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People, Performance and Development Committee - Monday, 22 July 2024 3.00 pm
July 22, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The People, Performance and Development committee met to discuss staffing matters, including a question about senior management numbers and the process for approving policies that affect staff. The committee noted the contents of the action review and forward work programme.
Senior Management Structure
Councillor Eva Kington asked a supplementary question to a written response she had been provided with. The written question was not included in the meeting pack. Cllr Kington asked for a commitment that the council would produce a leaner senior team structure.
The minutes for the meeting of 9 April 2024 show that Cllr Kington was substituted at that meeting by Councillor Catherine Powell.
Responding to Cllr Kington's question, Councillor Denise Turner-Stewart said that:
There's a whole piece of work that is underway around looking at the restructuring of a number of areas within the organisation... I think there's an absolute recognition that there needs to be – this organisation needs to be right-sized so there will be some further announcements around that over the coming weeks.
Forward Work Programme
Two reports that were due to be discussed at the meeting, the Surrey County Council LGA peer quality review and the Trans Plus Equality policy were moved to the next meeting.
Councillor Mark Nuti asked several questions about these reports, including:
...when those reports first come to this committee, it's almost that's it. And if we don't like, we have to amend it. So which politicians would have seen the report or the, you know, the code or the program before it comes to us? Is the first sighting by a Councillor member, cabinet member when they come to this committee?
In response, Cllr Turner-Stewart described a process by which she, and the leader of the council, Councillor Tim Oliver, would meet with officers to agree the content of reports before they were brought to the committee.
Cllr Nuti then went on to ask about the Trans Plus Equality Policy:
...the transgender policy was actually issued before and made public before it in a sense got that seal of approval?
Cllr Turner-Stewart replied that:
The original transgender policy was published and across the organisation and it was then flagged up by some members their concerns around part of that policy, which is why then it was agreed by PPDC that we would review it.
She went on to say that she could not remember if the committee had seen the original policy.
Cllr Nuti then expressed concern that the policy had been published without the committee's input:
...on a topic such as a transgender policy which is going out to all staff, maybe the officers, the team, whoever, whatever, might have considered that that actually before it went out would be something that would come to members...
He went on to ask if there were lessons learned
about the way sensitive information is handled by the council.
In response an unnamed councillor said:
I think it's probably fair to add that there's been perhaps a discussion, if not a disagreement, as to whether or not that policy actually forms part of the staff, member staff's terms and conditions and therefore is a matter for the head of paid service rather than for members.
They did not elaborate on what the disagreement was, or who it was between.

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