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Strategic Development Committee - Tuesday, 16th July, 2024 6.30 p.m.

July 16, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Strategic Development Committee approved planning permission and listed building consent for redevelopment of the former London Chest Hospital on Bonner Road, and approved the Council's observations on a Reserved Matters Application for Plot 1 of the Bishopsgate Goodsyard development. The committee deferred a decision on a planning application for a residential development at 4 & 5 Harbour Exchange Square pending a site visit. Councillor Iqbal Hossain was appointed as Vice-Chair of the committee for the municipal year 2024/25.

London Chest Hospital Redevelopment

The committee granted planning permission and listed building consent, with conditions and obligations, for redevelopment of the vacant London Chest Hospital site.

The site currently contains the Grade II Listed main hospital building dating from 1855, the Grade II Listed South Wing dating from 1865 and the Grade II Listed Sanitation Tower dating from 1892, together with a number of post-war additions and ancillary buildings. It is surrounded by a dwarf wall and iron railings which are also Grade II Listed. There are also 54 protected trees on the site, covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) dating back to 1973, which was recently renewed in 2024. In particular, the site contains a veteran black mulberry tree, which holds significance for local residents.

The proposals seek to demolish all the existing buildings and structures on the site, with the exception of the main hospital building, South Wing and sanitation tower. 274 new homes will be provided, 50% of which, by habitable room, will be affordable housing. Of the affordable housing, 72% will be at social rent, resulting in 76 Social Rented homes in total. A flexible commercial and community unit will also be provided at ground floor level within the South Wing of the listed building.

Objections were raised regarding the overall density of the proposed scheme and in particular the height of Building E, the tallest building in the development. This 9-storey building will be located in the north-western corner of the site, adjacent to the entrance to Victoria Park. The height of this building was challenged both in relation to the proximity of the grade II listed Gate Piers and Bonner Bridge and its impact on the setting of Victoria Park as a Grade II* Registered Park and Garden, as well as its impact on the character and appearance of the Victoria Park Conservation Area. There were also concerns about its impact on existing surrounding properties, in particular those within the Parkview Estate immediately to the east of the application site, in terms of a loss of daylight and sunlight and impacts on outlook and privacy.

The Chair of the Parkview Residents Association also raised concerns regarding the adequacy of the public consultation, and in particular that residents were not notified of the proposals or adequately supported to make representations to the Council. However, officers confirmed that the applicant had undertaken extensive public consultation and that the Council had complied with statutory consultation requirements.

The scheme will result in the loss of 20 trees from the site, 8 of which are protected by the existing TPO. The applicant’s arboricultural report justified the loss of the trees on arboricultural grounds, but the Borough’s tree officer objected to the loss of 4 trees, on the basis that the loss of amenity caused by the removal of these trees could not be adequately mitigated, in the short term, by the proposed replacement planting scheme.

The veteran mulberry tree will be retained in its current location and the scheme has been redesigned to provide a dedicated landscaped area for the tree, with public access, that will ensure its long-term survival. This was welcomed by officers and members as a significant improvement on the previous application.

Officers concluded that the level of harm to the significance of the Grade II Listed hospital, St James the Less Church and Vicarage, and the Victoria Park Conservation Area, would be a low to mid level of ‘less than substantial’ harm and that, on balance, the public benefits of the proposed development would outweigh this harm in accordance with the requirements set out in the NPPF.

4 & 5 Harbour Exchange Square

A planning application seeking demolition of existing buildings at 4 & 5 Harbour Exchange Square and erection of a mixed-use residential-led building containing 450 residential units was presented. The scheme would include 120 affordable homes, amounting to 35% by habitable room.

The existing buildings on the site are 4 and 5 Harbour Exchange Square which comprise 2 office buildings. The application site is bounded to the north by Marsh Wall, to the east by 3 Harbour Exchange Square and to the south by car parking and 1 Harbour Exchange Square.

The application site sits within the Limeharbour Site Allocation, the Millwall Inner Dock Tall Building Zone and the Tower Hamlets Activity Area. Policy D.DH6 of the Tower Hamlets Local Plan seeks to guide and manage the location, scale and design of tall buildings within the borough. It designates 5 “tall building clusters” within the borough, one of which is the Millwall Inner Dock cluster. Councillor Saied Ahmed raised concerns regarding the scale of the proposed development and requested a deferral to allow members to undertake a site visit in order to better understand the potential impacts that could arise during the construction period. This was seconded by Councillor Iqbal Hossain and agreed by the Committee.

