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Chief Officer Delegated Decisions - Wednesday, 31 July 2024 12:00 pm
July 31, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting was scheduled to include the approval of decisions on a wide range of topics, from the allocation of funds for community schemes and the Homes for Ukraine scheme to decisions on Controlled Parking Zone consultations, and the recruitment of staff in various departments. The meeting also included decisions scheduled to be made on entering into agreements for utilities to new homes, as well as funding allocations and budget adjustments for a variety of digital and IT projects.
Resources for management of Homes for Ukraine and Asylum Seeker provision
The meeting was scheduled to include the possible approval of £1,574,179 to fund staff costs relating to the Homes for Ukraine scheme and Asylum Dispersal grant from 2023/24 to 2025/26, with a significant portion of this allocated for 2024/25. This money was also scheduled to be used to extend current temporary contracts until March 2025. A number of new fixed term roles across various council services were also scheduled to be filled with this funding. These new roles included Integration Safety Officers, Attendance Support Workers, and Social Workers. The report highlighted the need for these new roles due to changing needs, and it included a detailed summary of the tasks each role will be assigned to perform.
Needs of service delivery for the Homes for Ukraine Scheme and Asylum Seeker population has changed. This has meant having to re-examine how we can continue to provide adequate support. The number of new arrivals via the Homes for Ukraine Scheme shows no significant reduction and numbers are cumulatively rising. Similarly for the Asylum population in contingency hotels and dispersed accommodation, the numbers remain constant.
It was scheduled to be discussed that as of January 2024, 802 refugees have arrived in Hounslow under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, and the borough is also home to 2,229 asylum seekers accommodated in contingency hotels and dispersal accommodation. The report pack noted that the council have a statutory duty to provide school placements and social care to these vulnerable people where needed.
Community Led Schemes programme update and budget realignment
The Community Led Schemes programme, funded by contributions from developers, was established in 2022 and has since seen a number of projects either delivered, removed, or added to the programme. This item was scheduled to include the possible approval of the removal of two schemes from the programme: the Almorah Road, Heston, HGV Traffic Reduction; and the Church Road, Isleworth, Low Traffic Neighbourhood schemes. The meeting was also scheduled to include discussion of the possible addition of new schemes, and an allocation of £78,000 of funding towards the Crane Valley Cycling Improvement project, with a further £15,182 to be allocated to three other community-focused projects.
To enter into utility agreements to enable the delivery of new homes at Spinney Drive
This decision concerned the development at Spinney Drive in Feltham that is expected to be completed by Autumn 2024. It was scheduled to be discussed whether or not to enter into a Deed of Grant with Indigo Power Limited and Sapphire Independent Housing (SIH) Limited to provide electricity to the development. It was also scheduled to be discussed whether or not to enter into a Water Adoption Agreement with Affinity Water for the new homes.
Digital and IT - revenue funded project work 2023/24
The council was scheduled to consider allocating £395,000 from the IT Fund Improvement Plan earmarked reserve to fund revenue costs associated with a number of digital and IT projects that were completed in 2023/24. The projects included the Business Intelligence, Project Delivery, Borough Based Partnership, Digital Inclusion, Work Hounslow Management System, Waste Wizard, Robotic Process Automation, Supporting Families, Hardware Refresh, and Information Governance projects.
Digital Network Replacement phase 1 in Hounslow House
The council was scheduled to decide whether to allocate £528,000 for the replacement of the digital network in Hounslow House. It was scheduled to be discussed that the existing equipment, installed when the council moved into Hounslow House, has reached the end of its supported lifespan. The report pack explains that when equipment reaches this point, it is no longer supported with software updates by the manufacturer, leaving systems vulnerable to cyberattacks and hardware failures. It was also scheduled to be discussed that this project will also include purchasing network devices, and installation materials.
Saxon Avenue no waiting, no entry and one-way working Traffic Management Order
The council was scheduled to decide whether to make a Traffic Management Order to implement no-waiting, no-entry and one-way working proposals on Saxon Avenue in Feltham. The report pack notes that one objection was received during the statutory consultation, on the grounds that the proposed waiting restrictions will make it more difficult to park and will prevent loading when parking is full.
