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Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel - Thursday, 11th July, 2024 6.30 pm
July 11, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The panel discussed the financial strategy for health and adult social care in Greenwich, the impact of new treatments for musculoskeletal problems, and the work schedule for the panel going forward. The meeting concluded without any decisions being made.
Health and Adult Social Care Finances
The panel heard a report on the Health and Adult Services Medium Term Financial Strategy 2024-25 update. This report lays out the financial challenges facing the council as a result of the cost of providing care to its residents. It explains that an increase in demand for care services, coupled with a decrease in government funding, will lead to a funding gap of £14.4 million by 2027.
The report proposes a number of measures to close this funding gap. This includes reducing the number of people in residential care by providing more care in people's homes. It also discusses reducing the cost of the care that the council provides by negotiating lower prices with care providers.
Musculoskeletal Treatments
The panel heard a presentation entitled 'Musculoskeletal Update MSK' about new treatments being offered to residents of the borough suffering from Musculoskeletal problems.
Musculoskeletal problems are injuries or pain in the body's joints, ligaments, muscles, nerves, tendons, and structures that support limbs, neck and back. They are the biggest cause of sickness absence in the UK.
The presentation explained that the council is working with Circle Health Group to provide new treatments for musculoskeletal problems. These treatments are designed to help people stay active and independent. They are also designed to reduce the number of people who need to go to hospital for treatment.
Work Programme
The Panel reviewed the Work Programme Schedule 2023-2024 and the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Meeting Schedule 2024-2025.
The schedules lay out the topics that the panel plans to discuss over the course of the next year, which includes:
- The role of Healthwatch
- Substance Misuse
- The cost of living crisis
- Adult Social Care in the community
- The Better Care Fund
- SEND inspections
- The Children's strategy and funding
The panel did not discuss any of the specific topics mentioned in the schedules.
- Agenda frontsheet 11th-Jul-2024 18.30 Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel agenda
- Public reports pack 11th-Jul-2024 18.30 Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel reports pack
- Musculoskeletal Update MSK
- 3. Declarations of Interest
- 3.1 Outside Body Memberships
- 4. Cabinet Member Update
- 7. Work Programme Schedule 2023-2024
- 5. Health and Adult Services Medium Term Financial Strategy 2024-25 update
- 7.1 Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Meeting Schedule 2024-2025
- 8. Commissioning of Future Reports
- Supplementary 11th-Jul-2024 18.30 Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel other