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This meeting was scheduled to include the consideration of a variation application for a premises licence for Everyday Convenience Store, in Malton Street, and the confirmation of the minutes of two previous meetings.
Variation of a Premises Licence for Everyday Convenience Store, Malton Street
This item concerned an application by Mrs Kumutham Parameswaran to vary the premises licence of the Everyday Convenience Store at 1 Malton Street.
The application sought to vary the licence to permit the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises for 24 hours a day. The existing licence allows the shop to sell alcohol between 08:00 and 23:00, Monday to Saturday, 10:00 to 22:30 on Sundays, and with restricted hours on Christmas Day and Good Friday.
The report pack notes that during the 2023/24 Christmas and New Year period, Mrs Parameswaran applied for, and was granted, three Temporary Event Notices to increase the existing licensed hours to enable the premises to operate on a 24/7 basis. These TENs ran from 18 December 2023 to 6 January 2024, with one day gaps between each TEN. In making these TEN applications Mrs Parameswaran agreed to abide by a volunteered Operating Schedule.
The report pack includes representations objecting to the application on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder, and the prevention of public nuisance from four local residents; Mr Martin Blessing, Mr Barry Belcher, Mrs Florence Bain, and Mr Max Gershon.
The report pack includes a summary of responses made by Mrs Parameswaran's agent, Mr Darryl Crossman of UK Premier Licensing, to each of the four objectors. Mr Crossman's responses set out a number of proposed conditions relating to the management of the premises, including the operation of CCTV, the keeping of incident logs, staff training, and a commitment to abide by the Council's Reduce the Strength campaign.
In response to concerns about deliveries to the shop outside of its trading hours, Mr Crossman proposed a further condition that:
There shall be no deliveries to the premises between 19:00 hours and each following 07:00 on any day.
The report pack also includes a montage of photographs of the exterior of the shop and the surrounding area, provided by Mr Crossman.
The report pack makes clear that of the Responsible Authorities that were consulted, only The Environmental Health Community Protection (Noise) Team formally responded, confirming that they had no representations to make.
The report pack notes that the premises are not located within a Cumulative Impact Zone, and summarises the provisions of the Council's Licensing Policy, and the Government Guidance under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 that are relevant to the application.
Minute of previous meeting(s)
The Sub-Committee was scheduled to confirm the minutes of its previous meetings, which were held on 13th November 2023, and 17th April 2024. The report pack includes copies of the draft minutes.
The November 2023 meeting considered a review of the premises licence for Abivino (Premier Express), in Banning Street at the request of local residents and the Council's Public Health Team. The meeting resulted in the application being granted subject to a number of additional conditions.
The April 2024 meeting considered an application by Akmal Hussein for the grant of a premises licence for Shaanis Traders Limited in Charlton Church Lane. The meeting heard representations objecting to the application from the Metropolitan Police, Trading Standards, and a number of local residents and businesses. The meeting resulted in the application being refused.
- Agenda frontsheet 23rd-Jul-2024 10.30 Licensing Sub-Committee B agenda
- Public reports pack 23rd-Jul-2024 10.30 Licensing Sub-Committee B reports pack
- Information Pack
- Declarations of Interest other
- Outside Body Memberships 2024-25 Councillors
- APPX B - Licence LN2166
- Minute cover report
- APPX E - Local area map COLOUR
- Minute
- LSCR-Everyday Convenience Store 1 Malton St SE18 Vary other
- APPX C - Operating Schedule for Everyday Xmas NY 2023-24
- APPX D - Licensing Police Visit History 2019 2023
- Decisions 23rd-Jul-2024 10.30 Licensing Sub-Committee B other