Comarvenshire for 2024-28 reflects many national policies and strategies that have been published over the last few years,
such as the social linguistic duty, the anti-racist Wales action plan,
the Wales LGBTQ+ action plan.
And the aim of this strategy in Comarvenshire is to bring all these elements together into one plan
to concentrate our work locally and prioritize work.
When preparing the new SEP and setting the aims, we have considered a lot of different elements.
For example, engagement work, which has been held jointly with other organisations in the region,
such as Canada-Gion Pembroxure Councils and Partners in the PSP.
Local data and data from the National Report is Wales' fairer 2023 report.
The plan sets four equality aims for the 2024-2028 period,
being an employer of choice, and Councillor Philip Hughes will be giving more information on this.
Enabling our residents to live and age well, embedding community cohesion in our organisation and our community,
and protecting and strengthening equality and human rights.
We will continue to review and provide updates throughout the annual reporting cycle.
We will also expect the Welsh Government to publish a Disability Action Plan in Spring 2024,
so we will need to review and respond once that has been published.
It's a pleasure to present this report to Council.
It is a work in progress and will be amended as additional reports come forward from Welsh Government.
Thank you, Councillor Davies. Councillor Philip Hughes, I understand you want to move second.
It's probably seconded, please.
Thank you, Chair.
I'd just like to add to what Anna has already said,
in that this key document covered many areas that sit within my people portfolio's responsibilities.
As Anna has already said, people management play an integral role in the Strategic Ecology Plan
on this implementation, and a newly developed workforce strategy that is before this morning,
which picks up many of the themes highlighted in the document we have in front of us today.
Mathematically, we will work to create a workplace where everyone is treated equally,
with dignity and a fair access to resource and learning opportunities.
We also want a workplace that has an inclusive culture that provides an innovative support,
innovative supportive and interesting place for other people to work,
as well as to allow them to fully engage in our work to help communities thrive.
We know that employing people who have a range of different backgrounds, experiences and ideas
increases creativity and leads to better problem solving and decision making.
We also know that your workplace that encourages equality, diversity and inclusion
and help to attract and retain good people to better serve our diverse range of customers
and keeping our people engaged and motivated.
But simply, fair organizations perform better,
and that is why your workforce strategy and also a transformation strategy align
with a commitment set out in the Strategic Ecology Plan.
Again, equity and commitments in other workforce related strategies.
It's good to see how we are integrating these key dots so that they are cohesive and join up.
I also want to make reference to the Welsh language that is highlighted in the draft Strategic Equality Plan.
And at the end of this month, we will have an update report
to consider in terms of the progress we are making in promoting the Welsh language
and what we are doing to create Welsh language apprenticeships.
That being said, we are hoping that we can secure some external transfer
and then to achieve this initiative very shortly.
Find the chair. I'd like to add my support to the Strategic Ecology Plan.
Thank you.
Please raise your hands if you wish to so please.
Just a little bit.
I hope you are feeling okay.
Can I thank members of the school for presenting what is,
I'm sure everybody would agree, a really, really important report.
Not only one that fulfills our statutory duties as a local authority,
but one which I think we will all agree needs to underpin all the activities
of the council in terms of what we do internally and really importantly
what we do in delivering things on behalf of our community.
One question I'd like to raise or point of light to raise really is around
the data that supports each of the sections within the plan.
And I note that a significant amount of that data relates to all of Wales
rather than to come out and share.
I completely get that might be because it's difficult to get that more local data,
but I'd like to make a plea to Councillor Davis to sort of look
to us collecting more local data,
particularly given the increasing diversity and related issues within
many of our communities across the Madam Chair.
More specifically, I'd like to just raise a couple of points in relation to
the actions around monitoring emergency and emerging community tensions
within our communities and there's a pledge on page 27 of the plan
for these to be monitored and for the Council to work with key partners,
including police and community members, as part of response to mitigate them.
Having been with my fellow board member, Councillor Skinner,
and indeed other members at the forefront of significant community tensions
over the past 12 months, can I make a plea that this action is expanded
to include a specific mention to both county and community councillors,
and specifically can assurance be given that we will be given as members
the opportunity to formally raise issues from within our communities
and that we receive appropriate advice and support in identifying potential risks
and in developing and implementing remedial measures within our communities.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Sorry, my apologies.
I couldn't get my words out.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
My apologies.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Certainly with regard to data, I know there's some local data,
as much as we've been able to gather, but I will certainly take your point
and see if we can use further data as and when it comes available,
and I'm sure we will.
With regards to community cohesion,
we have what I feel a brilliant community cohesion team.
It's a very small team here within the council,
but they do a lot of excellent work,
internationally, but around its regional team.
But we have some members of that,
but there is in come out and we should do an excellent work.
I don't know if you've been in touch with them,
and you know who they are,
but I'm sure that we'll keep the conversations going between yourself
and comes to the skin there.
But also it is, as I say, a come to my team,
and I'm sure that everybody will be able to speak with them
if you feel that there's any tension or any underlying tension
that they need to know about.
But I have to tell you, their fingers are on the pulse.
They are amazing, and you know, they're all bit.
I'm going to leave it there.
But you know, that is a two-way conversation,
and I'm sure that that will continue.
Thank you, Katie Davies.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you, Chair.
Thank you for that response.
Councillor Davis, which is reassuring.
And indeed, Councillor Skinner and I,
and I know other colleagues,
internationally have been involved with the community care team.
They've given expert advice to us.
I think my point is that, you know,
we had to proactively seek that,
and I think there's something that could be done within this plan
having to kind of look around to see how we get those conversations going.
So I think, you know,
absolutely brilliant support from them.
I think it needs to be formalised in a way that properly isn't set out in the plan.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Are there any before the amendments?
Please raise your hand if you wish to do so now.
There's the report of the motion, which is the right to reply.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Will the members please?
Please, members, raise your hand.
The report, please.
Can you raise your hand? Sorry.
Oh, God.
Thank you.
Are you going to gain, please?
Any potentials?
We move on to agenda item nine.
To receive the report from meeting of the cabinet held in the 4th of March,
18th of March, 25th of March, and 15th of April.
I will take them all together.
If any other officer needs to read the clear and interest,
please raise your hands now, or advise you intend to withdraw from the meeting
so that the officer can remove you from the place in the middle room.
I intend to take four sets together, as I've said,
which are again, I'll repeat the 4th of March, 18th of March,
25th of March, and 15th of April.
They're all within your park.
Come sit down and press anything you wish to move over these minutes and block.
Can you please switch on your microphone now?
Thank you very much, Chair.
They're happy to propose the four meetings at the same time.
Thank you.
Come sit in the levels.
I intend to wish to second it.
Happy to second them.
Thank you.
Are there any questions on millions of the meetings that you've read today?
If so, please state the meeting date.
Minute number on Redmond Page within the park, please.
No questions, Chair.
The report.
My head.
If you're happy to receive the minute, please, if you'd make a hand,
thank you.
Anyone against?
Any abstentions, please?
I move on to agenda item 10.
Notice the motion then received.
I move on to agenda item 11, public questions then received.
And I move on to agenda item 12, presentation of petition.
Thank you, Chair.
Thank you, Chair.
I'm a Welsh learner.
I'm a very new Welsh learner.
I'm new in English because I don't have sufficient Welsh at all.
So, my name is Elizabeth Early.
I joined the convenience campaign in Burryport because for four months this year,
we were left to the entire town in the harbor with one toilet cubicle,
including over the Easter weekend.
We collected over 500 signatures for our petition on the 7th of April,
450 of which were for Burryport and its immediate environs.
The petition requested that the county council reinstate public toilets
in such a way that they're accessible to wheelchair users,
disabled and elderly persons, those with babies and young children,
and most importantly, that the structure must be protected from vandalism
with appropriate management and cleaning regimes in place.
So, as to restore pride in the town, welcome tourists,
and we requested that the town council and relevant community groups
were involved from the planning stage through to the reopening of the public conveniences.
Since then, lots of people have been busy, including yourselves.
Thank you very much.
You supplied us with two portaloes outside the station toilets
for temporary relief until those toilets were opened.
We've been busy too.
