Organisation and Communities Scrutiny Panel - Thursday, 18th July, 2024 6.30 pm

July 18, 2024 View on council website
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The Organisation and Communities Scrutiny Panel meeting on 18 July 2024 contained a light agenda, with the most significant item for discussion being the Panel's work programme for the forthcoming year. The meeting also received an update from the Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Social Value and discussed the memberships of Councillors on outside bodies.

Work Programme 2024/25

The Panel was scheduled to note its draft work programme for the year 2024/25 (5. Work Programme Schedule 2024-2025). The work programme details the topics that are expected to be discussed in each of the Panel's meetings during the year.

Councillors' Interests

The Panel was scheduled to note the memberships of all Greenwich Councillors on outside bodies.

Appended to this report is a list of the outside bodies, joint committees and school governing bodies that each member of Council has been appointed to by the Council or the Leader. (3. Declarations of Interest)

The document lists Councillor Dowse's membership of the governing board of Montbelle Primary School. It lists Councillor Greenwell's membership of the governing board of Haimo Primary School. It lists Councillor Mohammed's membership of the management committees of the Clockhouse & New Charlton Community Centre and Greenwich Leisure Ltd. It lists Councillor Mohammed's membership of the boards of trustees of Woolwich Works and the LGA. It lists Councillor Olugbemi's membership of the London City Airport Consultative Committee and the Overview and Scrutiny Joint Health Committee. It lists Councillor Saldin's and Councillor van den Broek's membership of the management committee of Charlton Triangle Homes. It lists Councillor Saldin's and Councillor van den Broek's membership of the board of trustees of the Royal Greenwich Heritage Trust. It lists Councillor van den Broek's membership of the board of directors of Visit Greenwich. Finally, it lists Councillor Williams' membership of the governing board of Nightingale Primary School and the Woodlands Farm Trust.

Cabinet Member Update

The Panel was scheduled to receive a verbal update from Councillor Ray, the Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Social Value. (Cabinet Member Update)

Commissioning of Future Reports

The Panel was scheduled to note that its next meeting, scheduled for 31 October 2024, would include discussions on the subjects of HR, Legal Services and the commissioning of future reports. (6. Commissioning of Future Reports) The Panel was also scheduled to be invited to suggest topics for discussion at future meetings.