Planning Committee - Wednesday 24 July 2024 6.00 pm

July 24, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting scheduled the possible determination of two planning applications, for a site on New Church Road in Wellington and for the site of Coronation Bungalow in Oakengates. The Committee were also scheduled to agree their Terms of Reference.

TWC/2024/0334 - Site of Coronation Bungalow, Station Fields, Oakengates

Councillors were scheduled to consider an outline planning application for the erection of two self-build dwellings on the site of Coronation Bungalow on Station Fields in Oakengates. The application, submitted by Tanya Tonks, proposed the demolition of the existing bungalow and outbuildings. The application was referred to the committee by Councillor Steven Reynolds. The application had been objected to by Oakengates Town Council.

Support the resident’s Objections of Station Fields which concern the over-utilisation of a narrow un-adopted lane which has poor surface and no surface water drainage Further development on this site would only increase traffic to the lane causing more damage to the poorly maintained un-adopted road Residents are also concerned about the suitability of the lane for heavy construction vehicles

The report considered the principle of the development to be acceptable because:

The application is located within the urban area of Telford and Wrekin Council where the principle of residential development is acceptable.

The report also noted that:

Whilst the site has had a number of previous consents for 2 no. dwellings, these permissions have lapsed and application must be assessed against the current Local Plan.

Several objections from neighbours were summarised in the report pack:

  • Intensification of Station Fields (narrow and poor surface);
  • Lack of turning space on Station Fields for vehicles;
  • Potential damage to Station Fields during construction period;
  • Station Fields does not have surface drainage;
  • Station Fields does not have consistent street lighting;
  • Development will cause overlooking and loss of privacy to neighbouring properties;
  • Construction should approach via Bradshaw Gardens (located to the north);
  • Construction vehicles have previously damaged the road;
  • Residents are not keen to maintain Station Fields;
  • Council should look to adopt Station Fields given the level of housing along this lane;
  • Damage to Station Fields by the railway company doing maintenance;
  • Concerns with water infrastructure in the area;
  • Impact on the sale of nearby property;
  • Loss of hedgerow;
  • Amended plans do not satisfy original comments.

The Coal Authority initially objected to the application because:

no Coal Mining Risk Assessment had been submitted in support of the application in order to assess and mitigate the risk that former coal mining recorded may present to the proposed development.

The Coal Authority subsequently withdrew their objection after:

the agent submitted a Coal Mining Risk Assessment Report (Station Fields/TF2 6DH/2024, 05 June 2024, prepared for the proposed development by Worms Eye Ltd.)

TWC/2024/0265 - Kensington, 69 New Church Road, Wellington

The meeting was scheduled to consider a planning application for the change of use of a dwelling house to a residential care home for up to three children between the ages of 7 and 17 at 69 New Church Road in Wellington. The applicant was Care Perspectives Ltd. The application was referred to the committee by Councillor Lee Carter, who objected to the application. Councillor Angela McClements also objected to the application. Wellington Town Council also objected to the application on the grounds of inadequate parking provision. The application was supported by Telford and Wrekin Council's Specialist Housing Team, who said in their response to the application that:

This application would meet identified needs which are mentioned within the Specialist & Supported Accommodation Strategy 2020-2025 (Young vulnerable people, including care leavers).

Thirty two objections from members of the public were received, summarising the following concerns:

  • Insufficient parking provision and highway safety impacts
  • The property may house people with history of substance abuse or mental health disorders.
  • No security measures proposed
  • In close proximity to local school
  • Situated on a busy main road
  • Sub-station within property
  • Roman well within grounds of garden
  • Overlooking
  • Regular and considerable substance abuse takes place local vicinity.
  • Adjoining residential streets are dark and secluded.
  • Applicant rated as inadequate through Ofsted
  • Business use proposed to have impact on mental health of neighbours
  • Concerns over care during school holidays

The planning officers' report considered that the principle of the development was acceptable, because:

The application site is located within the Built up Area of Telford, where the principle of residential development is generally considered acceptable.

The report acknowledged concerns about the applicant's most recent Ofsted rating:

The current Ofsted rating of an applicant is not a material planning consideration. However, in response to the concerns raised within local representations, the applicant has provided a copy of all the recent Ofsted reports (2023 and 2024) for homes they operate – all of which are rated good or outstanding.

The report considered that the applicant's Ofsted rating was not relevant to the application because:

these homes need to be in central locations, with access to facilities, good schools and supported by an established local community.

Terms of Reference

Councillors were scheduled to discuss the Committee's draft Terms of Reference for the 2024/25 municipal year. The draft terms of reference contained one proposed change from the previous year's terms:

to provide clarity around the process for appointment of a Chair for the Committee. It notes that the Chair is appointed by Full Council (in line with the Constitution) but sets out that a Vice-Chair may be appointed by a majority decision of the Committee.