We've attended lots of meetings, committee meetings of the town council,
asking for various things, including consulting local businesses.
I know that's something that's in your toilet policy
to see if they would allow us to use, well, allow the public to use their facilities freely.
We did some consultation of our own.
On the day we collected the signatures, the answer was resounding no
from everybody.
So that made it even more important that these toilets were opened in a sustainable way.
We also asked the town council to get on with the community asset transfer.
Strangely enough on the day that we held an open meeting in the town
to consult members of the public and find out how these toilets could actually be a community asset
rather than a liability.
The town council opened the toilets.
So you might think, What am I doing here? Job done.
Sadly, the toilets were opened in a disgraceful state.
Very little cleaning had been done.
Evidence of previous vandalism was there for everybody to see.
Far from protecting those toilets from vandalism.
In that kind of state, they're just openly inviting it.
During our meeting, we asked people, How could these toilets be an asset to the town?
And we got some fabulous ideas, very expensive ones,
including reconfiguring them to direct access, single cubicles,
repositioning the doors on the other side of the building,
where they'd have great visibility, a false ceiling to discourage young people
from dumping their tissue and checking it up over the beams
and into the cubicles on top of the people that are in them at the time.
But probably the best suggestions cost nothing at all.
And we've got volunteers who are willing to go into schools and do this.
Involve the young people themselves, who are the ones that are responsible for the vandalism,
have something like a mural competition,
and the winners could decorate the outside of the toilets
with very poor landmarks, with help from talented young artists
who've already painted murals in the town.
We know that it's not your responsibility to provide public toilets,
we're aware of that, but we would like you to get together with the town council
and whatever it is that's prevented this community asset transfer from happening in the past,
can we put that behind us, get on with it,
support the town council to open those toilets in a sustainable way,
not in a way which means they're just going to get closed again,
and we'll end up losing them.
Point them towards sources of funding and grants, we know money's tight,
encourage them to work with members of the community.
There's good will in the town, there are lots of people that attended our meeting
who are happy to roll up their sleeves and get involved with cleaning,
checking the toilets, doing all sorts of things,
please encourage them to make use of that good will before it dissipates.
We don't want a situation where the toilets are closed due to vandalism,
re-opened in a shoddy way, they get vandalised again, they get closed,
this is how we lost the toilets on Harbour West,
we want that to happen again because if it does happen again,
old people like me, people with young children,
people with medical conditions, women who are menstruating,
who live within walking distance of the town in the Harbour,
are going to make short car journeys to the town in the Harbour
just so that they can get home and use the toilet,
which gives you a thinker's segue into your next item,
which I think is to do with the climate crisis.
So thank you very much for listening to me,
it's very unnerving standing here, talking to you all,
but I hope you can support Barry Port, I've only lived there a year,
and it's a very special place, it manages to be both really down to earth
and also a little bit of heaven, which I've actually had tattooed in Welsh on my arm.
I really love the place and I think it deserves better treatment
than I think it has received. Thank you, Diok.
Thank you, Mr Hilly. Just the cabinet member,
what should you apply, please? Mr Hilly?
Diok Adere, thank you, Mr Hilly, for your petition calling
for the impeachment, reinstatement of public toilets in Barry Port.
I'm pleased to tell you that, as you've already said,
following a temporary closure due to an issue with the power supply,
the public toilets in Barry Port have reopened it.
However, I understand that that concerns the provision of public toilets
to be broader than only the reopening of the public toilets.
To provide you with some additional information and possibly some context,
local authorities do not have to provide public toilets,
but we are required to develop a local toilet strategy.
Our public toilet strategy has currently been drafted,
and as part of the process, we are developing an action plan to maintain
and where possible to improve the public facilities throughout the relationship.
We recognise the need for public toilets and the importance of providing clear
and up-to-date information on the location and opening times of public toilets
to allow residents to plan trips and visit with reassurance
that there are adequate facilities available to them.
To this end, we are working to engage with retailers to explore collaborative solutions
and recognise the significance of collaborating with local businesses
to enhance the overall public amenities in the area.
By fostering partnerships with nearby retail instruments,
we aim to create a network that will ensure convenient and accessible restroom facilities
for everybody in the community.
For example, in Buddyport, there is an agreement with Crazy Crapes,
where their toilet facility is to be made available to the public
between the hours of 9.30am and 4.30am during the winter period
and 9.30am and 7.30pm during the summer period.
Under the scheme, local businesses and organisations, such as cafes, restaurants and shops,
will it be engaged to make their restroom facilities available
to the public free of charge.
Participants and establishments will display a recognisable logo
or sign-in to get an involvement in the scheme,
as well as a full list available on your entire website.
I do not need to say that as our focus remains on trying to find ways
to maintain our provision of public facilities across Commander,
budget cuts handed down to local authorities of the last decade
are meant that each year we must review all possible options
in terms of budget cuts.
World's government, below-in-fission funding settlement,
meant a shortfall of over 22 million in our 24-25 budget.
However, we continue to work hard to identify efficiencies and grant funding
that might provide support, non-such research services,
and in passing this petition to the Council for consideration,
or the Cabinet for consideration rather,
we will of course do what we can under the circumstances.
Thank you very much for the petition.
I will come and move for now and collect it,
so remain where you are.
As I said, it will be passed on to the Cabinet for consideration.
Thank you.
Thank you, Commander Thomas.
Does there be a message to speak on this matter, please?
Commander James.
Thank you, Madame Chair. Several times in the last few years
I have stood here supporting the need to try this important,
and it's no different this time.
I would like to thank Mrs. Hurley for presenting the petition
in a very strong way, and partially as well,
so thank you, Diok, and Rallochi.
Public toilets aren't a luxury, but they are in necessity.
We are all in need.
As is too often a case with a lack of public toilets,
this is a health burden that falls on elderly groups,
such as other groups such as their health, disabilities,
elderly, women, and children.
It's time that the provision of public toilets
is seen as a basic and essential part of our communities,
just like pavements on streets like dinner.
In four years' time, very important,
I am sure we will celebrate the centenary of London
of the first woman to fly over the Atlantic Ocean
in a very important way, and we'll hear that accompanied
by a pilot, a mechanic, flew in from America
in their seat during the friendship.
This historic event is already got in great interest,
not only in Wales, but globally,
including the United States of America.
A covalent margin of disappointment,
an establishment of visitors,
spending their money to come and visit,
and be part of the festivities,
only to find out there isn't any public toilet provision,
but most of them will be where they come from.
Currently, it's not start to be obligation
for the local parties to provide public provision,
but this petition gives this council the opportunity
to take the moral high ground,
provide a much needed facility for both its residents and visitors,
whether it be by supply and toilets
or working in parties where the town comes here,
local groups and individuals who want to get involved.
On behalf of the council, sharing coffee calls myself,
I wish to record or support this petition.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you for coming, Mrs. Early.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you for coming, Mrs. Early.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you for coming, Mrs. Early.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you for coming, Mrs. Early.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Question by members.
No questions today.
We have one member question today.
I missed all the part.
Question becomes a John James to come to the Alleur Fund,
a COVID member for climate change.
Does that be communication and sustainability?
Thank you, James.
Can you call me or ask a question to come to the following, please?
You're a native?
Before I put this question to a council on the event,
we're going to the Alleur Fund Chair, which I feel is important
and I put that into context.
In 2019, this council was the first council to declare climate emergency
and to commit the serve to becoming a next-year carbon local authority by 2030.
I'd like to tell you more local authorities in the UK
in the same commitment.
The major political groups were also given a positive dialogue and policies.
But now, as we hear a general action, there seems to be a weekend
on what's been done in both the dialogue and policy from the major political parties
and combating carbon emissions.
And not to do this seems to be at the middle of a country comes to England,
which leads me into asking my question to consider a vulnerable carbon member
for climate change decarbonisation and sustainability.
Research from the local government association reveals
that two-thirds of the council's in England are not confident to achieve
the net-zero carbon targets within their target timescares.
What's the worst local government association is working on a climate change transition
and support programme to seek to help the public sector meet
the rights government's 2015 net-zero carbon target.
Given this information as well as acknowledging the overall severe financial pressures
faced by local authorities, reaching net-zero targets has become even more challenging
than ever.
