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Planning Committee - Wednesday, 22nd May, 2024 6.30 pm

May 22, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The meeting covered several key topics, including planning applications, updates on government and local planning policies, and the determination of planning appeals. The most significant discussion was around a planning application for nine dwellings in Scampton, which led to a decision to conduct a site visit.

Planning Application for Nine Dwellings in Scampton

The main item discussed was a planning application (147639) for the erection of nine dwellings on land off Northumberland Avenue and Westmoreland Avenue, Scampton. The application was an outline application with all matters reserved except for access.

Objections and Concerns

  • Scampton Parish Council: Chris Boutil, Chairman of Scampton Parish Council, objected to the development, citing conflicts with the West Lindsey District Council plan and the preservation of green spaces. He also raised concerns about insufficient infrastructure, including access roads and the impact on existing community facilities.
  • Local Residents: Jadie Jackson, a local resident, expanded on these points, highlighting issues with the design of the proposed homes, traffic congestion, and the strain on local amenities such as schools and medical practices. She also mentioned the ecological impact, including the potential loss of mature trees and habitats for protected species like bats and red kites.
  • Ward Member: Councillor Paterson echoed these concerns, emphasizing the lack of need for additional housing given the recent refurbishment of 63 homes on the site and the poor condition of local infrastructure.

Officer Comments

  • Planning Policy: The planning officer clarified that the proposal falls under minor development and is therefore subject to different policies than major developments. The officer also noted that the ecological impact assessment had been conducted and conditions were in place to protect wildlife.
  • Highways and Infrastructure: Concerns about the condition of roads and the impact of construction traffic were discussed. The officer confirmed that the main road off the A15 is not an adopted highway but stated that the impact on highway safety was considered acceptable.


Councillor Fleetwood proposed a site visit to better understand the location and its challenges, which was seconded by Councillor Smith. The proposal for a site visit was unanimously approved.

Update on Government and Local Changes in Planning Policy

The planning officer provided an update on changes to planning policy, specifically the expansion of Class Q development rights. Agricultural buildings can now be converted to up to 10 dwellings without requiring full planning permission, except in protected areas like the Lincolnshire Wolds AONB1.

Applications for Determination

16 Silver Street, Gainsborough

A planning application (148059) for the conversion of a building at 16 Silver Street, Gainsborough into three flats was discussed. The proposal included two car parking spaces and minor changes to the building's exterior.

  • Discussion: Councillor Fleetwood supported the application, highlighting the benefits of town centre living. Councillor Bunny and Councillor Barrett also expressed support, noting the positive impact on the area.
  • Decision: The application was approved unanimously.

Determination of Planning Appeals

The report on the determination of planning appeals was noted without further discussion.

  1. AONB stands for Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.