Bishopsgate Goodsyard Plot 1 Reserved Matters Application

The committee considered the Council’s observations on an application for approval of Reserved Matters for Plot 1 of the Bishopsgate Goodsyard Development. This site is located on the boundary of the Borough, straddling Shoreditch High Street station.

Outline planning permission for the comprehensive redevelopment of the Bishopsgate Goods Yard site was granted by the Mayor of London in 2022, and the Mayor is also the local planning authority for reserved matters applications. The Council can make observations on those reserved matters applications, but the Mayor does not have to take them into account.

The application site falls within both the Borough of Tower Hamlets and the Borough of Hackney and the site for the wider consented development covers 4.4 hectares. The majority of the development site (72%) is within Tower Hamlets. Plot 1 will be an office-led development with ground floor retail, built to a maximum height of 16 storeys. The majority of Plot 1 is within the London Borough of Hackney.

Officers raised two objections to the reserved matters application in relation to:

  • The Station Square: The approved Design Guide for the wider development site states that
    increased public space will be provided at the northeast corner of Plot 1 to ensure
    adequate and appropriate public realm is delivered at this potentially busy location. It
    describes that this will be achieved by building to minimum parameters or, if built to maximum
    parameters, by introducing a cantilevered recess or colonnade. However, the application
    proposes building to the maximum parameter extents but only provides for an internal
    cut-through in this location. This would not constitute an adequate colonnade space and would
    fail to provide the increased public realm stipulated in the design guide.
  • Impacts on future residential units: The approved Design Guide also allows for future
    residential Plot 4 to be built immediately to the east of Plot 1. However, the proposal would
    result in an office building of 16 storeys being located 13.5m from the future residential
    development. Officers were concerned that the impact of the close proximity of the proposed
    building, with a substantial glazed façade, would result in an unacceptable impact on the future
    occupants of the homes in terms of outlook, privacy, sense of enclosure and daylight.
    Officers therefore recommended that the massing of Plot 1 is reduced at this location to
    provide more acceptable amenity conditions for future residents.

In addition to the above objections, officers recommended that a number of other detailed comments, clarifications, and suggestions be raised in relation to the design of the building (including shopfronts and signage), highways, servicing, and biodiversity. These relate to ensuring that the applicant submits further information regarding certain elements of the development and ensuring that the applicant considers various improvements to the scheme so as to ensure compliance with both planning policy and the requirements set out in the approved Design Guide.

The Committee agreed to officers raising the objections and comments on its behalf.


Profile image for Councillor Amin Rahman
Councillor Amin Rahman  Aspire •  Bethnal Green West
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 (Cabinet Member for Resources and the Cost of Living) •  Aspire •  Canary Wharf
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 (Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Social Care) •  Aspire •  Poplar
Profile image for Councillor Iqbal Hossain
Councillor Iqbal Hossain  Chair of Development Committee •  Aspire •  Lansbury
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 (Cabinet Member for Culture and Recreation) •  Aspire •  Whitechapel
Profile image for Councillor Asma Begum
Councillor Asma Begum  Labour Party •  Bow West
Profile image for Councillor Shahaveer Shubo Hussain
Councillor Shahaveer Shubo Hussain  Labour Party •  Bromley South
Profile image for Councillor James King
Councillor James King  Labour Party •  Limehouse
Profile image for Councillor Sabina Khan
Councillor Sabina Khan  Aspire •  Mile End
Profile image for Councillor Suluk Ahmed
Councillor Suluk Ahmed  Aspire •  Spitalfields & Banglatown
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 (Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Education, Youth and Lifelong Learning (Statutory Deputy Mayor)) •  Aspire •  Canary Wharf
Profile image for Councillor Ahmodur Khan
Councillor Ahmodur Khan  Scrutiny Lead for Resources •  Aspire •  Blackwall & Cubitt Town
Profile image for Councillor Mufeedah Bustin
Councillor Mufeedah Bustin  Chair of Audit •  Labour Party •  Island Gardens
Profile image for Councillor Mohammad Chowdhury
Councillor Mohammad Chowdhury  Labour Party •  Mile End
Profile image for Councillor Amy Lee
Councillor Amy Lee  Labour Party •  St Katharine's & Wapping
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