Funding request for special projects related to Council Tax and Business Rates
The meeting was scheduled to include the decision to allocate up to £300,000 from the Income Volatility Risk Reserve to fund activities designed to maximise Council Tax income. These activities include an annual review of Council Tax accounts that claim a Single Person Discount to confirm ongoing eligibility, detect cases of fraud, and update council records. The report pack notes that, based on the cost and additional income received in 2023/24, the council could see a return of £510,000. The meeting was also scheduled to discuss whether to allocate £265,000 for an Empty Homes Review to identify empty properties and bring them back into use. The report explains that repurposing long-term empty properties provides affordable homes to people in need, with the added benefit that those properties will then fall within the scope of the New Homes Bonus, generating further revenue for the council.
Organisational Design Programme funding for Phase 2
The Organisational Design Programme was initiated to implement changes across the whole leadership community, with a focus on strategic collective corporate responsibilities. The initial phase of the programme delivered changes to leadership structures and role profiles for Chief Officers and impacted leadership roles. The second phase of this programme, scheduled to be discussed in this item, will focus on Heads of Service and Service Managers. The meeting was scheduled to include discussion of the approval of £132,000 to fund this phase of the programme.
Approval of additional funds for Digital and IT projects
It was scheduled to be decided at the meeting whether to approve a budget allocation of £22,500 to cover overspends on four Digital and IT projects:
- Grants Management system project,
- Registrar’s Diary Management system project,
- Learning Management system project, and
- Digital Cemeteries project. The overspends were due to issues discovered during testing that necessitated additional configuration work, delays, and extended discussions around personal data.
Approve the recruitment of two permanent Appeals and Monitoring officers
The Appeals and Monitoring team are responsible for responding to correspondence related to parking and traffic Penalty Charge Notices, including dealing with debt and enforcement agent queries. The meeting was scheduled to include discussion of the approval of the conversion of two 12-month fixed term contracts to permanent positions. The report pack explains that employing permanent staff has several advantages, including greater job security leading to better quality candidates, a reduction in recruitment costs, reduced error rates, and more efficient case progression.
Brentford High Street and The Ham, Brentford, s106 funding allocation
This item concerned the allocation of £1,698,837 secured through a Section 106 agreement1 with developers in 2014 for public realm improvements on and in the vicinity of Brentford High Street. This money was initially intended for walking and cycling improvements to the High Street, with design and delivery to be conducted by the council, but it has since been decided that these will be delivered as part of the Cycleway 9 project. The meeting was scheduled to include discussion of allocating £450,000 to deliver improvements to The Ham in Brentford, with £425,000 allocated for the footway resurfacing of Brentford High Street, and the remaining £823,837 allocated to a new project titled 'Cycleway 9 (west)'.
Section 106 agreements are legal agreements between local authorities and developers, and are often negotiated as part of the planning permission process. Developers may be required to contribute to infrastructure and community projects if their proposed development will put a strain on local services and infrastructure.
Outcome to the Hounslow West Controlled Parking Zone Review
Following a petition from residents of Bath Road, a consultation was undertaken on the Hounslow West Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) to understand the level of support for changes to its operational days and times. The meeting was scheduled to include discussion on the outcome of this consultation. The report pack explains that of the 1667 letters sent to properties in the area, only 43 valid responses were received. It was also scheduled to be discussed that, of the 17 signatories of the petition, only 3 responded to the consultation, and they expressed their support for changing the HW CPZ times, and days, so that the zone operates seven days a week up until 11pm
. A petition was also received during the consultation period from businesses located on Bath Road, requesting that the council increase the operating times of the Pay and Display bays in the area. The report recommended that no changes be made to the operational hours of the CPZ at this time. However, the council was scheduled to decide whether to undertake an informal consultation with the businesses who occupy 334 to 388 Bath Road to assess the level of support for an extension to the operating times of the Pay and Display bays.
