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July 16, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Licensing Sub-Committee met to discuss an application for a new premises licence for Ground Coffee Society at 79 Lower Richmond Road, Putney. The application was granted with reduced hours.

Application from Ground Coffee Society

Ground Coffee Society applied for a new premises licence to allow the sale of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises. They initially applied to sell alcohol from 7 a.m. to 11.30 p.m. seven days a week. This resulted in objections from the Metropolitan Police, the council's Environmental Health and Trading Standards teams, and 14 local residents. One resident wrote in support of the application. The residents' objections focused on the potential for noise and nuisance arising from the late opening hours.

The proposal for the sale of alcohol until just before midnight would seriously change the character of the road and create a serious nuisance just 20 feet away from my doorstep.

One resident, Ms Helen Atwal, argued that the building was unsuitable for late-night opening due to its proximity to residential properties and lack of soundproofing.

Following discussions with the responsible authorities and in light of the residents' objections, the applicant agreed to amend their application. The main changes were:

  • Hours of Opening: The applicant agreed to reduce their opening hours to 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., bringing them into line with the hours of operation of their cafe business. They also agreed that the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises would only take place from 10 a.m.
  • Events: The applicant originally applied to be able to hold 12 unspecified events per year, ending at 1 a.m. and to remain open until the early hours on New Year's Day. Following questions from the committee, the applicant agreed to remove these provisions from their application.


Having heard from the applicant and the objectors, the sub-committee retired to consider its decision. They were advised by the council's legal advisor that the applicant would require a full variation to the premises licence to make any future changes to the hours during which alcohol could be sold, and that any such variation would be subject to the same consultation and notification process as the original application. The sub-committee granted the licence with the amended hours and conditions agreed with the responsible authorities. They also noted that residents could contact the council's Environmental Health team if they experienced noise nuisance from any future events held at the premises under a Temporary Event Notice.

The full decision notice is available on the council's website: Decision Notice - Ground Coffee Society.