I'd like to put the question to a concern on the way.
Where does this concern currently stand in relation to its current objectives
and the academic goal of achieving more ambitious 2030 net-zero carbon target.
So, thank you, Councillor JAMES.
Councillor FON.
Oh, and should we respond, please?
Thank you very much, Chair.
And thanks to Councillor JAMES for raising this question today.
As a local authority, we made a promise to our residents
and to future generations a declaration of climate emergency
and a commitment to become net-zero by 2030.
We understand how urgent this is, and we recognise the important role
that we have as a local authority to play as we mitigate against the
and protecting biodiversity.
We also recognise the challenges ahead of us.
The financial pressures of achieving such an ambitious goal,
particularly when we are working with a Conservative government in London
that were defeated in court last week for the second time
for not doing enough to meet its targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
We agreed in our plan in 2020 to focus on four key areas.
Our non-domestic buildings, our street lighting, our fleet mileage
and our business mileage.
And I can confirm we are currently at around 36% less carbon emissions
since our pre-COVID baseline year.
And I am sure you agree that is quite a substantial reduction,
but we are not slowing down.
I am proud of the tremendous work that is being done by dedicated officers
to focus on our fleet which contributes about 19% of our emissions.
In the last few months alone, supported by the Climate and Nature advisory panel
made up of members from across this chamber,
we have increased our electric vehicle fleet by 40 vehicles
and set into policy the presumption for electric vehicles in all future purchases.
But we are mindful that we as a local authority
do not have all the levers needed to become net zero
unless governments at all levels decide to close that gap between rhetoric and reality
and set us on a coast towards a just transition to a more sustainable future
with appropriate funding mechanisms.
But we want to sit back and only focus on that scope that we originally perceived as net zero.
We are now transferring our learning to other areas within the Council
and mainstreaming Climate and Nature into all decisions we take.
You only need to look at our corporate plan, our transformation strategy
or even our procurement strategy.
All have climate and nature embedded in the ways of working.
No longer are they nice to have or fringe benefits, they are the way we do business.
Consider our new homes built to the highest possible environmental standard
learning from the design of passive house level schools that we've built.
Retrofitting our aging stock to provide the best possible housing standard for tenants,
reducing bills and looking after the planet.
We are now finalising training modules on carbon literacy to all Commander County Council employees.
Imagine over 8,000 staff in one organisation fully trained understanding the challenges ahead
and being able to contribute to the urgent action needed around climate and nature emergencies.
Yes, there are challenges ahead.
But unlike what some people would advocate, it's not a reason to give up
but rather to get up and do the right thing to do.
Thank you, Councillor.
Councillor James, would you recommend the question, please?
Yes, Councillor.
It must be a question, not a comment.
Thank you.
Yes, I think it's important as a Council we get updated on what's happening
and not just wait until two years before and find out things aren't going the way they should be going.
So we can keep our thing on the post as a Council.
I'd like to thank Councillor Bono for giving us an update on how the Company Council are moving forward.
Every serving member in this Company Council has a privilege and honour of representing respective wards,
which gives us the responsibility of being decision makers and custodians not only for the other wards
but also the Company of Commander Richard Seagal.
Climate change is a huge issue which impacts on current and future generations.
It is crucial that we take steps, note the topic of climate change.
Councillor James, could you ask a question?
Yes, come on, come back to it.
I'll just leave it into it.
It is crucial that we take steps, note the topic of climate change and its effects.
And keep it on the way.
Someone keeps talking all the time.
That's all I'm doing with my friend.
Good question.
Well, you know, give me a chance.
Every time it's on the agenda, people usually come in.
Councillor James, could I ask a question, please?
Yes, I will.
If you ask a question, I'll let it into it.
All I'm going to say is we can't let up if you're an annoyed difference in what the seriousness of what could well be a respective
sector, so we can see this part of it.
We have said what does our ongoing and long-term strategy for engaged and involved with residents come out and realize
this comes to a commitment towards a low carbon future.
Thank you.
Councillor interjecting.
Thank you very much.
Councillor James, collaboration is key to success.
So by working together across sectors, industries and communities, we can achieve significant progress by acting on the
greatest challenges facing humanity.
And I am pleased to say that on a national level, we are working alongside partners, such as the WLGA and West Government
to support the National Climate Action Wales Program, to engage with the public.
This is a local area energy plan for Comabinshire, which has been co-developed with the public and private sector regulators
and communities to set this on a trajectory to decarbonize the whole county's energy system over the next decade.
This will be a further springboard on which to involve our communities.
However, over the last year, we have funded about £7.5 million worth of projects based on climate, nature and circular economy.
Imagine the impact this will have on the villages and towns of Comabinshire.
Our regeneration team have supported over 24 businesses, installing renewable energy technologies and saving hundreds of tons of
carbon each year with more and more businesses submitting expressions of interest every week.
But as a council, our most powerful asset we have is us, the elected members.
Imagine the ability to inspire our communities and address the climate and nature emergency through policy making and leading by example.
However, less than half of us have taken up the opportunity to approve our carbon literacy through the training offer.
So if any member in this chamber wishes to do the course, please contact me after the meeting so we can arrange.
And as we continue on this journey, let us keep in mind the legacy we are building for future generations.
Our actions today will shape the world they inherit tomorrow.
And let us be remembered not for the challenges we faced, but for the boldness of our ambition and determination in which we presented.
Thank you.
The move on to agenda item 14 now.
To approve the foreign changes to the membership of committee, we have a number of changes to membership of committees.
And to change the authority's reputation on mid and westways by authority.
I would like items 14.1, 14.2, 14.3 together.
Come to the other committee.
Do you formally wish to forward the led group changes and block, please.
Yes, I propose, Chair.
Thank you.
Yes, Anton you will form your second, please.
Thank you Chair, happy to second.
The changes forward on behalf of the end of the committee members, please.
Yes, thank you, Chair.
I would just like the state, obviously, as today marks Council Steve Williams' first country council meeting with us.
Obviously following his success as an unaffiliated independent in the recent by-election.
I'm sure all of us would like to wish Steve well in his new role.
And I'm currently in the good work of his predecessor, Council John Jenkins and the athlete ward.
So therefore, Chair, on behalf of the end of the committee members, can I propose the following changes?
As of playing on the agenda.
Thank you very much.
Councillor crying.
Thank you, please.
Thank you very much, Chair.
Happy to second this proposal.
Thank you very much.
It comes to price.
And it's time for the changes to one of the representatives of the mid- and westways by the end of the rest.
Good authority.
Yes, Chair, happy to second.
Thank you, Chair.
Happy to propose.
I'm just going to take the place to have Councillor Thomas.
Okay, please.
Yes, happy to second.
Thank you.
Good evening.
You are in favour of the changes in front of you.
Thank you.
I'm against.
And any abstentions, please.
