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Planning Applications Sub-Committee (1) - Tuesday 9th July, 2024 6.30 pm

July 9, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The Planning Applications Sub-Committee (1) met and determined 5 planning applications, granting 4, and refusing 1. All of the applications had been the subject of site visits by councillors before the meeting.

19 South Street, London

The committee considered an application for partial demolition, basement excavation and a roof extension at 19 South Street.

The application was opposed by residents who were concerned about the impact of construction on their amenity, and the lack of detail about the materials to be used. Supporters of the proposal argued that the plans were in keeping with the character of the area, and would enhance the existing building.

The sub-committee resolved to grant planning permission, on the condition that the applicant provide more detail about the materials to be used.

Beaumont, Fletcher and Sheridan Buildings, Martlett Court, London

Councillors debated an application to replace existing timber windows on the Beaumont, Fletcher and Sheridan Buildings in Covent Garden with uPVC windows.

Objectors to the scheme, including local resident Susan Kyd, argued that the new windows would have a detrimental impact on the character of the conservation area:

It's absurd, they are not in keeping with the building

The applicant, Gary Nolan, argued that the new windows would have a positive impact on the building's energy efficiency, and that the change would be barely noticeable:

you wouldn't even know they are uPVC, unless you went and touched them

The sub-committee voted to reject the application.

The Garden Cafe, Brown Hart Gardens, London

The sub-committee discussed an application to refurbish The Garden Cafe in Mayfair.

The application was supported by the local residents association, whose representative spoke in favour of the proposals.

we actually feel that the plans are very sympathetic to the building and its curtilage.

The sub-committee resolved to grant planning permission and listed building consent.

48 Shirland Mews, London

Councillors considered an application for the erection of rear extensions at ground and first floor levels, an increase in roof ridge height, a new entrance and associated works at 48 Shirland Mews

Local residents objected to the scheme, citing concerns about loss of light and privacy.

The sub-committee resolved to grant planning permission, subject to conditions.

Basement, part ground floor and first to second floor rear, 127 Mount Street, London

The meeting discussed an application by Tanner Krolle International Limited for the installation of air conditioning units and other works at their premises at 127 Mount Street.

The sub-committee resolved to grant planning permission and listed building consent.

58-60 Lupus Street, London

The sub-committee discussed an application to place tables and chairs on the pavement outside 58-60 Lupus Street

Local residents objected to the scheme on the grounds that it would impede pedestrian access.

people already are tripping up on the existing street furniture

The sub-committee resolved to grant planning permission for a temporary period of two years.