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Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission - Tuesday 30th July 2024 7.00 p.m.
July 30, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting of the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission was scheduled to include updates from the Newham Place Partnership on how they have been managing their finances, and to consider their plans to prepare for future population growth. The Commission was also scheduled to consider a report on leisure activities in Newham, and to consider its future work plan.
Meeting Newham's Future Needs
The Commission was scheduled to consider a report titled Newham Population Growth Project,
which described how the Newham Place-Based Partnership planned to prepare for the challenges associated with the significant population growth that is forecast for the borough.
The report set out the case for change, noting that Newham's population is projected to grow faster than any other London Borough over the next 10 years.
over the next 10 years Newham is projected to have the highest level of growth across all London boroughs. The report identified that demographic changes, and particularly the increasing proportion of older people, are likely to lead to a significant increase in demand for care. As demonstrated by the right chart, which demonstrates the projected population split by age band, and the table, which sets out the population growth and 10-year growth rate by age bands, the number of over 60s is expected to nearly double. In particular the report suggested that the number of acute hospital beds, GPs and mental health beds may need to increase significantly if the demands of the growing and ageing population are to be met. Utilising the activity projections for acute services, the number of required acute beds for Newham’s population is expected to increase by 170 (from 535). The number of GPs is expected to increase by 677 (from 1,671). And the number of mental health beds is expected to increase by 58 (from 154). To address these challenges, the report proposed the development of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams, which would work to widen access to care, augment current services, link up fragmented pathways and implement new service interventions.
Standing Item - Update on Emerging Matters
The committee was scheduled to receive a verbal update on the work of the Newham Place Partnership, and in particular on their finances. The report identified that they had been able to secure significant new funding from the Integrated Care Board to mitigate the impact of health inequalities in Newham, and to help pay for the costs of discharging people from hospital into social care. The report identified that they were seeking further funding to support children and young people with special educational needs and disability (SEND)
A particular area of focus has been our NHS investment in SEND (0-25) for which a NEL wide business case is in train. The report also noted that the Partnership had identified areas where it could make savings, by reducing funding for pulmonary rehabilitation, adult autism diagnosis and continence services.
Leisure in Newham
The Commission was scheduled to consider a report on how Newham Council and its partners are addressing low levels of physical activity in the borough.
Scrutiny Commission Work Plan
The Commission was scheduled to consider its draft work plan for 2024-25.

- work plan
- SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDA 30th-Jul-2024 19.00 Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission agenda
- March 14 mins other
- Scrutiny Update Leisure Service 30.07.24 Final other
- HASCSCworkplan2024_25
- Agenda frontsheet 30th-Jul-2024 19.00 Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission agenda
- Public reports pack 30th-Jul-2024 19.00 Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission reports pack
- 30 July scrutiny finance
- 30 July Scrutiny pop growth