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Agenda and decisions

July 1, 2024 View on council website
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Wandsworth Schools Forum received a report on the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) budget, which is forecast to be overspent, and discussed the findings of a review into services for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The Forum noted the DSG Forecast and agreed to discuss it again at their next meeting in the autumn.

Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Forecast

The Forum received a report on the Council's DSG Forecast. The report, which was presented by the Director of Children’s Services, showed that the DSG is forecast to be overspent in the current financial year.

The overspend was attributed to increased demand for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) support.

The majority of the pressure…relates to the placement of children and young people with Education, Health and Care Plans in independent special schools and other non-maintained settings.

— Director of Children’s Services, Item 3. DSG Forecast 24.25 - July 24

The report explained that while the number of children and young people in Wandsworth with Education, Health and Care Plans has remained stable, there is

… an increasing trend for requests to place children in independent special schools out of borough.

The report noted that the Director of Children’s Services is able to allocate up to £25,000 to support the placement of a child in an independent setting. For placements where the cost is higher than £25,000 the Director must seek approval from a panel made up of representatives from across the council, a process known as a ‘high needs funding panel’. The report explained that

The threshold for the High Needs Funding Panel has not increased in line with inflation for a number of years and there is now significant pressure on the Panel which is seeing a significant increase in the volume of cases.

Item 3. DSG Forecast 24.25 - July 24

The Forum noted the report and agreed to discuss it again at their next meeting in the autumn.

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Review

The Forum received a report on the findings of a review of services for pupils with SEND.

The review, which was commissioned by the council, was carried out by IPSEA.1

The review found that there were a number of areas where the council’s SEND services could be improved. These included:

  • The quality of Education, Health and Care Plans.
  • Communication and engagement with parents and carers.
  • The accessibility of SEND services.

The report made a number of recommendations for improvement.

The Forum discussed the report's findings and recommendations. They agreed that the council should develop an action plan to address the issues raised in the review.

  1. IPSEA is a charity that provides free and impartial legally based information, advice and support to help parents and carers of children and young people with all aspects of special educational needs and disability.  


Pasquale Brammer
Gareth Evans
Andy Fish
Abhay Gupta
Michael Hallick
Deborah Johnson
Emma Maffre
Stephanie O'Hara
Charles Roberts
Melonie Salam
Kellie Schrader
Elaine Smith
Ruth Wright