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Licensing Sub-Committee (3) - Thursday 1st August, 2024 10.00 am

August 1, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The Licensing Sub-Committee (3) met on 1 August 2024 and granted a new premises licence for W10 Coffee and Deli and noted that an application for a shadow licence for 5 Goslett Yard had already been granted under delegated authority.

W10 Coffee and Deli, 427-429 Harrow Road, London, W10 4RE

The Sub-Committee considered an application for a new premises licence for W10 Coffee and Deli at 427-429 Harrow Road.

The applicant, Mrs Daria Kriventsova, representing The Family Club Ltd, sought permission to sell alcohol for consumption on and off the premises between midday and 8pm every day. The applicant argued that this would not have a negative impact on the area, as a nearby shop already had a licence to sell alcohol until 11pm. The applicant told the Sub-Committee that she wished to offer customers a small, curated wine list, with bottles starting from £20. She also suggested that the café's presence had already reduced anti-social behaviour in the area. She argued:

Our clientele brings peace into the area and usually you do not see any anti- social behaviour during our opening hours. All public drinking happens only after we close and these people buy their drinks in the corner shop.

The Sub-Committee also heard from Ms Kudzaishe Mondhlani, representing the Environmental Health Service (EHS), who explained that the EHS had initially objected to the application due to objections from seven residents but were happy to withdraw their objection.

The Sub-Committee ultimately decided to grant the application, attaching 31 conditions to the licence. In their decision, the Sub-Committee accepted the arguments made by the applicant that the café would not contribute to anti-social behaviour in the area.

5 Goslett Yard, London, WC2H 0EA

The Sub-Committee noted that an application for a new premises licence for 5 Goslett Yard had been granted under delegated authority after the applicant, Lothbury Property Trust Company Limited, agreed to attach a condition preventing it from operating while another premises licence for the location remained in force.

This application was considered following representations from The Soho Society, who objected to the granting of the licence on the grounds that it would contribute to crime and disorder in the area. The Society provided written evidence in support of their claim, noting that Westminster Council's own data demonstrated the extremely high levels of crime and disorder in the area. The Society quoted the Council's own statement, made in the context of their Cumulative Impact Assessment 2023 for the Soho area, which found in its evidence review that:

the number of licensed premises is a significant factor in the generation of Noise Complaints.

Ultimately, the Licensing Authority withdrew its objection to the application, and it was granted under delegated authority.