And that's carried.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Good morning Councillors, welcome to today's multi-location meeting of Commanding Council. I hope all you are keeping well and safe. We have to be summoned to attend today's meeting of Commanding Council on March 8th May 2024. We have to be seated today, I have to remind everyone that the pieces of those meetings are being filmed for life or subsequent broadcasting while it comes to the Internet site. On the archive echo of the meeting, the emergency recording may also be used for training purposes within the Council. You are welcome to participate in Welsh or English. Members and guests attend via Zoom are required in translation from Welsh to English, shooting English, from the interpretation button on their screen. Members physically participate in shooting English on the microphone unit. All members physically present in the Chamber should have already checked whether the headphones are working for the meeting commences. If you have difficulty doing a meeting, then please draw to attention the committee officers who will assist you, sorry, I have a check. 14th attending in person, please walk with your physical hand. There was a 10-year bag, please walk with a raised hand button in front of you. Good morning Councillors, I hope you are all keeping well and everyone is OK today. If remote members lose connection during the live meeting, please make every attempt to reconnect however the meeting will continue as long as the meeting is correct. I should also remind everyone that the Chair has discretion to terminate or suspend filming if in her opinion continuing to do so would prejudice the proceedings or that continued filming might infringe the rights of any individual. I should also explain that members of the public joining the meeting today are consenting to being filmed and to those images appearing on the Council's Internet site and also in the archive record of the meeting and may also be used for training purposes within the Council. This processing of personal information is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest by the Council and in the exercise of official authority vested in the Council. Thank you, Chair. Fire alarms, there is no fire alarm today, however, it should be alarm sound, it will not be a test, the meeting will adjourn, a member's attending, basically should follow the appropriate exercise. Apologies for absence, please. Thank you, Chair. Apologies for absence today, Councillor Shelley Godfrey Coles, Councillor Neil Lewis, Councillor Fiona Walters, Councillor Betz and Jones, Councillor Karen Davis, Councillor Antonilation, Councillor Gary Jones, Councillor Dot Jones is joining us a little bit later and Councillor Sue Allen will be doing the same. Thank you. Interest. We have all responsibility and the code of conduct to verbally declare any with interest that we may have in relation to any item appearing on the agenda today. Please ensure that you clearly indicate which agenda item you have proceed to send and so ask if our nature of interest to be disclosed. Similarly, you will also need to indicate whether you have been granted this sensation by the standards committee or amounting officer to speak of what, of what in respect to any outcome of the agenda. If any interest has not been declared and the staff become known during the proceedings, it will need to be declared when that interest becomes apparent. Please declare it is just now. Thank you. We now move on to agenda item three. Cheers and gentlemen. I pretend a number of events, since I saw you last, be very, very eventful, months or two. But, as I said, you are going to go to all of these things, very boring. When you did it wrong, the entire law, the treaty festival, it was excellent, especially the fairy elf village. Right. I'd like to welcome Councillor C. William to the first meeting today. Yes. How many meetings elected to represent the actually world following the resignation of John Jenkins? I'd like to contract related slightly wondrous RFC on their division one cup final at the principal estate team card in April. I think it comes to hand today, which we should say if you would as well. Thank you very much, Chair, for the opportunity to say a few words about the success of Fanta v. Rugby Club recently. I want to congratulate the coaches and players and everybody linked to the club on their success winning the cup again for the third time. We won it in 2007 and then 2015 and they do say three tries for Welshmen and we're going to try and do it this year and we've also been very lucky to be very successful as a club winning the premiership last year and we have that trophy at the moment and we have finished the season in that league and we were playing a new put on Saturday in the final to see whether we can win again. So I would like to congratulate the club. We're a small town but we are a very ambitious club so I would like to say well done to everybody associated with the club. Dear operator, I would like to congratulate the RFC Junior section who have an unbeaten record of 10 games out of 10 so at the top of the league. They won at the end of the 18s trophy up in the municipality in Carnie beating Tom Marv 26-20. They're now in the final of the manager league and are playing the commanding wins on Friday and hopefully we'll bring up yet another trophy over Duke of the Nilo and the Tawy Valley. Also the senior team have now got an unbroken record of 13 games. There's a winning streak happening in the Tawy Valley so Bob looking for some of the very important D-Lo at Diane Bowes. Thank you, Professor Thomas. Congratulations to you, Laudhams, who was represented with the Trust Award by H.R.H. the Princess Royal at the ceremony in London in recognition for his dedication to youth justice and wide roles as Professor Manger, who used to participate in Comanche. We had recently a very sad news, we had recently had passing up three former Comanche counselors, namely Iva Jackson, who represented the Tindivary Ward, Ian Jones, who represented the Tindale Ward and Ryan Butler, who was obviously back to us. I was interested in sympathy to the families and I'm not sure what we stand for them in the silence for you to have got. [BLANKAUDIO] [BLANKAUDIO] [BLANKAUDIO] [BLANKAUDIO] [BLANKAUDIO] Thank you very much. [BLANKAUDIO] We now move on to agenda item four, and I'm just by the leader. If the leader is any announcements, thank you. I joined item five, the approval sign of the correct record, the minutes of the council meeting has been 28th February on 8th March. We take the vote together, that's permissible. I should remind my member that the pin is out for confirmation purposes only. This is an unnatural check, and this is made a correct record. Other than that, the points regarding the accuracy, there would be no debate or contained in the meetings. If any member of the city needs to be declared an interest, please raise your hands now, and also advise if you intend to withdraw from meeting the DS state of the committee and remove you in place, in the way to rule. I intend to take both sets of minutes together, as I just stated. It comes down in price, I understand that you are prepared to move the minutes on the 28th February on the 6th March. Thank you very much, Chair. I am happy to propose formally that the minutes are correct. Call me second, please. Thank you, Chair. I am happy to second. Before I ask the amendments, I have made a way of the correction to the minutes of the 28th February, the reference to the interest declared by the only orders, and the minutes two and nine-one are incorrect. The interest is declared because of the interference, and we arrange this to be corrected. And then, yeah, the amendments, please. If you have, please raise your hands now. Oh, thank you. No? No. No, thank you. All right. All right, members, this will all be given in the minutes, please. Can you raise your hand? Can you raise your hand if you agree with the amendments? These two quick years. Thank you. And in your pinches, please. And that's Captain. Thank you. And now we're going to change item six. We've come into the Board of Director of Education, Children and Family Services. The report begins. I see that. Yeah, let's go through it. Just to confirm, I have no intention of applying for the post, and I'm not associated with the recruitment process. So I wasn't going to leave the chamber. But if any member thinks that the fact I'm here will be impacting the discussion or the process, I am willing to leave the chamber. Thank you. If any member of the need to read declare an interest, please do so now. And raise your hands if you have interest to declare. You have been for your report on the equipment to the post of Director of Education, Children and Family Services and staff to Chief Education Officer. Come to the table. Any signs you will move the report, please. Microphone. Microphone. Go on, you're on your own. Great. Further. I'll start again, apologies. As the cabinet member for education, it is suitable that I do present this proposal before us this morning. All of us have read the details and therefore know that we need to recruit for the post of Director of Education, Children and Family Services. As Gareth mentioned, the current Director of course, he has no intention of applying, but he is going to retire. Nice for him on the end of October this year. So today we need to accept the arrangements for appointing a successor. As members, many of you are familiar with the process of appointing a chief officer. Within the last couple of months, the county council was asked to approve the post of law, governance and civil services. The report today is no different in terms of the process except for the fact that this is a Director post and not ahead of service post. Everything before us today is in line with the requirements of the 2014 Standing Orders Regulations Wales. In accordance with the requirement of the 2014 Standing Orders Regulations Wales. My opinion. Appointing anybody to a chief officer post where the annual salary is £100,000 or more is governed by the local authorities standing orders Wales amendment regulations 2014. And this is reflected in the authorities pay policy for 2024-25. Under the 2014 regulations where an authority proposes to appoint a chief officer and who will receive an annual pay of £100,000 or more. I want to emphasise the post must be publicly advertised and that is the intention and to advertise for a suitable successor to Gareth. The process has been mapped out in the report and we are all used to that process. But what I'd like to do now is to focus on some of the key considerations of this post which are specific to this post as well as some of the minor changes that have been made to the job profile. So to start with the job title it's a little bit different. The new title is Director of Education, Children and Family Services. Even though the inclusion of the family is a minor change the title does now reflect the nature and the range of the services that are being delivered. Also the qualification requirement, the Education Act 1996 states and I am quoting. The duties of a local authority in Wales under the Local Government Act 1972 with respect to the appointment of officers shall without prejudice to the generality of the provision of that act include the duty of appointing a fit person to be the chief education officer of the authority. So that is the quote. In other words we have to appoint somebody to this post. I also want to note there is no requirement in the law to require a qualified teacher to fulfill this duty. However this qualification requirement is included as a desirable criteria as opposed to an essential criteria. Hopefully this will provide a wider pool of interest from people who have an interest and attract more applicants to the job so the net can be spread wider. Also you will see a reference to the fact that the Director's post may be subject to change in the future as a result of internal service or organizational change. And it is very important that we as an authority do have that flexibility to be able to respond to changes in the workforce for example. We have therefore included a paragraph to this effect and then