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The meeting was scheduled to consider an application for the grant of a Premises Licence in respect of Isleworth Bowls Club, Redlees Park, Worton Road, Isleworth. The application has been made by Ms Marlene Sampson. The meeting was also scheduled to receive a report from the Monitoring Officer regarding interests.
Isleworth Bowls Club
The report pack contains an application for a new Premises Licence for the Isleworth Bowls Club in Redlees Park, Isleworth. The club currently has a Club Premises Certificate1. The application includes the following licensable activities:
- Supply of alcohol for consumption on & off the premises:
- Sunday to Thursday 11:00 to 23:00
- Friday to Saturday 11:00 to 01:00
- Films (outdoors)
- Monday 16:00 to 22:30
- Friday to Sunday 16:00 to 23:00
- Indoor sporting events
- Sunday to Thursday 11:00 to 23:00
- Friday & Saturday 11:00 to 01:00
- Boxing or wrestling entertainments, Recorded music (indoors & outdoors)
- Sunday to Thursday 11:00 to 23:00
- Friday & Saturday 11:00 to 01:00
- Live music (indoors & outdoors)
- Sunday to Thursday 11:00 to 23:00
- Friday & Saturday 11:00 to 00:00
- Performance of dance (indoors & outdoors)
- Monday to Sunday 11:00 to 22:00
- Late-night refreshment (indoors & outdoors):
- Friday & Saturday 23:00 to 01:00
- The opening hours of the premises:
- Sunday to Thursday 11:00 to 23:30
- Friday to Saturday 11:00 to 01:30
The report pack explains that no representations were received from any of the responsible authorities that were consulted, but there were 3 representations from other people.
Two representations were received from members of the public. Both outlined concerns in relation to the hours applied for and raised the question of public safety and noise nuisance from events.
It would be perverse and untenable to approve a premises licence covering the rest of IBC’s premises and particularly covering the grassed bowling green area contrary to the marquee consent as well as diverging from the aim of preventing public nuisance to park users and neighbouring occupants.
The third representation was from Martin Falder, the Parks Team Project Manager at Hounslow Council. The Parks Team voiced their concerns about littering and anti-social behaviour.
In particular, we’re concerned that there is already a level of spillover from events at the club into the park more broadly. This results in a level of litter and occasional antisocial behaviour which we are then responsible for remedying.
The applicant, Ms Sampson, refuted the claims made by Mr Falder.
This is simply not true!! We have never had any ASB issues, rubbish issues or anything else.
The report pack also includes emails from PC Danny Wood of the Metropolitan Police, and Charlie Hennessy, a Licensing Enforcement Officer for Hounslow Council. Both PC Wood and Mr Hennessy propose a number of conditions to be added to the licence if granted. The conditions they propose are very similar. These conditions relate to CCTV, staff training, the provision of an incident log, a Challenge 25 policy2 and measures to reduce noise nuisance. The report pack includes an email from Ms Sampson in which she agrees to PC Wood’s proposed conditions. It also includes emails showing that she initially agreed to Mr Hennessey's conditions, before later changing her mind and rejecting them.
Monitoring Officer's Note on Interests
The report pack contains a guidance note from the Monitoring Officer regarding the declaration of interests. It explains that the Councillors in the meeting must declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest3 or Other Registerable Interest4 they may have. It also provides detailed guidance for the Councillors explaining what each of these types of interest is, and what to do if they have one.
A Club Premises Certificate is a licence that allows members’ clubs to sell and supply alcohol to its members, as well as provide certain types of entertainment. It is an alternative to a Premises Licence. ↩
Challenge 25 is a scheme that encourages anyone who looks under 25 years of age to carry acceptable ID when they want to buy alcohol. ↩
A Disclosable Pecuniary Interest is an interest that relates to a Councillor's finances and must be registered on the Councillor's Register of Interests. ↩
An Other Registerable Interest is an interest that does not directly relate to a Councillor's finances but must still be registered on the Councillor's Register of Interests. ↩

- licensing_policy_2020_2025_oct20 6 other
- Agenda frontsheet Monday 29-Jul-2024 19.30 Licensing Panel agenda
- Public reports pack Monday 29-Jul-2024 19.30 Licensing Panel reports pack
- Isleworth Bowls Club - Appendix C
- OrderofBusiness
- MO Guidance on Declaring Interests - May 2022 other
- Isleworth Bowls Club - Appendix D
- Isleworth Bowls Club - Report
- Licensing Panel Procedure
- Isleworth Bowls Club - Appendix A
- Isleworth Bowls Club - Appendix B
- Isleworth Bowls Club - Appendix E
- Decisions Monday 29-Jul-2024 19.30 Licensing Panel other