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Scrutiny Coordinating Committee - Tuesday, 23rd July, 2024 7.00 pm
July 23, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting included the first iteration of a new way of measuring and capturing the council's corporate performance, as well as an update on corporate performance for the period beginning January 2024 and ending March 2024. The committee was also scheduled to review the draft work programmes of all of the council's scrutiny committees, as well as the Cabinet Forward Plan.
Corporate Performance
The meeting included a report titled [1 - Corporate Performance_Scrutiny Coordinating Committee report 23.07.24](
that was scheduled to introduce a new system for measuring and capturing the council's performance. The new system includes a new list of eighty one KPIs1 that will be used to measure the performance of council services.
A list of 81 metrics currently makes up the new Corporate Performance Framework. There are 17 KPIs that are either directly aligned or similar to KPIs from the previous framework.
The new KPIs are organised around the council's eight Missions, which are:
- Ensure every family and every child are given every opportunity
- Build an economy that works for everyone
- Make Waltham Forest a great place to live and age well
- Tackle the housing crisis head on
- Lead the way for a net-zero Borough
- Create safe, green neighbourhoods where everyone can thrive
- A focus on services designed around residents
- A preventative approach for stronger communities
- An inclusive workforce that reflects our community
- A firm financial footing
The report says that the new KPIs will be measured more frequently than in the past, and that a new user-friendly dashboard
has been developed to allow councillors to track the council's performance. The report explains that:
A new, user-friendly dashboard has been developed to enable key stakeholders to consult data from across the Council on a more regular basis, helping to drive a wider culture change of more effective, data-driven decision-making.
The meeting was also scheduled to receive the last quarterly performance report to be created using the old system. The report, titled [1b - Appendix B - Q4 update](
, details the performance of council services between January and March 2024.
Scrutiny Committees - Draft Forward Plans 2024-25
The meeting was scheduled to review the draft forward plans for all seven of the council's scrutiny committees. These plans set out the topics that each committee intends to examine in the coming year.
The Scrutiny Coordinating Committee's own draft work programme is detailed in a report titled [2a - Scrutiny Coordinating Committee - Draft Fwd Plan 24-25](
. This plan contains an item to scrutinise the council's performance at every meeting.
The draft work programmes of the six other scrutiny committees were also included in the meeting pack. They are:
[3a - ASC and Health - Draft Fwd Plan_V1](
- This committee scrutinises the performance of Adult Social Care and Public Health services in the borough. The committee's draft work programme includes looking at a range of issues including the future of Markhouse, a day centre for adults with learning disabilities, and scrutinising the procurements of the Substance Misuse service, and the Sexual Health Service. -
[3b - Budget Scrutiny - Draft Forward Plan 2425](
- This committee scrutinises the council's budget. The committee's draft work programme is focussed on scrutinising the progress of the council's Transformation Programme. This programme is designed to make the council more efficient, and to allow it to deliver the same level of service with less government funding. -
[3c - Children and Families - Draft Fwd Plan_V1_](
- This committee scrutinises the council's Children's Services department. The committee's draft work programme includes items on the council's Children's Sufficiency Strategy, its SEND Self-Assessment and implementation plan, and the rationalisation of school places. The committee is also scheduled to receive the council's annual report into complaints about Children's Social Care. -
[3d - Climate Scrutiny - Draft Forward Plan 24-25](
- This committee scrutinises the council's work on climate change. Its draft work programme includes items on the council's new waste collection strategy, flood mitigation works, and the North London Waste Authority's new joint waste strategy. -
[3e - Communities and Public Protection - Draft Fwd Plan_V1](
- This committee scrutinises the council's Community Safety work. Its draft work programme includes receiving presentations from a representative of the Street Aunties about their work tackling Violence Against Women and Girls, an update on the council's use of facial recognition technology, and a presentation on the results of a pilot of theSafe Streets
initiative in Leyton and Wanstead. -
[3f - Housing and Inclusive Economy Scrutiny - Draft Forward Plan 24-24](
- This committee scrutinises the council's Housing and Regeneration work. It is scheduled to examine a range of topics including the council's property licensing scheme, its plans for the delivery of affordable housing, and the performance of its housing repairs service. The committee will also examine the council's Resident Involvement Strategy and its Cultural Action Plan.
Cabinet Forward Plan
The committee was also scheduled to review the latest edition of the Cabinet Forward Plan. This document lists all of the key decisions that the council's Cabinet is scheduled to take in the coming months. The version included in the meeting pack is dated August 2024.
Many of the items in the Cabinet Forward plan are already included in the various Scrutiny Committee work programmes. For example the Cabinet is scheduled to make a decision on the Forest Road Highway Improvement Scheme at its meeting on the 3rd of June 2024, and the Housing and Inclusive Economy Scrutiny Committee is scheduled to scrutinise this scheme at its meeting on 11 June 2024.
Some of the items listed in the Cabinet Forward Plan are new though, and have not yet been included in any of the council's scrutiny work programmes. These include decisions on:
- The Vestry House Museum Revitalisation. This item is scheduled to be discussed by the Cabinet on the 5th August 2024, and it will include proposals for the future operation of the museum.
- The acquisition of homes for temporary accommodation and refugee resettlement. This item is scheduled to be discussed by the Cabinet on 10 September 2024, and it will include a proposal to purchase at least 28 affordable homes.
The committee is able to recommend any of the items in the Cabinet Forward Plan to the relevant scrutiny committee for pre-decision scrutiny.
KPIs are Key Performance Indicators - specific things the council measures to track its performance ↩

- Agenda frontsheet 23rd-Jul-2024 19.00 Scrutiny Coordinating Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 23rd-Jul-2024 19.00 Scrutiny Coordinating Committee reports pack
- 1 - Corporate Performance_Scrutiny Coordinating Committee report 23.07.24 other
- 1a - Appendix A - List of KPIs in the new CPF by Council Mission
- 1b - Appendix B - Q4 update
- 2 - The Scrutiny Report
- 2a - Scrutiny Coordinating Committee - Draft Fwd Plan 24-25 other
- 3a - ASC and Health - Draft Fwd Plan_V1
- 3b - Budget Scrutiny - Draft Forward Plan 2425
- 3c - Children and Families - Draft Fwd Plan_V1_
- 3d - Climate Scrutiny - Draft Forward Plan 24-25 other
- 3e - Communities and Public Protection - Draft Fwd Plan_V1
- 3f - Housing and Inclusive Economy Scrutiny - Draft Forward Plan 24-24 other
- 4 - Cabinet Forward Plan