Newlands Close, Southall 'area' Proposed Controlled Parking Zone - Results of Informal (Preliminary) Consultation
The report pack noted that a petition was submitted in 2019 requesting parking controls on Newlands Close in Southall. A consultation was carried out from 15 January 2024 to 29 February 2024, with letters sent to 1,258 properties in the area. This item was scheduled to include discussion of the results of this consultation, with a recommendation that the CPZ proposals be withdrawn due to the low level of support from residents, as expressed in the consultation responses. During the consultation period, two petitions were received; one signed by 125 residents of Holly Farm Road, Kings Arbour, North Hyde Lane, Prestwick Close, Ringway and Shannon Close, and one signed by 193 residents of Wentworth Road, both opposing the introduction of a CPZ in the area.
Finance for the Future project - agreeing funding for the procurement of interim project support
The council was scheduled to decide whether to approve the allocation of £300,000 from the Performance Improvement Fund earmarked reserve to fund two interim Finance professionals for a period of up to 12 months. The report explains that the Finance for the Future project will deliver improvements to financial processes, controls, and systems.
Resolution of 'Waiting Restriction' Statutory Consultation Objection
The meeting was scheduled to include discussion of whether or not to introduce ‘at any time’ double yellow line waiting restrictions on Barnes Avenue, Court Road, Ditton Road and Penbury Road in Southall. The meeting was scheduled to include discussion of an objection that was received during the statutory consultation which stated that the existing give way and entry lines
and the width of the roads were sufficient to ensure lines of sight were not obstructed by vehicles. The report explained that despite an acknowledgement that the junctions are wide, the presence of vehicles limits visibility and creates obstructions for other highway users, including pedestrians. It was recommended that the double yellow lines be introduced.
Resourcing of Contact centre system review
It was scheduled to be decided at the meeting whether to approve a budget of £34,000 to fund a review of the council's contact centre system. The report explains that this review will explore alternative suppliers to reduce the cost of the service. It notes that the current cloud-based telephone system has increased in cost over its anticipated annual spend, due to more licences being required than was originally specified.
- Agenda frontsheet Wednesday 31-Jul-2024 12.00 Chief Officer Delegated Decisions agenda
- Public reports pack Wednesday 31-Jul-2024 12.00 Chief Officer Delegated Decisions reports pack
- Resources for management of Homes for Ukraine and Asylum Seeker provision
- Appendix 1 Resources for management of Homes for Ukraine and Asylum Seeker provision
- Community Led Schemes programme update and budget realignment_v1
- Appendix A for Community Led Schemes programme update and budget realignment
- Deed of Grant for Underground Electric Lines at Spinney Drive
- Appendix B for Community Led Schemes programme update and budget realignment_v1
- Appendix C for Community Led Schemes programme update and budget realignment_v4
- 2024 - Digital and IT revenue funded project work 202324 COD_v3
- 2024 - Digital Network Replacement phase 1 in Hounslow House_v1
- Saxon Avenue no waiting no entry and one-way working Traffic Management Order_v1
- Appendix A
- Request for funding for special projects - Council Tax and Business Rates
- Funding for Organisational Design Programme Phase 2_v1
- Approval of additional funds for projects_v1
- Approve the recruitment of two permanent fixed term Appeals and Monitoring officers._v3 other
- Brentford High Street and The Ham Brentford s106 funding allocation_v1 other
- Outcome to the Hounslow West Controlled Parking Zone Review
- Appendix 1 for Outcome to the Hounslow West Controlled Parking Zone Review
- Appendix 2 for Outcome to the Hounslow West Controlled Parking Zone Review
- Appendix 3 for Outcome to the Hounslow West Controlled Parking Zone Review
- Appendix 4 for Outcome to the Hounslow West Controlled Parking Zone Review
- Newlands Close Southall area Proposed Controlled Parking Zone - Results of Informal Preliminary_v1
- Appendix A for Newlands Close Southall area Proposed Controlled Parking Zone - Results of Infor
- Appendix B for Newlands Close Southall area Proposed Controlled Parking Zone - Results of Infor
- Finance for the Future project agreeing funding for the procurement of interim project support
- Resolution of Waiting Restriction Statutory Consultation Objections_v1
- Appendix A - Court Road Southall Proposed Waiting Restrictions
- 2024 - Resourcing of Contact centre system review COD_v1