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Licensing Sub-Committee (4) - Thursday 18th July, 2024 10.00 am

July 18, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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Westminster Council's Licensing Sub-Committee (4) met on Thursday 18 July 2024 and made the following decisions: to grant a shadow licence for 14-22 Ganton Street, a new licence for the restaurant Co London at 5-6 Park Close, a new licence for the Green Room Distillery at 13 Meard Street, and to suspend the licence of Concept Club, 37 Duke Street.

Concept Club, 37 Duke Street

The Metropolitan Police Service applied for an expedited review of the licence for Concept Club1 on Duke Street following a serious incident at the club which resulted in three people being hospitalised. The Sub-Committee heard from the Police and the Licence holder and decided to suspend the club’s licence with immediate effect. They will make a final decision at a full review hearing to be held by 13 August 2024.

The Sub-Committee agreed with both the Police and the Licence holder that a suspension was appropriate.

The incident in question was serious, and it was appropriate and proportionate for the promotion of the licensing objectives to suspend the licence pending the full review to ensure this did not happen again.

- Licensing Sub-Committee (4) Decision

13 Meard Street

The Sub-Committee considered an application for a new licence from Green Room Distillery2 at 13 Meard Street. The application had been opposed by the Soho Society, the freeholder of the building, the owners of 17 Meard Street, Soho Housing, and five other interested parties. Westminster Council's Environmental Health Service and Licensing Authority had both initially opposed the application but withdrew their opposition ahead of the meeting.

Despite the opposition, the Sub-Committee decided to grant the application on the condition that Green Room Distillery comply with a long list of requirements, including not using the garden of the property.

The Sub-Committee's decision appears to have been made partly because the licence was for a “shop with an experiential element” rather than a bar. They accepted the applicant’s claim that tasting sessions would be limited to 8 people and would not constitute on-sales of alcohol:

The Sub-Committee agreed with the Applicant that the Premises would not have the adverse effect of a pub or bar; the proposal was for a small shop with an experiential element.

- Licensing Sub-Committee (4) Decision

14-22 Ganton Street

The Sub-Committee considered an application for a shadow licence from Shaftesbury AV Limited for 14-22 Ganton Street. The Sub-Committee heard from the applicant and a representative of the Soho Society who opposed the application.

The Sub-Committee decided to grant the application on the condition that it could only be used if the primary licence for the premises, which has the same terms, ceased to be used. This condition was added in line with the Council's Statement of Licensing Policy.

MC97 (and the slightly modified version imposed on this application) ensured that there was another level of scrutiny, and it was considered that this was appropriate and proportionate in the cumulative impact zone.

- Licensing Sub-Committee (4) Decision

Co London, 5-6 Park Close

The Sub-Committee considered an application for a new licence for the restaurant Co London at 5-6 Park Close. The application had been opposed by Westminster Council's Environmental Health Service and the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum, but both withdrew their opposition before the meeting. The Sub-Committee heard from the applicant.

The Sub-Committee decided to grant the application. They did not impose any additional conditions beyond those already agreed with the Environmental Health Service.

  1. Concept Club is a restaurant that is licensed to trade as a restaurant only between 3am and 6am. At all other times it operates as a members club. 

  2. Green Room Distillery is a distillery founded in 2020 that sells a range of gins, including a sloe gin. This application relates to their second premises.