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Extraordinary, Corporate Committee - Tuesday 30 July 2024 6.00 pm
July 30, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting of Hackney Council's Corporate Committee was an extraordinary meeting called to confirm the make up of the council's Planning Sub-Committee. The Planning Sub-Committee is responsible for making decisions on planning applications and other planning matters. A report pack prepared for the meeting explains that the Planning Sub-Committee's membership had previously been agreed at the council's Annual Meeting, but a number of revisions to membership were required
. The report asked the Corporate Committee to note the revised membership.
Establishment and Composition of the Planning Sub-Committee
The report pack included a report on the Establishment and Composition of the Planning Sub-Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25 (Public reports pack Tuesday 30-Jul-2024 18.00 Corporate Committee).
The report asked the Corporate Committee to approve the membership of the Planning Sub-Committee and to note that:
any further changes to the Membership of the Planning Sub-Committee during the Municipal Year 2024/25 will be reported to the Corporate Committee for consideration.
The report explained that:
The Planning Sub-Committee will continue to operate as defined within its terms of reference, and will adhere to its agreed protocols and procedures.
It also explained that substitute members are allowed to be appointed to the committee.
Given the quasi-judicial nature of the Sub-Committee, and in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, all members and substitutes appointed to the Sub-Committee are required to undergo training in regard to all aspects of planning law, and their duties in the determination of planning applications.
The report proposed that the Planning Sub-Committee should be made up of eight Labour Councillors, two Conservative Councillors and one Hackney Independent Socialist Group Councillor. The report also proposed the appointment of four Labour, two Conservative and one Hackney Independent Socialist Group substitute members.
The report noted that:
Any changes or variations to the membership of the Planning Sub-Committee during the Municipal Year 2024/25 would require Corporate Committee approval.
The Corporate Committe were asked to approve the following Councillors as members of the Planning Sub-Committee:
- Cllr Jess Webb (Chair)
- Cllr Jon Narcross (Vice Chair)
- Cllr Michael Desmond
- Cllr Humaira Garasia
- Cllr Clare Joseph
- Cllr Ali Sadek
- Cllr Ifraax Samatar
- Cllr Sarah Young
- Cllr Michael Levy
- Cllr Penny Wrout
The Corporate Committe were also asked to approve had also been asked to approve the following Councillors as substitute members:
- Cllr M Can Oszen
- Cllr Clare Potter
- Cllr Faruk Tinaz
- Cllr Sheila Suso-Runge
- Cllr Shaul Krautwirt
- Cllr Benzion Papier
- Cllr Claudia Turbet-Delof

- Public reports pack Tuesday 30-Jul-2024 18.00 Corporate Committee reports pack
- Establishment and Composition of the Planning Sub-Committee 2024_25 paper.docx
- Agenda frontsheet Tuesday 30-Jul-2024 18.00 Corporate Committee agenda
- Supplementary Agenda item 4 Revised Appendix 1 Composition of the Planning Sub-Committee Tuesday 3 agenda
- Decisions Tuesday 30-Jul-2024 18.00 Corporate Committee other
- REVISED Appendix 1 Composition of the Planning Sub-Committee 2024_25 paper 30.7.24.docx other