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The London Heliport Consultative Group met to discuss a range of topics relating to the London Heliport. This included procedural matters such as the appointment of resident representatives to the group, as well as receiving an update on helicopter movements at the Heliport between May 2022 - May 2024.
Future of the London Heliport Consultative Group
The future of the London Heliport Consultative Group was scheduled to be discussed.
Information on Helicopter Movements
Information on helicopter movements was scheduled to be provided in the form of the monthly helicopter movements for May 2022 – May 2024. These were broken down into five categories:
The documents also included a breakdown of exempt flights by flight type. These types were medical, police, and other.
“Where an aircraft takes off and lands at the same aerodrome or operating site. A helicopter undertaking a series of passenger flights from a single point is making a series of Category A movements.” “Where an aircraft lands at an aerodrome or operating site for technical reasons, such as refuelling or to comply with legal flying limits for its crew, and then takes off to continue the flight to a destination which is not that aerodrome or operating site, then that landing and the subsequent take-off shall each constitute one Category B movement whether or not passengers, cargo or mail are embarked or disembarked in the course of that landing.”
Helicopter Noise Complaints
The group was scheduled to note the noise complaints received by the Heliport for April-July 2024.
“Of the complaints received, one related to a helicopter movement which wasn’t related to the Heliport and therefore wasn’t a relevant complaint for the purposes of its validity as an action for the Heliport to address.”
The report also noted that
“it had been a quieter time of the year and no complaints had been received during the Cheltenham weekend event.”
Details of all the complaints received by the Heliport and the responses that were sent were included in a separate document: Table of Complaints Apr-Jul 2024
Appointment of Resident Representatives
The meeting was scheduled to consider the nominations for the resident representative roles. These representatives are local residents who represent the interests of their community.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, which took place on 28th March 2024, were scheduled to be approved. The previous meeting discussed similar items, including helicopter movements and noise complaints. In addition, the previous meeting saw the appointment of Mr James Eaton as the Resident Representative for Wandsworth. Mr Eaton is a local resident and Neighbourhood Watch coordinator. The minutes from the March 28th meeting can be found on the Wandsworth Council Website.

- Helicopter Movements May 22 - May 24 inc. exempt breakdown other
- Public reports pack 22nd-Jul-2024 19.00 London Heliport Consultative Group reports pack
- Table of Complaints Apr-Jul 2024 other
- LHCG Draft Minutes - 280324 other
- Agenda frontsheet 22nd-Jul-2024 19.00 London Heliport Consultative Group agenda