safeguarding very important. Audit Wales has done a review of corporate safeguarding following discussions at the corporate safeguarding officers group. We are now including a specific reference in all job profiles. We highlight that safeguarding is everyone's business. It's something that we all are responsible for. All responsible for protecting children and adults at risk. And doing that by working in a way that promotes and supports their best interests. And there's a duty on us to report of any concerns that we may have. As members you will hear more about this this afternoon on the safeguarding seminar this afternoon. And then the final point the Welsh language level. This post has been independently assessed and it is on level five in both English and Welsh. So with those few words. Chair I would like to commend this report to the full council. Thank you. Councillor Philip Hughes. I intend you are happy to formally second it please. Yeah thank you Chair. I don't think there's much more I can say to what Councillor Glinno Davis has already said. I am happy to second the proposition. Thank you. Thank you Chair. I'd like to welcome the fact that the language level is level five in the report. I think that's very good and I just have a query. It's really technical and apologies for raising it now. But the numbering in the English translation starts at six for the main purposes of the job. And 18 for key responsibilities it appears to have flown through from the Welsh instead. I think it needs correcting. Otherwise it might lead to some confusion on reading English. Thank you Chair. Thank you. Just the proposal that I'll be motioning with you to speak again please. It's all but I accept the point that's been made. So the motion if it was please raise your hands. You can't indicate if whether you are a favor to approve in the report please. Next. The abstentions please. And that's Carrie. Thank you. Move on to item seven. Designation of your council's internet monitoring officer. You should pull up against the page 63 of your agenda park. If any member of us need to need to clean it to plead us now and raise your hands. If you wish to withdraw from the, sorry, withdraw. Sorry. Please. As the DSA officer to please, we will move you in the waiting room. Sorry I'm coughing. You have your report on the appointment until I'm monitoring officer. If you have your papers, I just want you to move the report please. Sorry. Can I chat please? I am presenting this report. Sorry. Can't run. Sorry. Can't run. Can't run. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you Chair. You will all remember that the county council agreed to the arrangements for the interim and permanent post for the head of law and legal services when it was all presented to us here on the 28th of February this year. You will also remember from the report that the council were required to appoint an interim monitoring officer following the retirement of our current monitoring officer who is Linda who is here with us today on the at the end of May. This is a requirement legally in accordance with article five. I can confirm that the appointments committee be had met last month to appoint an interim officer for the post and I have great pleasure to confirm that Mr Stephen Murphy has been appointed to this post on an interim basis. The role of the monitoring officer is an integral part of the post which was agreed upon. So as part of the final recruitment process we now need to appoint Mr Murphy formally as the monitoring officer on an interim basis so that we comply with the requirements of the act. The process has been mapped in the report so unless there are any questions I am happy to approve this report to full council and to ask for the council's endorsement to appoint Mr Stephen Murphy as the monitoring officer on an interim basis from the 1st of June 2024. So with your permission chair I would like to say one or two more words I would like to thank you Linda for over 40 years of service here in the council. I don't know how you've done it and to be honest you deserve a medal you definitely deserve a medal and arrest but on a serious note we have all turned to you from time to time asking you for your advice over the years. Thank you to you for being so caring of all of us here in the council and for your wise leadership and robust leadership and I want to wish you every happiness and best wishes for the future. Sure we will have a chance to thank you again thank you very much. Welcome to the heavens. No, come to the Philippines. Please come to the Philippines. Yeah, thank you chair. I'd just like to echo Linda's words to Linda indeed as thank you very much for all the service that you've given us. I wish you good health and happiness for the future to enjoy your retirement. Indeed. Yeah, and with that I'm happy to second the proposition. Thank you very much indeed. Are there any people or amendments. Yeah, could I support the report but serving 37 years with Linda I have to get up and say since then everybody comes to the days. There's not many officers left from reorganization I'm still here but then I'd like to thank you for all the years because I know when I was a young man coming to everybody comes to give me a lot of support then and you've given me support all through the decades even up to the day and you know I know when I was leader how much the support you give me in a lot of tricky situations but I wish you all the best for the future. I will be on a lovely and healthy retirement and you're about and pop back into an area that can go in. Thank you. Thank you. Now please fill in any amendments. I wish you excellent right to reply. Now. Please wait. In the report please. Okay. And you're engaged. Ladies. Nice, thank you. We may move on to agenda number eight. The recommendations of the cabinet in respect to the foreign items. The strategy equality plan, 224, 128, cabinet, 18 to the 324. They're supposed to be sent to one of your agenda pack. If any member of us needs to declare an interest please also now raise your hands and you'll be advised to please be placed in the waiting room. If you have before you report on the strategic equality plan to 2428 comes an end day with the understand you will move to report. Thank you very much Chair. I have pleasure in presenting the strategic equality plan draft for 2024 or 28. There is a strategic responsibility on the Council under the Equality Act and the public sector duty to publish the strategic equality plan. The Welsh government is reviewing the public sector equality duty in Wales at the moment. And equality offices across Wales have noted to government that we need to prepare strategic plans for every public sector organization by 2024. But that review hasn't been completed by the government yet. So we will need to review our strategic plan once the Welsh government review has been completed. And of course officers will be monitoring and updating us on any further requirements. The new scheme for Kamar Venshire for 2024 to 28 reflects many national policies and strategies that have been published over the last few years. Such as the social linguistic duty, the anti-racist Wales action plan, the Wales LGBTQ+ action plan. And the aim of this strategy in Kamar Venshire is to bring all these elements together into one plan to concentrate our work locally and prioritize work. When preparing the new SEP and setting the aims we have considered a lot of different elements. For example engagement work which has been held jointly with other organizations in the region. Such as Canada Geon Pembroxure councils and partners in the PSP. Local data and data from the national report is Wales Ferra 2023 report. The plan sets for equality aims for the 2024-2028 period. Being an employee of choice and Councillor Philip Hughes will be giving more information on this. Enabling our residents to live and age well, embedding community cohesion in our organization and our community and protecting and strengthening equality and human rights. We will continue to review and provide updates throughout the annual reporting cycle. We will also expect the Welsh government to publish a disability action plan in spring 2024. So we will need to review and respond once that has been published. It is a pleasure to present this report to council. It is a work in progress and will be amended as additional reports come forward from Welsh government. Thank you Councillor Davies. Councillor Philip Hughes, I understand you want to move seconded by me, seconded please. Thank you Chair. I'd just like to add to what Anna has already said in that this key document covered many areas that sit within my people portfolio responsibilities. As Anna's already said, people management play an integral role in the strategic ecology plan on this implementation on a newly developed workforce strategy that is before this morning, which picks up many of the themes highlighted in the document. And we have in front of us today. Smartically, we will work to create a workplace where everyone is treated equally with dignity and a fair access to resource and learning opportunities. We also want a workplace that has an inclusive culture that provides an innovative support, innovative supportive and interesting place for our people to work, as well as to allow them to fully engage in our work to help communities thrive. We know that employing people who have a range of different background experiences and ideas increases creativity and needs to better problem solving and decision making. We also know that a workplace that encourages equality, diversity and inclusion and help to attract and retain good people to better serve our diverse range of customers and keeping our people engaged and motivated. But simply, fair organizations perform better. And that is why our workforce strategy and also our transformation strategy align with a commitment set out in the strategic ecology plan. Again, equity and commitments in our other workforce related strategies. It's good to see how we are integrating these key dots that are cohesive and the sort they are cohesive and joined. I also want to make reference to the Welsh language that is highlighted in the draft strategic equality plan. And at the end of this month, we will have an update report to consider in terms of the progress we are making in promoting the Welsh language and what we are doing to create Welsh language apprenticeships. With that being said, we are hoping that we can secure some external training to achieve this initiative very shortly. Finally, Chair, I would like to add my support to the strategic equality plan to help. Thank you. Thank you. Please raise your hands if you wish to, please. The awkward area of feeling OK. Can I thank members of the board for presenting what is, I'm sure everybody would agree, a really, really important report, not only one that fulfills our statutory duties as a local authority, but one which I think we'll all agree needs to. Underpin all the activities of the Council, though, in terms of what we do internally and really importantly, what we do in delivering things on behalf of our community. One question I'd like to raise or point of light to raise really is around the data that supports each of the sections within the plan. And I note that a significant amount of that data relates to all of Wales rather than to come out and share. I completely get that might be because it's difficult to get that more local data, but I'd like to make a plea to cancer Davis to sort of look to us collecting more local data, particularly given the increasing diversity and related issues within many of our communities across Canada. More specifically, I'd like to just raise a couple of points in relation to the actions around monitoring emergency and emerging community tensions within our communities. And there's a pledge on page 27 of the plan for these to be monitored and for the Council to work with key partners, including police and community members as part of response to mitigate them. Having been with my fellow board member, Councillor Skinner and indeed other members cross actually at the forefront of significant community tensions over the past 12 months. Can I make a plea that this action is expanded to include a specific mention to both county and community councillors and specifically can assurance be given that we will be given as members the opportunity to formally raise issues from within our communities. And that we receive appropriate advice and support in identifying potential risks and in developing and implementing remedial measures within our communities. Thank you Councillor Perfmann. Sorry, in my project, I couldn't get my words out, coughing, my apologies. I know there is some local data as much as we've been able to gather, but I will certainly take your point and see if we can use further data as and when it comes available and I'm sure we will. With regards to community cohesion, we have what I feel a brilliant community cohesion team it's a very small team here within the council, but they do a lot of excellent work internationally, but around it's, it's a regional team. And we have some, we have some members of that, but it is in command language to excellent work. I don't know if you've been in touch with them and you know who they are, but I'm sure that we'll keep the conversations going between yourself and comes to the skin. But also it is, as I say, a come to my team, and I'm sure that everybody will be able to speak with them if you feel that there's any tension or any underlying tension that they need to know about. But I have to tell you, their fingers are on the pulse, they are amazing and you know, they're all bit and go leave it there. But you know, that is a two way conversation and I'm sure that that will continue. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. That response, cancer Davis, which is reassuring and indeed cancer scanner and I and I know other colleagues. Internally have been involved with the community cohesion team. They've given expert advice to us. I think my point is that, you know, we had to proactively seek that and I think there's something that could be done within this plan to ensure that members are given formal mechanism. For getting into that route, you know, rather than having to kind of look around to see how we get those conversations going. So I think, you know, absolutely brilliant support from them. I think it needs to be formalised in a way that probably isn't set out in the plan. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any before the amendments? Please raise your hand if you wish to do so now. There's the report of the motion which we access the right to reply. Thank you. Thank you. Will the members please raise your hand. Please. Can you raise your hand? Sorry. Oh, god. Against, please. Any potentials? Carried. We move on to agenda item nine. To receive the report from the meeting of the cabinet held on the 4th of March, 18th of March, 25th of March, and 15th April. I will take them all together. If any other officer needs to read, declare an interest, please raise your hands now, or advise who intend to withdraw from the meeting. So the S.D. officer can remove you from the place in the waiting room. I intend to take four sets together, as I've said, which I again will repeat the 4th of March, 18th of March, 25th of March, and 15th April. They're all within your park. Come sit down and press any signs you wish to move these minutes and block. Can you please switch on your microphone now? Thank you very much, Chair. Happy to propose the four meetings at the same time. Thank you. Come sit in the levels. I intend to wish to second it. Happy to second them. Thank you. Are there any questions on millions of the meetings that you've read today? If so, please state the meeting date, meeting number on Redmond Page within the park, please. No questions, Chair. The report. My head. If you're happy to receive the minutes, please, if you have any hands, thank you. My face. Anyone against? Any abstentions, please? Any abstentions? I move on to agenda item 10. Notice the motion, then received. I move on to agenda item 11, public questions, then received. I move on to agenda item 12, presentation of petition. Thank you. Thank you, Chair. I'm a very new Welsh learner. I'm new in English because I don't have sufficient Welsh at all. My name is Elizabeth Early. I joined the convenience campaign in Burryport because for four months this year, we were left the entire town in the harbour with one toilet cubicle, including over the Easter weekend. We collected over 500 signatures for our petition on the 7th of April, 450 of which were for Burryport and its immediate environs. The petition requested that the County Council reinstate public toilets in such a way that they're accessible to wheelchair users, disabled and elderly persons, those with babies and young children, and most importantly that the structure must be protected from vandalism with appropriate management and cleaning regimes in place. So as to restore pride in the town, welcome tourists, and we requested that the town council and relevant community groups were involved from the planning stage through to the reopening of the public conveniences. Since then, lots of people have been busy, including yourselves. Thank you very much. You supplied us with two portaloes outside the station toilets for temporary relief until those toilets were opened. We've been busy too. We've attended lots of meetings, committee meetings of the town council asking for various things, including consulting local businesses. I know that's something that's in your toilet policy to see if they would allow us to use, well, allow the public to use their facilities freely. We did some consultation of our own. On the day we collected the signatures, the answer was a resounding no from everybody, so that made it even more important that these toilets were opened in a sustainable way. We also asked the town council to get on with the community asset transfer. Strangely enough on the day that we held an open meeting in the town to consult members of the public and find out how these toilets could actually be a community asset rather than a liability. The town council opened the toilets, so you might think, what am I doing here? Job done. Sadly, the toilets were opened in a disgraceful state. Very little cleaning had been done. Evidence of previous vandalism was there for everybody to see. Far from protecting those toilets from vandalism in that kind of state, they're just openly inviting it. During our meeting, we asked people how could these toilets be an asset to the town, and we got some fabulous ideas, very expensive ones, including reconfiguring them to direct access, single cubicles, repositioning the doors on the other side of the building, where they'd have great visibility, a false ceiling to discourage young people from dumping their tissue and checking it up over the beams and into the cubicles on top of the people that are in them at the time. But probably the best suggestions cost nothing at all, and we've got volunteers who are willing to go into schools and do this. Involve the young people themselves, who are the ones that are responsible for the vandalism, have something like a mural competition, and the winners could decorate the outside of the toilets with berryport landmarks, with help from talented young artists who've already painted murals in the town. We know that it's not your responsibility to provide public toilets, we're aware of that, but we would like you to get together with the town council and whatever it is that's prevented this community asset transfer from happening in the past. Can we put that behind us, get on with it, support the town council to open those toilets in a sustainable way, not in a way which means they're just going to get closed again, and we'll end up losing them. Point them towards sources of funding and grants, we know money's tight, encourage them to work with members of the community, there is goodwill in the town, there are lots of people that attended our meeting who are happy to roll up their sleeves and get involved with cleaning, checking the toilets, doing all sorts of things, please encourage them to make use of that goodwill before it dissipates. We don't want a situation where the toilets are closed due to vandalism, re-opened in a shoddy way, they get vandalised again, they get closed, this is how we lost the toilets on Harbour West. And we don't want that to happen again because if it does happen again, old people like me, people with young children, people with medical conditions, women who are menstruating, who live within walking distance of the town in the harbour are going to make short car journeys to the town in the harbour, just so that they can get home and use the toilet, which gives you a thinker's segue into your next item, which I think is to do with the climate crisis. So, thank you very much for listening to me, very unnerving, standing here, talking to you all, but I hope you can support my report, I've only lived there a year, and it's a very special place, it manages to be both really down to earth and also a little bit of heaven, which I've actually had tattooed in Welsh on my arm. I really love the place and I think it deserves better treatment than I think it has received. Thank you, Diok. Thank you, Mr. Lee, does the cabinet member, or should he play, please, Mr. Sir Lee? Diok, thank you, Mr. Healy, for your petition calling for the immediately reinstatement of public toilets in the very port. I'm pleased to tell you that, as you've already said, following a temporary closure due to an issue with the power supply, the public toilet, and very important re-opened it. However, I understand that that concerns the provision of public toilets to be broader than only the reopening of the public toilets. To provide you with some additional information and possibly some context, local authorities do not have to provide public toilets. But we are required to develop a local toilet strategy. Our public toilet strategy has currently been drafted, and as part of the process, we are developing an action plan to maintain a way possible to improve the public facilities throughout the partnership. We recognize the need for public toilets and the importance of providing clear and up-to-date information on the location and opening times of public toilets to allow residents to plan trips and visit with reassurance that there are adequate facilities available to them. To this end, we are working to engage with retailers to explore collaborative solutions and recognize the significance of collaborating with local businesses to enhance the overall public amenities in the area. By fostering partnerships with nearby retail instruments, we aim to create a network that will ensure convenient and accessible restroom facilities for everybody in the community. For example, in Buddyport, there's an agreement with Crazy Crapes, where their toilet facilities will be made available to the public in the hours of 9.30am and 4.30pm during the winter period and 9.30am and 7.30pm during the summer period. Under the scheme, local businesses and organizations such as cafes, restaurants and shops will be engaged to make their restroom facilities available to the public free of charge. But this has been established in this way, a recognizable logo or sign-in to get an involvement in the scheme, as well as a full list available on your website. I do not need to say that as our focus remains on trying to find ways to maintain our provision of public facilities across the manager, budget cuts handed down to local authorities of the last decade meant that each year we must review all possible options in terms of budget cuts. What's government below in-fission funding settlement meant a shortfall of over 22 million in our 24/25 budget. However, we continue to work hard to identify efficiencies and grant funding that might provide support, non-such research services and in passing this petition to the Council for consideration or the Cabinet for consideration rather, we will of course do what we can under the circumstances. Thank you very much for the petition. I will come in over now and collect it. So remain where you are. As I said, it will be passed on to the Cabinet for consideration. Thank you. Thank you, Councillor Thomas. Does anybody else want to speak on this matter, please? Councillor James. Thank you, Madam Chair. Several times we will ask two years of student support in the need for the toilet, and it is no different this time. And if the front was early for presenting the petition in a very strong way, I am passionate about it as well. So thank you, Councillor. Public toilets aren't a luxury, but they are in necessity, we all need. As is too often the case with a lack of public toilets, this is a health burden that falls on elderly groups, such as adult groups, such as adult disabilities, elderly women and children. It's time that the provision of public toilets is seen as a basic and essential part of our communities, just like pavements and streets right now. In four years' time, very important, a commercial will celebrate the centenary of London of the first woman to fly over the Atlantic Ocean, like the very Portman, a milieu, a company by a pilot, a mechanic, flew in from America in the sea, playing the friendship. This historic event is already got in great interest, not only here in Wales, but you are globally including the United States of America. A clever marginalist appointment, an establishment of visitors spending a money to come and visit and be part of the festivities, only to find out there isn't any public toilet provision, but most of them will be well used to where they come from. Currently, it's not statutory obligation for local parties to provide toilet provision, but this petition gives this council the opportunity for the moral high ground, providing much needed facility for both its residents and visitors, whether it be by supply and toilets or working in parties where the town council, local groups and individuals, who want to get involved. On behalf of Councilor Sharon Coffee calls myself, I wish to record or support this petition. York. Good comes to James. Thank you for your petition, Mrs. Herley. If you would like to form me, I need the petition to come to the end of Thomas, please. Thank you. Thank you for coming, Mrs. Herley. Thank you. No more. Question by members? No questions today? Question? Sorry. We have one member question today. Sorry. I missed a little part. Question becomes to John James to come to the earlier phone or win cabinet member for climate change. That recommendation and sustainability. Thank you, James. Can you form me as a question to come to the phone or win, please? You're a native. Before I put this question to the council earlier, I want to win. We're going to the audience, Madam Chair. I wish I feel it's important that I put that into context. In 2019, this council was the first council in ways to declare climate emergency and to commit the serve to becoming a net zero carbon local authority by 2030. I'd like to tell you more local authorities in the UK made the same commitment. The major political groups were also given a positive dialogue and policies. But now, as we hear general action, there seems to be a weakened and watered down in both the dialogue and policy from the major political parties and combating carbon issues. And not to do this seems to be a murder of the county council in England, which leads me into asking my question to consider a vulnerable carbon member for climate change to carbonization and sustainability. Research from the local government association revealed that two-thirds of the council in England are not confident to achieve in the net zero carbon targets within their target timescare. What's the worst local government association is working on a climate change transition and support program to seek to help the public sector meet the Welsh government's 2015 net zero carbon target. Given this information, as well as acknowledging we overall severe financial pressures faced by local authorities, reaching net zero targets has become even more challenging than ever. I'd like to put the question to a concern on where does this council currently stand in relation to its current objectives and the academic goal of achieving more ambitious 2030 net zero carbon target target. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, Chair, and thanks to Councillor James for raising this question today. As a local authority, we made a promise to our residents and to future generations, a declaration of climate emergency and a commitment to become net zero by 2030. We understand how urgent this is and we recognize the important role that we have as a local authority to play as we mitigate against the protecting biodiversity. We also recognize the challenges ahead of us, the financial pressures of achieving such an ambitious goal, particularly when we are working with the Conservative government in London that were defeated in court last week for the second time for not doing enough to meet its targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions. And we agreed in our plan in 2020 to focus on four key areas, our non domestic buildings, our street lighting, our fleet mileage and our business mileage. And I can confirm we are currently at around 36% less carbon emissions since our pre-COVID baseline year. And I'm sure you'd agree that's quite a substantial reduction, but we're not slowing down and proud of the tremendous work that is being done by dedicated officers to focus on our fleet, which contributes about 19% of our emissions. In the last few months alone, supported by the Climate and Nature Advisory Panel made up of members from across this chamber, we have increased our electric vehicle fleet by 40 vehicles and set into policy the presumption for electric vehicles in all future purchases. But we are mindful that we as a local authority do not have all the need for us needed to become net zero, unless governments at all levels decide to close that gap between rhetoric and reality and set us on a coast towards a just transition to a more sustainable future with appropriate funding mechanisms. But we want it back and only focus on that scope that we originally perceived as net zero. We are now transferring our learning to other areas within the council and mainstreaming climate and nature into all decisions we take. We only need to look at our corporate plan, our transformation strategy or even our procurement strategy, all have quite met and nature embedded in the ways of working, no longer are they nice to have or fringe benefits, they are the way we do business. And we consider new homes built to the highest possible environmental standard, learning from the design of passive house level schools that we've built retrofitting our aging stock to provide the best possible housing standard for tenants, reducing bills and looking after the planet. And we are now finalizing training modules on carbon literacy to all Commander County Council employees. Imagine over 8000 staff in one organization fully trained understanding the challenges ahead and being able to contribute to the agent action needed around climate and nature emergencies. Yes, there are challenges ahead, but unlike what some people would advocate, it's not a reason to give up, but rather to get up and do the right thing deal. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yes, I think it's important as a council we get updated on what's happening and not just wait until two years before I find out things aren't going the way this would be good. So we can keep a thing on the pulse as it comes to everything support the rest, I'd like to thank consider one one for giving out to update on how the company comes here and moving forward. Every server member in this county council has a privilege and honor of representing respective words, which gives us the responsibility of being decision makers. And the story is not only for otherwise, but also the county of command research you got. Climate change is a huge issue, which impacts on current and future generations. Is crucial that we take steps, no, the type of climate change goes to the James, could you ask a question? Yes, come back to it. Again, this is crucial, we take steps, no, the type of climate change on its effects and keep them and don't go in. Someone keeps talking a lot of times. That's what I'm losing my friend. Well, you know, give me a chance. You know, usually every time it's on the agenda, people usually come to the James, if you ask a question, please. If you ask a question, I'll let you into it. All I want to say is, we can't let up if you're an annoyed difference in the road to seriousness of what could well be a respective catastrophic consensus with Parliament. We have said, what does our own go in a long-term strategy for end-gage and involving residents' commands? And we realize this comes to commitment towards a low carbon future. Thank you. Thank you very much. Councillor James, collaboration is key to success. So by working together across sectors, industries and communities, we can achieve significant progress by acting on the greatest challenges facing humanity. And I am pleased to say that on a national level, we are working alongside partners such as the WLGA and West Government to support the National Climate Action Wales Program to engage with the public. They show a local area energy plan for Comabinshire, which has been co-developed with the public and private sector, regulators and communities to set this on a trajectory to decarbonize the whole county's energy system over the next decade. This will be a further springboard on which to involve our communities. However, over the last year, we have funded about £7.5 million with the projects based on climate, nature and circular economy. Imagine the impact this will have on the villages and towns of Comabinshire. Our regeneration team have supported over 24 businesses, installing renewable energy technologies and saving hundreds of tons of carbon each year with more and more businesses submitting expressions of interest every week. But as a council, our most powerful asset we have is us, the elected members. Imagine the ability to inspire our communities and address the climate and nature emergency through policy making and leading by example. However, less than half of us have taken up the opportunity to improve our carbon literacy through the training offer. So if any member in this chamber wishes to do the course, please contact me after the meeting so we can arrange. And as we continue on this journey, let us keep in mind the legacy we are building for future generations. Our actions today will shape the world they inherit tomorrow. And let us be remembered not for the challenges we faced, but for the boldness of our ambition and the determination in which we presented. Thank you, Captain Bonowin. We move on to agenda 14 now. To approve the foreign changes to the membership of committee. We have a number of changes to membership, committees, and also changes your sort of expectations on mid and westways by authority. I will take items 14.1, 14.2, 14.3 together. Come to the other committee. Do you formally wish to forward the labor group changes and block, please? Yes, I propose, Chair. Thank you. Yes, I've answered you for a second, please. Thank you, Chair. Happy to second. We put the changes forward on behalf of the university members, please. Yes, thank you, Chair. I would just like to say it, obviously, as today marks, Councillor Steve Williams' first country council meeting with us. Obviously, following his success as an unaffiliated independent in the recent by-election. I'm sure all of us would like to wish Steve well in his new role. And I'm currently in the good work of his predecessor, Councillor John Jenkins, and the athlete ward. Thank you, Chair, for Chair, on behalf of the unaffiliated members. Can I propose the following changes as outlined on the agenda. Thank you very much. Councillor Karynga. Nip, please. Thank you very much, Chair. Happy to second this proposal. Thank you very much. It comes to price. And it's time for you to change to one of the representatives of the mid and westways, Friday, and rest good authority. Yes, Chair. Happy to second. Thank you, Chair. Happy to propose. And we should go. We only need to take the place to have Councillor Thomas. Nip, please. Yeah. Yes. Happy to second. Thank you. When you go there, you are in favour of the changes in front of you. And I am against. And any abstentions, please. And that's Kary. Thank you. Thank you.
