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Local Development Committee - Wednesday 17th July 2024 6.30 p.m.
July 17, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting of the Local Development Committee was scheduled to include a discussion of three planning applications. These were an application by the London Borough of Newham for the change of use of a building from commercial units to a community space, an application for the construction of an entrance extension at Essex Primary School, and an application for the installation of a new visitor entrance at Sandringham Primary School.
412-416 Green Street, Upton Park
The committee was scheduled to discuss a planning application submitted by the London Borough of Newham for work at 412-416 Green Street, Upton Park, London, E13 9JJ. The application was for:
Proposed change of use of existing commercial units (Class E) & betting shop (Sui Generis) to community space comprised of wellbeing spaces, a sensory space, creative workshop and co-working spaces, offices and access to library provision (Sui Generis), including external alterations comprising replacement ground floor shopfronts, rear and front facade alterations, CCTV plant and side infill extension.
— 24.00944.LA3- 412-416 Green Street- Committee Report
The report pack notes that the proposal would see the change of use of the site from shops and a betting shop to a community facility run by Rosetta Arts. The report states that:
The proposal is described as a Creative Wellbeing Space and is in association with the wider Queen’s Market Good Growth Programme of works forming one of four areas of focus.
— 24.00944.LA3- 412-416 Green Street- Committee Report
The report goes on to say that:
The proposed space the subject of this application is to function as a community facility, which would be open to all residents and deliver a free cross-generational programme of activities and regular events to the local community.
— 24.00944.LA3- 412-416 Green Street- Committee Report
The report notes the loss of commercial floorspace the proposal would entail, but concludes that:
Green Street already boasts from a high percentage of retail units and the proposed development would not significantly impact this high provision.
— 24.00944.LA3- 412-416 Green Street- Committee Report
The report concludes that the principle of the development is acceptable because:
The proposal aligns with the strategic allocation given to the site (S27), especially noting the proposal’s focus on wellbeing spaces, which would adhere to the designated aims to promote healthcare community use.
— 24.00944.LA3- 412-416 Green Street- Committee Report
The report recommends that planning permission be granted.
Essex Primary School, Sheridan Road, Manor Park, London, E12 6QX
A planning application for the construction of a new entrance extension at Essex Primary School was also scheduled for discussion.
The application sought permission to build:
An enlarged reception area for staff and pupils. A new disabled WC, separated from the main part of the reception. An additional layer of security for staff and pupils. A permanent pitched roof and canopy.
— 24.00943.LA3 - Essex Primary School - Committee Report
The report describes the principle of the development as acceptable:
The principle of the use of the site for education (primary provision) is established, and additional and/or improved educational facilities to meet the growing and diverse needs of the Borough’s young population would be supported in consideration of the above policies.
— 24.00943.LA3 - Essex Primary School - Committee Report
It concludes that the development would constitute sustainable development:
The proposed development is acceptable in principle, meeting the Council’s aim of providing good teaching facilities. The design and layout of the development is considered to be acceptable and is designed to be inclusive to all staff and pupils. The building is considered to not adversely affect the amenity of nearby residential occupiers. Subject to compliance with recommended conditions the application is considered acceptable in relation to relevant planning policies, including the National Planning Policy Framework, The London Plan and The London Borough of Newham Local Plan.
— 24.00943.LA3 - Essex Primary School - Committee Report
It recommends that planning permission be granted.
Sandringham Primary School, Sandringham Road, Forest Gate, London, E7 0ED
The committee was also scheduled to discuss an application for:
Installation of new visitors entrance to Sandringham Road and associated boundary treatment and landscaping works.
— 24.00662.LA3- Sandringham Primary School- Committee Report
The report states that the new entrance is:
step free and would be solely used by school visitors with the existing entrance(s) used by school pupils and staff.
— 24.00662.LA3- Sandringham Primary School- Committee Report
The report describes the application site:
Sandringham Primary School is a Local Authority maintained community school and nursery with frontages to Sandringham Road and Henderson Road, in Forest Gate. The main pedestrian access is currently via Sandringham Road for the school and Henderson Road for the nursery. The site has a total area of 7,833sqm which houses the existing school buildings including the main Victorian Building which is Locally Listed (recognised at a local level as a non-designated heritage asset). The main school building at the site is an example of a late Victorian ‘triple-decker’ school characteristic of that period.
— 24.00662.LA3- Sandringham Primary School- Committee Report
The report describes the design of the proposal, noting that:
Individually and cumulatively, the various elements of the proposal are considered to be proportionate and assimilate well to the existing school site, particularly the existing boundary treatment along Sandringham Road. The massing and scale are appropriate to the context of the school site and are considered acceptable for its intended use.
— 24.00662.LA3- Sandringham Primary School- Committee Report
The report states that:
officers have assessed the effect of the proposed works on the locally listed building and consider that the proposals cause no harm to the identified non-designated heritage asset.
— 24.00662.LA3- Sandringham Primary School- Committee Report
The report concludes that the proposal would constitute sustainable development:
The proposed development is acceptable in principle meeting the Council’s aim of providing high-quality, accessible educational and community establishments in the Borough. The proposal would be of an acceptable design and appearance and is considered to not cause harm to the locally listed main school building. The proposed development is further considered to not harm the amenity of neighbouring occupiers and would help encourage sustainable transport aims. Subject to compliance with recommended conditions the application is considered acceptable in relation to relevant planning policies, including the National Planning Policy Framework, The London Plan and The London Borough of Newham Local Plan.
— 24.00662.LA3- Sandringham Primary School- Committee Report
The report recommends that planning permission be granted.

- Agenda frontsheet 17th-Jul-2024 18.30 Local Development Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 17th-Jul-2024 18.30 Local Development Committee reports pack
- 24.00944.LA3- 412-416 Green Street- Committee Report
- 24.00943.LA3 - Essex Primary School - Committee Report
- 24.00662.LA3- Sandringham Primary School- Committee Report