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Transport and Place Scrutiny Panel - Thursday, 25th July, 2024 6.30 pm
July 25, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The meeting on the 25th of July was the first in the 2024-2025 schedule for the Transport and Place Scrutiny Panel. The meeting was scheduled to include a discussion of a range of issues relating to transport in the borough and some important upcoming work for the panel. In particular, the meeting was scheduled to include a verbal update from the Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Sustainability and Transport.
Work Programme Schedule 2024/25
The most significant item scheduled to be discussed was the panel's draft work programme for the coming year. This included discussion of a number of planned reports and updates, including:
- The panel's transport work programme.
- An update on
Third Party Strategic Projects (Transport)
. - A report on income from developments.
- Updates on Flood Risk and Water Management.
- An update on Highways Asset and Risk Management
- An update on the progress of the council's
Regenerating our Greenwich
programme. - A
Capital Projects update
- The annual Transport Scrutiny report
- An update on the progress of the Strategic Asset Review.
- A time-limited review of
Thames Path connectivity and upgrade
. The meeting was also scheduled to include an opportunity for the panel to provide feedback on the scope of the reports to be provided at its next meeting, which is scheduled for the 5th of September.
Declarations of Interest
The report pack also included the declarations of interest for members of the committee. A declaration of interest is a statement made by an elected official to signal that they have a personal or financial interest in a matter that is being discussed by the council. A 'personal interest' is defined as any business that is likely to affect:
(a) them, or (b) a relevant person or a relevant body (where the Member is aware that they have the interest);
more than a majority of those in the ward you represent.
A 'relevant person' in this context could be a spouse, civil partner, or anyone that the Councillor lives with. A 'relevant body' is:
(a) any organisation, school governing body or outside committee or trust which they have been appointed to by the Royal Borough or by the Leader, or (b) any other voluntary organisation, school governing body or commercial organisation where you are a management committee member, school governor, trustee or director. Councillors are required to declare the existence and nature of any personal interests, and while they are usually permitted to stay, speak, and vote on such matters, they are barred from doing so if the matter would affect their, or a related person or body's financial position. The declarations of interest included in the report pack showed that Councillor Dowse is a member of Greenwich Service Solutions, and a Governor of Montbelle Primary School. Councillor Gardner is a Member of Greenwich Millennium Village Management Ltd, the Local Government Information Unit and St Luke's (Charlton) Parochial Charities. Councillor Hartley is a deputy on the London Road Safety Council. Councillor Littlewood is also a member of St Luke's (Charlton) Parochial Charities. Councillor O'Bryne Mulligan is a member of DG Cities Limited, the London Road Safety Council, the Sir John Evelyn Charity and Twinkle Park Trust. Councillor Rahman is a member of the Greater London Forum for Older People and Greenwich Charities of William Hatcliffe and the MisthemberM.
Cabinet Member Update - Climate Action, Sustainability and Transport
The meeting was also scheduled to include a verbal update from the Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Sustainability and Transport.
- Agenda frontsheet 25th-Jul-2024 18.30 Transport and Place Scrutiny Panel agenda
- Declarations of Interest other
- Public reports pack 25th-Jul-2024 18.30 Transport and Place Scrutiny Panel reports pack
- Outside Body Memberships
- Cabinet Member Update - Climate Action Sustainability and Transport
- Work Programme Schedule 2024-2025
- Transport and Place Scrutiny Meeting Schedule 2024-2025
- Commissioning of Future Reports