The council meeting addressed several key issues, including the appointment of a new Director of Education, Children and Family Services, the designation of an interim Monitoring Officer, and the approval of the Strategic Equality Plan for 2024-2028. The meeting also involved discussions on public toilet provisions in Burry Port and updates on the council's progress towards its net-zero carbon target.
Appointment of Director of Education, Children and Family Services: The council approved the appointment process for a new Director. The discussion highlighted the need for a qualified individual who could handle the expanded responsibilities of the role. The decision aims to ensure continued leadership in education and family services, with an emphasis on inclusivity and safeguarding. This move is expected to enhance educational outcomes and service delivery in the region.
Designation of Interim Monitoring Officer: The council designated a new interim Monitoring Officer following the retirement of the previous officer. The discussion focused on the importance of the role in maintaining legal and ethical standards within the council's operations. This decision ensures continuity in the council's monitoring functions, which is crucial for upholding governance and compliance standards.
Approval of the Strategic Equality Plan 2024-2028: The council approved a new Strategic Equality Plan, which aims to promote diversity and equality across various council operations and public services. The plan includes commitments to improving workplace inclusivity and community cohesion. This decision is expected to foster a more inclusive and equitable environment within the council's jurisdiction, aligning with broader social justice goals.
Public Toilet Provisions in Burry Port: A petition was presented regarding the state and availability of public toilets in Burry Port, emphasizing the community's needs. The council discussed potential collaborative solutions with local businesses to enhance public amenities. This issue highlighted the ongoing challenges in balancing budget constraints with public service provisions.
Update on Net-Zero Carbon Target: The council reviewed its progress towards achieving a net-zero carbon status by 2030. The update included details on investments in renewable energy and energy-efficient practices. This decision reaffirms the council's commitment to environmental sustainability and its role in combating climate change.
The meeting was marked by a strong focus on community services, governance, and sustainability, reflecting the council's proactive approach to addressing both immediate and long-term challenges within the community. The council meeting addressed several key issues, including the appointment of a new Director of Education, Children and Family Services, the strategic equality plan, and updates on the council's climate change targets. The meeting also saw the presentation of a petition regarding public toilet facilities in Burryport.
Appointment of the Director of Education, Children and Family Services: The council approved the recruitment process for a new director. The discussion highlighted the need for a qualified individual who could handle the evolving educational landscape. The decision aims to ensure continued leadership in education amidst administrative changes, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding and inclusivity in education.
Strategic Equality Plan 2024-2028: The council endorsed the new Strategic Equality Plan, which aims to enhance inclusivity and diversity. The plan includes initiatives to improve community cohesion and ensure equal opportunities for all residents. The discussion underscored the necessity of aligning the plan with national policies and the potential need for adjustments following upcoming governmental reviews.
Climate Change and Decarbonization Goals: The council reviewed its progress towards its 2030 net-zero carbon target. The update provided by the council member for climate change highlighted significant advancements but acknowledged the challenges posed by financial constraints and the need for greater government support. The council reaffirmed its commitment to environmental sustainability and the importance of community involvement in achieving these goals.
Public Toilet Facilities in Burryport: A petition was presented by a local resident, urging the council to improve and maintain public toilet facilities. The discussion reflected on the community's needs and the council's role in providing essential public services, especially for vulnerable groups. The council agreed to consider the petition further, recognizing the broader implications for community well-being and tourism.
The meeting was marked by a collaborative approach to addressing community concerns and strategic planning, with a notable emphasis on inclusivity, education, and environmental responsibility.
- Cyng Philip Hughes
- Cyng. Alex Evans
- Cyng. Alun Lenny
- Cyng. Bryan Davies
- Cyng. Dorian Phillips
- Cyng. Emyr Rees
- Cyng. Jacqueline Seward
- Cyng. Janet Williams
- Cyng. Lewis Davies
- Cyng. Llinos Mai Davies
- Cyng. Terry Davies
- Cyng. Aled Vaughan Owen
- Cyng. Andrew Davies
- Cyng. Ann Davies
- Cyng. Anthony Davies
- Cyng. Anthony Leyshon
- Cyng. Arwel Davies
- Cyng. Betsan Jones
- Cyng. Carys Jones
- Cyng. Colin Evans
- Cyng. Crish Davies
- Cyng. Dai Nicholas
- Cyng. Dai Thomas
- Cyng. Darren Price
- Cyng. Deian Harries
- Cyng. Denise Owen
- Cyng. Deryk Cundy
- Cyng. Dot Jones
- Cyng. Edward Thomas
- Cyng. Edward Skinner
- Cyng. Elwyn Williams
- Cyng. Emlyn Schiavone
- Cyng. Fiona Walters
- Cyng. Gareth John
- Cyng. Gareth Thomas
- Cyng. Gary Jones
- Cyng. Giles Morgan
- Cyng. Glynog Davies
- Cyng. Handel Davies
- Cyng. Hazel Evans
- Cyng. Hefin Jones
- Cyng. Hugh Shepardson
- Cyng. Jane Tremlett
- Cyng. Jason Hart
- Cyng. Jean Lewis
- Cyng. John James
- Cyng. Karen Davies
- Cyng. Ken Howell
- Cyng. Kevin Madge
- Cyng. Kim Broom
- Cyng. Liam Bowen
- Cyng. Linda Evans
- Cyng. Louvain Roberts
- Cyng. Mansel Charles
- Cyng. Martyn Palfreman
- Cyng. Meinir James
- Cyng. Michael Cranham
- Cyng. Michael Thomas
- Cyng. Michelle Donoghue
- Cyng. Neil Lewis
- Cyng. Nysia Evans
- Cyng. Peter Hughes Griffiths
- Cyng. Peter Cooper
- Cyng. Philip Warlow
- Cyng. Rob Evans
- Cyng. Rob James
- Cyng. Russell Sparks
- Cyng. Sean Rees
- Cyng. Sharen Davies
- Cyng. Shelly Godfrey-Coles
- Cyng. Stephen Williams
- Cyng. Sue Allen
- Cyng. Suzy Curry
- Cyng. Tina Higgins
- Cyng. Tyssul Evans
- Caio S Higginson
- Daniel Hall-Jones
- Janine Owen
- Julie Owens
- Martin Runeckles