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Surrey Local Firefighters' Pension Board - Thursday, 25 July 2024 10.30 am

July 25, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Board noted the contents of all reports and will next meet on 21 November 2024. Concerns were raised throughout the meeting about Surrey Fire and Rescue Service's (SFRS) ability to meet upcoming statutory deadlines for issuing pension-related documents to members. It was agreed that communication should be sent to members as soon as possible explaining the reasons for the expected delays and providing as much information as possible about what the delays will mean for them.

Ongoing Payroll Issues

The meeting was dominated by discussion about ongoing problems extracting the necessary data from SFRS's Unit 4 payroll system to allow the production of pension-related statements for scheme members.

The Board were concerned that the failure to receive data from payroll meant that the 31 August statutory deadline for issuing the Annual Benefit Statements and Remedial Service Statements to active members would be missed. The Board heard that the Service would need to write to The Pensions Regulator to explain that the deadline would be missed and to provide as much information as possible about the expected date of completion.

It was agreed that the Service should explore whether it would be possible to provide fortnightly progress reports to the Board as an interim measure until the problems are resolved and the outstanding data is provided to XPS Pensions Group.1

In relation to the ongoing work to correct errors in pension contributions that occured during the implementation of the Unit 4 payroll system, the Board requested that every effort be made to contact affected members as soon as possible.

“What I would like in some ways is for everyone to be contacted as soon as possible to let them know that there's an issue and we'll be in contact in due course to let them know repayments, rather than let this continue to happen for however many months, and then people finally get told where they could have made arrangements now in the meantime.”

Modified Pension Scheme – Matthews

The Board received an update on progress implementing the Modified Pension Scheme under the terms of the Firefighters’ Pension Schemes (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2023. The Board were told that 208 scheme members had been contacted and 92 were currently interested in pursuing the offer. It was agreed that an email would be sent to the Board detailing the total number of people in scope for this scheme. The Board heard that challenges calculating and issuing statements meant that a backlog of work had developed.

Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) Rectification

It was confirmed that the necessary data had been supplied to XPS to allow them to complete the GMP rectification exercise, though no further update on progress could be provided.


The Board heard that the GAD2 calculator data for all tranches of membership had now been sent to XPS to allow the production of the Immediate Choice and Deferred Choice Remediable Service Statements (RSS) for eligible members. The Board noted that a number of issues around members' tax liabilities remain unresolved. The Board discussed the risk that members may be dissatisfied with the level of service they receive due to ongoing delays with the McCloud remedy.

XPS Pensions Group Performance

XPS Pensions Group provided an overview of their performance in administering the SFRS Pension Scheme. They acknowledged that performance since October 2023 has not met their usual standards and explained that this was due to a combination of factors, including the introduction of McCloud remedy legislation and the loss of automation associated with the upgrade of the Altair system used by XPS for pension administration. XPS told the Board that they have taken steps to improve performance, including developing their own automated calculation tool and recruiting four new members of staff.

XPS also acknowledged that recent increases in the volume of general case work had caused a significant reduction in overall performance.

The Board raised concerns that the lack of historic performance data in the report made it difficult to assess current performance and requested that previous quarter data be included in future reports.

The Board also requested that future reports include information about the number of cases in XPS's hopper to help the Board gauge the overall situation.

  1. XPS Pensions Group are the third-party pension administrators for the SFRS Pension Scheme. 

  2. GAD refers to The Government Actuary’s Department, the body responsible for providing actuarial advice to the UK government.