Employment Sub-Committee - Thursday 18th July, 2024 2.00 pm

July 18, 2024 View on council website
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Barnet Council's Employment Sub-Committee met and decided to appoint Dr Janet Djomba as the council's new Director of Public Health.

Appointment of Director of Public Health

The committee met to discuss the appointment of a new Director of Public Health. The meeting had been called because the council has been relying on an acting director, and needed to appoint a permanent replacement

The council currently has an acting Director of Public Health. A permanent appointment is required to ensure service and leadership stability.

- Appointment of Director of Public Health

The post is a statutory requirement of all councils. The meeting agenda noted that

Delivery of public health services is a statutory duty for the council and the director of public health is a statutory post within the council.

- Appointment of Director of Public Health

The minutes note that the panel had a lengthy discussion of the candidates before reaching a decision.