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The Rating Advisory Panel of Westminster City Council was scheduled to meet on the 16th of July 2024. Included in the published reports pack was a proposal for the Panel to exclude members of the public and the press from the remainder of the meeting, and a large number of applications for hardship relief.
Applications for Discretionary and Hardship Relief
A large number of applications for discretionary relief and hardship relief from business rates were included in the meeting pack for the Panel's consideration.
This report provides details of applications received for Discretionary Rate Relief and Hardship Relief under the Local Government Finance Act 1988 as at the 27th June 2024 - Page 5, Item 4, Public reports pack 16th-Jul-2024 10.15 Rating Advisory Panel
Exclusion of the Public
The panel was asked to consider excluding members of the public and the press from the meeting for all items after item 3 on the agenda. This was because the meeting was due to consider information that is exempt from publication under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.1
The Local Government Act 1972 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that reorganised local government in England and Wales on 1 April 1974. Schedule 12A to the act relates to the exclusion of the public from meetings where exempt information is likely to be discussed. ↩