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Housing and Regeneration Policy and Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 31st July, 2024 6.30 pm, NEW
July 31, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Housing and Regeneration Policy and Scrutiny Committee met to discuss the proposed approach to Westminster’s Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, and to consider the latest quarterly update on the Oxford Street Programme. The Committee was also scheduled to review and approve its work programme for the coming year.
Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
The Committee was scheduled to receive a report on the proposed approach to Westminster’s Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy. The report notes that
Responding to the increasing demand of those in housing need is a challenge faced by local authorities across the country. London Councils has reported that one in 50 Londoners is currently homeless.
The report included for discussion an overview of the proposed strategy and included information on:
- The scope and rationale of the Strategy
- Options in creating a new Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
- The approach to the consultation and engagement programme.
- Initial feedback from residents and stakeholders
- Timetable and implementation of the new Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
Work Programme
The Committee was scheduled to review and approve the 2024/2025 Work Programme. The report asked the Committee to discuss and propose new topics of interest for the work programme.
Oxford Street Programme
The Committee was scheduled to consider a report on the latest quarterly update for the Oxford Street Programme.
The report noted that:
Following local elections in May 2022 the decision was made by the administration to focus council funding on improvements required for Oxford Street itself, along with selected side streets.
The report explained that the Council has a three-stage process for the design of highway and public space projects before moving to construction. It explained that the Oxford Street project completed Stage 2 (initial) design in March 2024 and that Stage 3 (detailed) design will start at the end of July.
The report also provided an update on the enabling highways schemes that are planned around Oxford Street, detailing what they are, why they are needed and how they will be constructed. The report set out that enabling highway scheme construction has commenced in the Marylebone/Fitzrovia project area on Wigmore Street and Mortimer Street in March 2024.
The report also explained that:
- Three consultations have been planned on proposed changes for three areas in the programme area, including on Balderton Street, Great Titchfield Street and on Rathbone/Hanway Street.
- The total approved OSP capital expenditure budget is £148.625m.
- Construction is planned to commence on Oxford Street in Q4 2024/25.
The Committee was asked to consider:
- The progression of the Oxford Street and Oxford Circus projects along with the development of enabling highways and complementary schemes.
- The forward plan for spend for 2024/2025 financial year.

- PDF - Chair Approved Minutes HR 04.03.24 other
- Agenda frontsheet 31st-Jul-2024 18.30 Housing and Regeneration Policy and Scrutiny Committee agenda
- HR Committee Tracker Live
- HR Work Programme Report 31.07.24 other
- Public reports pack 31st-Jul-2024 18.30 Housing and Regeneration Policy and Scrutiny Committee reports pack
- HR Committee Work Programme July 24-25 other
- HR Terms of Reference
- HRSS Policy and Scrutiny Committee Report 31.07.24 other
- Appendix A Homelessness Review Draft Summary
- Oxford Street Programme PS Report July 24 other