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General Purposes Committee - Wednesday, 24th July, 2024 4.00 pm
July 24, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting or read trancriptSummary
The committee agreed to all of the recommendations made to them, which included adopting a policy to protect staff from violence and agression, becoming a fostering friendly
employer, and making two appointments to council scrutiny panels.
Fostering Friendly Employer Motion
The most significant item discussed at the meeting was a proposal to adopt a policy of making Royal Greenwich Council a fostering friendly
employer. The Fostering Network is a UK charity which supports foster carers. They run a scheme that accredits employers who provide additional leave or support to employees who foster children. The report considered by the committee claims that children in care cost the council £20,000 more per year if they are placed with a private fostering agency, rather than with a council foster carer. Councillor Florence Duhaney made the case for the proposal, saying:
Essentially, the drive is to increase the number of foster carers that are Greenwich foster carers not using independent fostering agencies which cost approximately 20,000 more per child a year.
Councillor Duhaney argued that the scheme would improve the lives of fostered children in Greenwich while saving the council money.
The committee voted to adopt the policy, and to offer council staff a £250 reward if they successfully refer someone to become a foster carer.
Violence and Aggression Policy
The committee also discussed a new Violence and Aggression Health and Safety Policy Standard. This policy sets out how the council aims to protect its employees from violence and aggression. This follows on from the council's stated commitment to a zero tolerance
approach to abuse of its staff.
Councillor Lekau spoke in favour of the policy, saying:
A lot of our members are out there working on their own in quite vulnerable situations, so I do appreciate this.
Scrutiny Panel Appointments
Councillor Aidan Smith was appointed to both the Inclusive Economy and Culture and the Transport and Place Scrutiny Panels. Scrutiny Panels are committees of councillors, who are responsible for examining decisions made by the council.
- Agenda frontsheet 24th-Jul-2024 16.00 General Purposes Committee agenda
- Appointments to Member-Level Bodies for 202425 Scrutiny Panels
- Supplementary Agenda 24th-Jul-2024 16.00 General Purposes Committee agenda
- Proposal for Royal Greenwich Council becoming a Fostering Friendly Employer and offering an Incentiv other
- Violence and Aggression HS arrangements policy standard
- Declarations of Interest other
- Appendix 1 - Fostering Friendly Employer Policy RBG 2023
- Outside Body Membership 2024-25
- Minutes of Previous Meeting other
- Appendix 2 - The Fostering Network - Fostering friendly leaflet other
- Appendix 1 Violence and Aggression Health and Safety Policy Standard
- Decisions 24th-Jul-2024 16.00 General Purposes Committee other
- Printed minutes 24th-Jul-2024 16.00 General Purposes Committee minutes